
一般分类 => 站务讨论 => 主题发帖人为: TombCrow 于 2007 二月 21, 23:56:34

标题: Viewing TRA demo
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 21, 23:56:34
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 22, 20:23:34
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 22, 20:27:46
我正在译的那篇绝对是精品。 :cat: 揭示了TR的诞生。 :glasses2:
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 22, 21:05:44
译完了放新闻,然后和上次那篇整合一下放wiki~~~ :hello2: :blob8: :blob8:
标题: 搞定了~~
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 24, 11:57:51
In the beginning....

A lot can happen in 10 years, and believe me it really did.  The Tomb Raider series went from strength to strength starting out as a series of games which later developed into two smash hit movies starring Angelina Jolie as the character we had grown to love.  But how did it all begin?  Well, the answer begins here, in 1998 when a small Derby based design company by the name of Core Design was first assembled by Mr. Jeremy Heath Smith.
10年的时间里可以发生许多事情,相信我,这10年确实发生了许多。《古墓丽影》系列不断地壮大,从一个游戏系列发家,之后又衍生出了两部极其走红的电影——由安吉丽娜·茱丽主演我们所深爱着的那个角色。但这一切是如何开始的?答案就开始于此,开始于1998年,开始于一个最初由Jeremy Heath Smith组建而成,发源于英国德贝郡的设计公司——名为Core Design。

The company focused on quality over quantity, slowly expanding their personnel and output of titles as the years passed.  Core's first game was seen in 1989.  It was a 2D adventure game with a male lead "Rick Dangerous".  Rick was an archaeologist who explored the deadly tombs of a Mayan Temple.  Battling with baddies to win the prize artefact... Sound familiar?
这家公司倡导品质至上,产量其次的理念,年复一年,他们逐渐地扩展了他们的员工以及出版产品的数量。Core的第一个游戏诞生于1989年。那是个2D的冒险类游戏,里头有个名叫"Rick Dangerous"的男主人公。Rick是个挖掘玛雅神殿中夺人性命的古墓的考古学家。通过与恶人之间的战争来获取一件珍贵的神器......听起来很熟悉,不是吗?

A few years later with the increase of technology making bigger and better games possible Jeremy called a meeting with his staff upon hearing news of a brand new games console - The Sony Playstation.  The team sat down and started thinking of possible games that could make use of this "miracle machine".  Toby Gard was one of the employees with a suggestion... A game called Tomb Raider was what he wanted to see on this new console.  Gard had produced drawings of what he felt the game should look like, he explains how some of the other employees thought he was a bit crazy, however that's where the phenomenon known as Tomb Raider started.
几年过后,技术的发展使得制作更大、更好的游戏成为了可能,Jeremy召集他的员工们收听了一则有关一个全新游戏平台——索尼Playstation——的新闻。员工们开始坐下来思考,什么样的游戏能够充分发挥这台"神奇机器"的作用。托比·加德(Toby Gard)便是当时的一名员工,他提出了一个建议......面对这款全新的游戏机,他的脑中诞生了一个名为"古墓丽影"的游戏。加德用入画将他感觉中的游戏画了出来,他也提到过当初有些其他的员工觉得他有点疯狂,然而在"古墓丽影"开发之初,这就是一种不足为奇的现象。

"Toby stood up and said I've got this idea about doing a game based on pyramids", Says Jeremy Heath-Smith.  "I've always wanted to do a game based around pyramids to.  For some reason I really fancied this idea about pyramids with a Pharaoh, and having to go tunnel under the pyramids.  It was just as silly as that.  It didn't have characters, it was more just conceptually let's do a game based on pyramids".
"托比当时就站起来说道'我想要做一个以金字塔为基础的游戏'",Jeremy Heath-Smith说道。"我一直以来就很想做一个与金字塔有关的游戏。因为某种原因,我真地很喜欢法老王的金字塔的创想,当然,游戏最好还能深入金字塔的隧道。我早些时候的想法就是这么的愚蠢无聊。因为那时我没有角色,想让我们做一个关于金字塔的游戏简直就是纸上谈兵"。

1993 arrives and so does Tomb Raider...

Tomb Raider made its way to the drawing board in 1993.  The design brief was for a cinematic adventure with elements of exploration, action and puzzle solving.  All held together with a strong storyline.  Gard decided that he didn't want the series to go down the route of other popular games at the time such as Doom.  After all Tomb Raider isn't a shoot 'em up.  This meant that the view was switched from 1st person to 3rd person allowing the player to see the character and what they do.  Unfortunately the series stumbled at the very first hurdle.  "Although Jeremy liked the idea, there were no programmers that would touch it.  They all thought it was too difficult because at the time no one had done anything like it.  Nobody in the company had done anything 3D.  The whole idea was just terrifying to programmers".  The project then faced another major hurdle... Who was the lead going to be?

Weeks of design work followed, but each design was always too similar to Indiana Jones.  "The male lead was in for a few weeks.  He didn't have a name but as soon as I saw him he got binned" says Jeremy.  Gard started toying with the idea of the lead being a female character.  "It wasn't necessarily going to be a female character, I designed a couple of characters.  One was a girl and the other a bloke.  My argument was always from watching people play Virtual Fighter.  In an all bloke office nearly everyone was playing one of the female characters.  It seemed to me that people were missing something if people weren't making characters female."   
接踵而至的就是几个星期的设计工作,但不论哪一项设计都和《印地安纳琼斯》几乎一个样。"花了几个星期的时间,男主人公出炉了。他并无名无姓,但当我一看到他,就把他给'扔'了"Jeremy说道。于是加德便开始考虑是不是该把游戏主人公打造成一个女性角色。"当初我并没有想一定要把主角做成女性,我设计了一对角色。一个是女生,另一个是小伙子。我们的想法主要源于看别人玩《VR战士》(Virtual Fighter)。在一个全是小伙子的办公室里,几乎所有人都在玩一个女性角色的游戏。这在我看来,如果人们玩的游戏中的角色不是女性,人们就像失去了一些什么似的。"

Toby and Core were taking a huge risk having the lead character of the Tomb Raider series a female one.  It had been considered as commercial suicide.  "There weren't any girls in videogames at all then.  Sure there were a few single women figures but still no games that revolved completely around a heroine" says Jeremy.  Deciding to take the dangerous option the Core team pressed the delete button on the male hero of Tomb Raider and focused on the female role.

How about a name for this feisty lady?

Choosing a name for the soon-to-be cyber heroine was a huge responsibility.  The name has to appeal to the public.  A few names were produced one of which was Laura Cruz.  This was then changed to Lara Cruz as the American fans couldn't pronounce Laura!  "They couldn't get their head around it.  Its the way they pronounce the 'aur'.  It gives you a headache" says Jeremy.  "I didn't like the fact that she was named Cruz because it didn't fit in with making her English" said Gard.  Gard and Smith sat down and went through a phonebook to find the perfect surname for Lara.  I think we all know which surname appealed to them... Croft became the surname of the heroine.  It was quite similar to Cruz and had an English quality to it.
为这位即将诞生的数码巾帼英雄取名字可是一项艰巨的任务。这个名字必须有号召大众的力量。在些许出炉的名字中有一个叫做Laura Cruz。之后这个名字被改成了Lara Cruz,因为美国人不会发Laura这个音!"他们无法理解这个名字。他们发'aur'这个音节的方式听起来很怪。你听到了会觉得头痛"Jeremy说道。"我不喜欢她Cruz的姓氏,因为这个姓不适合她英国人的身份"加德说道。于是加德和Smith坐下来,在一本电话簿里查询最配得上劳拉(Lara)的姓氏。我想我们都知道他们找到的是哪个姓氏吧......克劳馥(Croft)成了这位女英雄的姓氏。这个姓听起来和Cruz很像,而且有一种英国人的味道。

"She was made to be as quintessentially British as possible.  Its generally held that unless you have an American hero you won't be able to sell a game in America.  I thought that by deliberately reversing as many rules as possible, a female, strong but not tarty.  A British not American lead character. and American not British villains, we'd make something that was unusual and fresh" said Gard.     

The look of a heroin

The design process for Lara Croft was a very slow one.  Several months of designing and re-designing still hadn't produced the Lara that we know today.  "I wanted a character who was really spunky, a lot of attitude and very cool in their own right.  I'm the type of person who can't live with characters or designs for very long if I don't feel confident with them.  So she did change a few times.  She went through three distinct designs before I settled on the last one.  She went through a period of wearing slightly more military-looking clothes, but she looked too Nazi-like.  For a while she looked like Neneh Cherry with baggy trousers and crop tops, but before long she found her hot pants and leotard and away we went".   
劳拉·克劳馥的设计过程是十分漫长的。经过几个星期的设计和改进,都未能打造出我们如今所认识的劳拉。"我想要的是一个无所畏惧的人物,拥有自己的做事风格、以及与生俱来的酷劲。我们在她身上也做了几次改变。在她最终成形之前,我们对她进行了3次修改。我们曾给她披上了有点军事化的服装,但她这样子看起来太像纳粹了。后来她的服装又被改成了大筒裤和露脐装,那模样酷似妮娜·雪芮(Neneh Cherry)(译者注:Neneh Cherry的一位瑞典籍的唱作俱佳的嘻哈女歌手,有嘻哈祖师奶之称),但不久之后她就找到了为她量身定做的火辣紧身短裤和紧身连衣裤,此时我们的设计也最终定下了"。

An initial look for Lara was a very 'manga' style design.  "If you look at the very early models of Lara she has a very big head.  Her head is massively out of proportion to the rest of her body.  Toby did this.  He accentuated all her features.  So the initial look was much more of a manga look.  We toned that down because people's tastes change.  Toby would have pushed that manga look all the way, but luckily the Playstation and our technology at the time couldn't do it."

Once Toby sketched Lara in her now trademark outfit he knew he'd found his star.  "The very first drawing of her wearing the famous costume, that was it, I elaborated from there.  There was really no sexuality in the game apart from the fact that she was quite well built, well put together.  I think that all characters need to be visually appealing, whatever it is it has to be something that people will want to look at and find interesting."     

As time went on Toby started to refine the look of the Manga Lara into the character we know today.  Due to restrictions with technology at the time, Lara was not able to sport her ponytail in the game, instead her hair was cut short and tied at the back.  This was fixed in the second game of the series "Tomb Raider 2 : The Dagger of Xian". 
标题: Re: 搞定了~~
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 24, 11:58:48

The perfect packaging...

So the game was made, nearly 3 years after the first proposal for the Tomb Raider series Gard and the rest of the Core Design team had taken bold steps and risked a lot.  Composed music, designed levels, designed characters and a lot more.  Now for the final task of making the game: The packaging and promotional work.
游戏终于完成了,距离关于《古墓丽影》系列的第一个提议将近有3年的时间,在这3年里,加德和Core Design开发团队里的其他成员迈出了大胆的步伐,经历了一次有一次的风险。谱写音乐、设计关卡、设计人物,还有许许多多其他的历程。而现在,制作这款游戏的最后一个任务来临了:包装和促销工作。

  Through out the development of Tomb Raider Core had made a series of extremely high quality images featuring Lara croft (a select few now own copies of these extremely rare high-res images).  They were used to create the front cover to the game.  The design for the cover was an important job.  It has to be aesthetic and say what the game is about in order to sell.

Before the release of Tomb Raider in 1996, a marketing decision was made to add 3 more words to the game's title: Starring Lara Croft.  "I don't know who this was, I'm sure there's about fifteen that want to take credit for it, but someone said we should call the game Tomb Raider : Starring Lara Croft.  I thought, why would anyone want to call it that?  They thought it made it sound bigger and more movie-like.  They forced us into doing it, which is the best thing that could have ever happened.  I think that by creating that 'Starring Lara Croft' you suddenly create a new way of naming videogames.  You can't say it was Eidos that did that, it just happened." said Jeremy.
在1996年《古墓丽影》发行之前,有人决定在游戏标题上添加3个单词:Starring Lara Croft(主演-劳拉·克劳馥)。"我不知道这是谁做的决定,不过我清楚当时大约有十五个人想要把这美名冠到自己头上,但的确有人说道我们应该把游戏叫做《古墓丽影:主演-劳拉·克劳馥》。我便思考,为何他们都想这么叫它?想必他们觉得此举能使它听起来更响亮,更有电影的架势。于是他们便逼着我们这样做,而此举确实产生了画龙点睛的效果。我觉得添上'主演-劳拉·克劳馥'就是给予了一种全新的命名电视游戏的方式。或许你不赞同这是Eidos的创举,但这的确就是这样的。"Jeremy说道。

"We knew two days after the first game was released that we had a mega hit on our hands, because everything went mad, the World went crazy.  Even today I'm still learning of the scale of it."

The box art design for Tomb Raider went through several different stages before they decided on the final one that hit our shelves.  There was even a Pyramid shaped box version of the game!

As the series progressed...

Core Design had hit it big time.  Tomb Raider was one of the best selling games ever.  The second game in the series "Tomb Raider : The Dagger of Xian" is still today the most successful of the series.  Core Design went on to make 5 more Tomb Raider games after their first smash hit back in 1996.  In 2004 Core Design lost the Tomb Raider franchise to American developers Crystal Dynamics.  In 2006 Crystal Dynamics released their first Tomb Raider game aimed at re-kindling the series, its name: "Tomb Raider Legend".   
Core Design将它打造成第一流的游戏。《古墓丽影》是迄今为止销量最好的游戏之一。而该系列的第二代《古墓丽影:西安匕首》至今仍是该系列中最为成功的一代。在1996年的初次流行风波之后,Core Design继续制作了5部《古墓丽影》游戏。2004年,Core Design失去了《古墓丽影》的开发权,权力被移交到了晶体动力(Crystal Dynamics)手中。2006年,晶体动力发布了他们的古墓处女作,这部旨在重新点燃该系列生命的作品名为:"《古墓丽影:传说》"。

How has Lara changed over the years?

Well, despite receiving a few more polygons here and there Lara hadn't really changed an awful lot, that was until 2003.  In 2003 Core design took Lara down a new route focusing on her darker side in their sixth and final title "Tomb Raider : The Angel of Darkness".  The Lara model went from 500 polygons to a staggering 5,000 polygons, this gave Lara a much more realistic appearance.  However some fans didn't like this new dark streak to their hero.
除了身体各部位的多边形有些增加以外,直至2003年之前,劳拉并没有太大的变化。2003年,Core design在他们的第六部,也是最后一部作品《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》中,对劳拉做了全新的转型,本作集中表现出她黑暗的一面。劳拉的模型从500个多边形增加到了令人惊愕的5000个多边形,这给予了劳拉更为真实的相貌。然而,玩家们却并不喜欢他们心目中的英雄转变成这种黑暗的性格。

剩下的一周就把全部精力放在写百科上了,新闻和报道的翻译我管不了了。 :sign18:

PS:这段东西没太多自由发挥啦~~ :tongue3: make one's way to drawing board就是进入筹划之中的意思。
       我已将她放在劳拉页的最顶端了。 :cat:
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 24, 17:11:38
太棒了 :blob8: :blob8:
加图以后我在首页更新一下百科信息 :cat:
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 24, 19:11:56
图加好了。 :cat:
http://www.gmly.info/trwiki/doku.php?id=%E5%8A%B3%E6%8B%89 (http://www.gmly.info/trwiki/doku.php?id=%E5%8A%B3%E6%8B%89)
但是最后一张图总是会延伸到"劳拉简历"里去。 :dontknow:

标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 24, 19:27:59
PS:页面为何上锁15分钟? :dontknow:
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 24, 19:31:49
引用===== 这几年中,劳拉发生了怎样的变化? =====

除了身体各部位的多边形有些增加以外,直至 2003年之前,劳拉并没有太大的变化。2003年,Core design在他们的第六部,也是最后一部作品《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》中,对劳拉做了全新的转型,本作集中表现出她黑暗的一面。劳拉的模型从500个多边形增加到了令人惊愕的5000个多边形,这给予了劳拉更为真实的相貌。然而,玩家们却并不喜欢他们心目中的英雄转变成这种黑暗的性格。

标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 24, 19:39:57
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 24, 19:43:53
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 24, 19:45:07
引用自: TombCrow 于 2007 二月 24, 19:43:53
标题: Re: Viewing TRA demo
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 24, 19:47:29