
自制关卡 => 古墓丽影关卡空间 => 关卡更新 => 主题发帖人为: maxchen 于 2008 十二月 09, 09:17:16

标题: LB Advent - Chapel in the Mountains
作者: maxchen2008 十二月 09, 09:17:16

下载地址:        LEVELBASE下载                  关卡空间下载 

[img]http://gmly.info/w/images/uploads/resourse/images/news/33.jpg" />

故事概要:The altar in the snowy village has almost been completed. Only the golden cross is still missing. It was passed on to a small chapel long time ago. But during a big thunderstorm this chapel was struck by lightning so that the roof went up in flames. 

As the chapel had been scarcely visited because of its location in the mountains, the money for its restauration was saved and the building was left to its fate.l. 

Today no-one knows where the cross is. But people say that the parish priest hid it in the catacombs of the chapel....

This download packet contains the file "Bergland.tr4". This file must be copied into the "data" folder of "Lara's Magical Christmas Adventures". Start "Chapel in the Mountains" from the savegame of the previous level.