
自制关卡 => 古墓丽影关卡空间 => 关卡更新 => 主题发帖人为: maxchen 于 2008 十二月 01, 13:19:26

标题: LB Advent - The Village
作者: maxchen2008 十二月 01, 13:19:26

下载地址:                LEVELBASE下载                   关卡空间下载


In a festively decorated village there is a church with a wonderful altar.

But unfortunately three altarpieces have been torn out. Even the altar cross has been removed.

Come with Lara and explore the snowy place and look for the first altar piece which is still anywhere in the village...

Finding and putting it into the altar will take Lara to a magical book which shows her where to go to get the second altar piece...

 (Turn "Volumetric FX" on in the setup of TRLE).

In this download packet there is the level "The Village" (colmar.tr4) and all the files that are needed to play all the levels of "Lara's Magical Christmas Adventure". Therefore it is necessary to keep this main folder to be able to play the following levels.

Please save your game at the end of this level - before Lara starts reading in the magical book. Later you can use this savegame to start the next level.
