
古墓丽影 => 古墓丽影1~6代 => 主题发帖人为: TombCrow 于 2004 九月 24, 21:48:38

标题: JACK!
作者: TombCrow2004 九月 24, 21:48:38
TR3 editing with Jack! the (TR texture) Ripper

To create some of my TombRaider altered game levels,
I use 4 different programs. Since there IS NO TombRaider level editor
actually, there are two now(this being written a yr. before Turbo\'s TReditor,
2 years before theirs. Get TR level building tools for TombRaider/TR2/TR3
and all of these 3 games \"expansion levels\" at:
* TR Worlds *
it\'s just NOT one of those projects for the impatient..

the TR3 files need to be on your hard drive...


Here\'s what you need:
# 1: The full version TR3 CD-ROM... to copy the level files from;
onto your hard drive \"data\" folder...

# 2: Jack! the (TR texture) Ripper; to extract level .bmps,
to import or export level .bmps and to finally save
the desired .bmp into the TR3 level file...
# 3: A fairly decent graphics program such as Paint Shop Pro,
Adobe PhotoShop,or even MS Paint.

# 4: The Game Engine.In this case(TR3), it\'s called....
the \"NoCDtomb3.exe\" patch; it\'s available at *TR Worlds*

download the TR3crack
it uses the \"Jungle.tr\" level to run it\'s games.

or, the \"TR3 Pacifica Demo\". You can get this at //www.tombraider.com
it uses the \"shore.tr2\" level to run it\'s games

Either will run your altered game level files after you\'re done painting


program setup...

Ok, so you have all of the above programs now,
install the TR3 Pacifica Demo and make sure that it\'s running right.
the beauty of painting and testing w/ this Pacifica demo IS...
when you hit ---\"alt + F4 \" buttons...Boom! you\'re out of the game &
back to your Paint or Jack! program.(Fast like!)

ok, stay w/ me now; say that you want to do a new level of \"Nevada.tr2\" level file..
the smartest thang to do would be to just plain Copy the complete Pacifica Demo &
rename this copy \"Nevada\"...clever, No?

move the \"Nevada.tr2\" game level file into this demo\'s \"data\" folder &
re-name this file \"shore.tr2\"...now this demo will play the Nevada level
double clever, no?...this is how U keep your ...guano straight

Now you\'re ready to paint
all of the room wall,floor,ceiling textures are at the top

usually, they\'re 64 X 64 pixels. if you have a paint program
that allows you to \"set the selection tool\" to a specified size;
set it to 64 X 64 pixels. then you can paint or \"paste over\" a
texture without wiping out the \"neighbors\". remember:
every TR level map .bmp is different;TombRaider has more texture
panels in 1 level than the whole entire Quake game has in it(period)

Ok, let\'s get started:
I\'d set up my \"Nevada folder\" like the pic;w/ a copy of the
Nevada level re-named \"shore.tr2\" in the data folder and a copy
before the \"data\" folder.Why this copy here?

Because of the way the Jack program works, example:
Using Jack! , you cannot open up the \"Nevada.tr2\" file,import
your new painted .bmp into it and then save this in the same location.
Insted, it has to be saved to a different folder.That\'s why
I always open up this \"earlier\" .tr2 file first,import my picture into it
and then save this as the \"shore.tr2\" file in the \"data\" directory.
Weird, but that\'s how it works on my machine...
(I\'ll not waste time wondering Why...)

\" The dreaded...\"Dateizugriff verweigert\" error !
Even this phrase sounds creepy.You\'ll get this error
in Jack! if you try to open a tr2. file that still has it\'s
\"property attributes\" set to \"read only\"...right click on
the offending file to bring up it\'s properties;un-check
\"read only\", then save...see pic...  


Patience! Patience!  Because of the large file sizes of .tr2 levels,don\'t forget to give
them enough time to \"save\".A common complaint: \"I saved my file & then
it wouldn\'t play;just regular TR3 \"...
Try it again,give it about 15-20 seconds to fully \"save\" itself...
At first I had trouble with \"rushing things\" like this...


A good idea will last forever...

Toby & crew brought us the Adventuress
DaVinci brought us the \"camera\" before it was possible...
(I should have been one of Leon\'s drinking buddies)

We are all very small...
practice your brilliance; it\'ll open doors 4U
there\'s a great idea just around the corner;you\'ll see..


Any dieHard TombRaider hackers, level freakin\'/texture mappin\'
Jack! the Ripping ....fellow TombRaider nuts please email the:* Vagrant *
ideas,projectx and questions are always welcome....

标题: RE:JACK!
作者: yew2005 二月 05, 16:06:20
标题: %a%RE:JACK!
作者: yew2005 二月 05, 16:07:46
标题: RE:JACK!
作者: rainbow2005 二月 05, 17:03:27
标题: 古墓2代 黄金版的问题?///
作者: liy7292004 十月 06, 11:33:32
前几天在站长那里下了 古墓2代黄金版  下的是硬盘安装版

可以安装好后双击图标 提示让放入光盘  ?????奇怪啊 硬盘版的

还要光盘吗? 我得操作系统是xp  ??那位知道解决的办法啊 谢谢了!!!

标题: RE:古墓2代 黄金版的问题?///
作者: 劳拉19982004 十月 06, 11:46:16
我是在风梦秋那里下载的,没有提示让放入光盘  。
标题: %a%RE:古墓2代 黄金版的问题?///
作者: rainbow2004 十月 06, 14:31:08
标题: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 04, 08:46:23
想快速通关,先准备好4个手雷。 :dontknow:看过动画进入战场,在他还在补血台还没下来的时候,在他跳下来的地方把手雷全扔了 ,这时他的血就剩下一点点了 :glasses2:,趁他还没起来解决了他吧 :hello2: :hello2:

标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: ilovelctr2006 八月 04, 10:10:50
引用自: 怪狼 于 2006 八月 04, 08:46:23
想快速通关,先准备好4个手雷。 :dontknow:看过动画进入战场,在他还在补血台还没下来的时候,在他跳下来的地方把手雷全扔了 ,这时他的血就剩下一点点了 :glasses2:,趁他还没起来解决了他吧 :hello2: :hello2:

1.变态; :bs:
2.帮我用的差不多. :laughing11:


PS2:现在觉得自己玩古墓7越玩越变态了, :crybaby2:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 04, 10:24:20
还有一个方法打戴墨镜的  :icon_cyclops_ani:,先把他逼上补血台,等他的生命补满了以后,再拿手枪打他,他又会跳上补血台 :dontknow:,在他跳上台子的过程中,站在战场中间,拿手枪狠狠地打他,(必须是手枪)他就不会补血了,就会跳到另一个台子上。就酱紫的弄他,等他死在台子上吧 :hello2:

标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: ilovelctr2006 八月 06, 18:47:42
引用自: 怪狼 于 2006 八月 04, 10:24:20
还有一个方法打戴墨镜的  :icon_cyclops_ani:,先把他逼上补血台,等他的生命补满了以后,再拿手枪打他,他又会跳上补血台 :dontknow:,在他跳上台子的过程中,站在战场中间,拿手枪狠狠地打他,(必须是手枪)他就不会补血了,就会跳到另一个台子上。就酱紫的弄他,等他死在台子上吧 :hello2:

更变态了~~ :bs: :laughing11: :hello2:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: TombCrow2006 八月 06, 18:49:47
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: ilovelctr2006 八月 06, 19:39:39
引用自: TombCrow 于 2006 八月 06, 18:49:47
乌鸦是滑头不起来的! :glasses2:
恩!!~~ :thumbsup:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 07, 09:11:32
第三个方法也可以是拿枪打他,逼他上台, :blob8:然后再打他和第一次打的一样的血,他就会往外跑,而不是去补血了 :angel5:,持续下去,他就会死在台子上了 :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 07, 20:21:15
还有第四个办法 :violent5:,那就是干脆先把四个台子全打了,不停的按e键踢他,他就老防,咱们就老打,看他死吧 :crybaby2:

第五个办法,先把四个台子全打了,再绕着圈子(不停的绕)打他,保证lara毫发未损 :thumbsup:

P.S:打这个家伙不能按F踢飞他,不能按Q勾他,不能在他跟前按跳然后再慢动作打他,不能按空格+e键踢他 :sleepy2:用的话.........
p.s2:我讲得着几个办法都好用,回去试试吧~~~~~~~~~汗 :hello2: :hello2:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: TombCrow2006 八月 07, 20:50:49
LS真是整人高手!把拉特兰整得...... :icon_silent:
当初我被拉特兰整得 :crybaby2: :crybaby2:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: typhoon_wolf2006 八月 07, 22:57:02
那家伙做经典的"Damm you Lara" :sign13:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: MR.LARA2006 八月 08, 14:16:37
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 08, 16:57:32
我有一次就是这么弄死他的.......可是这个BUG很难遇到,所以我就用别的办法打他咯 :laughing11:

干死他————→ :glasses2:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 08, 20:07:37
还有第六个法 :love10:,那就是一直按住Shift,然后再打拉特兰,就会受很小的伤。本狼就是靠这个法子毫发未损的赢了。。。


标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: TombCrow2006 八月 08, 20:33:08
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: ilovelctr2006 八月 08, 21:12:31
引用自: TombCrow 于 2006 八月 08, 20:33:08
1.楼主是一条很怪的狼~~ :toothy10:
2.拉特兰他人呆,没办法! :bs:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: quanquan2006 八月 08, 21:14:11
我在打日本老头的时候出了个bug,在他侧面2个柱子的距离时他竟然看不到我在那傻站着。。。然后我就扔了4个雷。。。然后终于过了time trial。
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: ilovelctr2006 八月 08, 21:21:15
引用自: quanquan 于 2006 八月 08, 21:14:11
我在打日本老头的时候出了个bug,在他侧面2个柱子的距离时他竟然看不到我在那傻站着。。。然后我就扔了4个雷。。。然后终于过了time trial。
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 09, 08:12:38
其实本狼每关boss都要打上几百次几千次,来发现对付他们的好办法 :bs:

在给大家介绍大最后一关boss的方法 :hello2:她出来的时候躲在上面有骷髅的墙的后面,再打那个傻子,那个傻子就不动了 :blob8:

标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 10, 10:28:58
p.s:第六个法子适合仍手雷,只要一扔,拉特兰就傻站着不动了 :hello2:此法只能适用手枪打他,用手枪打他,他追过来了,可是追到lara跟前,又回头看下台子,所以他就达不着lara了。所以在四个台子毁灭之前用最好这个法子。用机枪效果不明显。还有看到拉特兰横着小跑,那就是要扔手雷了,用第六个法子吧! :hello2:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: tofuro2006 八月 12, 22:54:27
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 风帝怪狼2006 八月 22, 19:37:38
第七:站在中间,只要保持射击目标在lara的视线之中(红色的圈),他就不会恢复生命了.......... :toothy10:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: 瞳瞳2006 九月 07, 07:05:06
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: huangyw2006 十一月 07, 16:03:02
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: wbsl2007 十一月 28, 10:29:18
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: Tomb Raider2007 十一月 28, 22:09:03
楼上在拔坟啊!06年8月的帖子照顶不误 :thumbsup:
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: wbsl2007 十一月 29, 15:24:23
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: Jerry·C2007 十二月 01, 19:13:29
新手加挖墓高手。                                            ——Jerry·C
标题: Re: 迅速打完第四关的关底的方法
作者: TombCrow2007 十二月 02, 06:22:39
引用自: wbsl 于 2007 十一月 28, 10:29:18
已加入百科,多谢提供 :cat: