[TRANSLATION]Lara's Models' Information(翻译提交处)

作者 ilovelctr, 2006 九月 13, 20:48:39

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这张帖子是用来翻译TC交给我的模特资料的(相当地多啊! :crybaby2: )。
以后,一旦有空,小 i 呢会慢慢把译好的内容都贴在这里的。恩...... :cat:
因为要上学咯,所以不会很有空了。 :crybaby2:
提前谢谢了......呃...... :icon_silent: :hello2:






引用自: TombCrow 于 2006 九月 13, 21:44:35

朋友们都看见了哦~~ :hello2:


所以就先留给各路已经答应了的高手啦! :hello2:
引用to fill the shoes of one of Hollywoods' biggest stars(第一段里的一句话)
I wonder who is the big star referred to in this sentence. :dontknow:
The model in AOD perhaps? :icon_scratch:



LARA CROFT的模特——卡里玛·阿德比伯

The international face of action hero Lara Croft has today been revealed as an unknown 20 year old model from Bethnal Green, London. Karima Adebibe, is set to be catapulted into the world of superstardom after being cast from thousands of hopefuls in an international search to fill the shoes of one of Hollywoods' biggest stars.
劳拉·克劳馥的国际化代言身份已于今日揭晓,她是一位来自伦敦Bethnal Green地区的还不为大家所熟悉的20岁模特。卡里玛·阿德比伯是在一个全世界范围内,旨在于寻找一位接替好莱坞一线红星的大型选秀中,从成千上万的候选人中脱颖而出的。现在她被定位在向世界级巨星头衔进发的模特。

Karima, a self confessed tomboy and Top Shop sales assistant, will need all her reserves of energy for the adventures that lie ahead in one of entertainment's most challenging acting and modelling roles.
卡里玛,一个自曝的假小子,也是一名Top Shop销售助理,将会在娱乐公司准备好的相当有挑战性的演出和模特工作中不遗余力地展开一番冒险之旅。

Starting immediately she will embark on a gruelling training programme which includes an SAS survival, combat and semi automatic weapon firing course in Eastern Europe and a crash course in world archaeology, deportment, elocution and etiquette lessons in order to portray Lady Lara Croft, the 11th generation Countess, archaeologist and action hero.

Once completely trained in the ways of video gaming's leading lady, Karima will be lining up a host of international modelling assignments, starring in TV commercials, appearing on chat shows and is set to be travelling the globe for the next two years.

"This is an incredible opportunity for me and one which I plan to grasp with both hands" said Karima. "It's a huge challenge to follow in the footsteps of people like Nell McAndrew and Angelina Jolie, but life is all about challenges and this is perhaps the biggest one for a model and actress."
"这对我来说是一个不可思议机遇,我要伸出双手来把握它" 卡里玛说。"跟随像内尔·麦克安德鲁(Nell McAndrew)和安吉丽娜·朱利(Angelina Jolie)这样的大人物的脚步是一个极大的挑战,但人生就是充满挑战的,而这样的挑战对一个模特或女演员而言可能是最大的一个。"

"Karima has all the assets needed to accurately portray the world's favourite female action hero" said Matt Gorman, Brand Controller for Tomb Raider. "Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legend sees Lara at the very height of her powers this makes Karima the 7th and most important Lara Croft yet."
"卡里玛具备所有需要用来刻画出这位最受全世界欢迎的动作女英雄的资本"《古墓丽影》的品牌所有者 Matt Gorman说道。"《劳拉·克劳馥 古墓丽影:传说》是从相当可观的高度来考验Lara的力量的、这也使得卡里玛成为了第7位也是目前最具影响力的Lara Croft。"

Already tipped as 'the blockbuster video game for 2006' this will be the seventh game of English publisher Eidos' hit series and sees Lara Croft return to her tombraiding roots. Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, Tomb Raider is one of the best selling videogames of all time. Lara Croft has transcended games, entertainment and technology into action figures, comic books, adventure novels, and two major motion pictures.

Karima follows in the footsteps of previous Lara Croft stars, Lucy Clarkson, Rhona Mitra, Nell McAndrew, Vanessa Demouy, Lara Weller and of course Angelina Jolie in the Tomb Raider movies.
继之前的那些劳拉·克劳馥之星,Lucy Clarkson, Rhona Mitra, Nell McAndrew, Vanessa Demouy, Lara Weller,当然还有《古墓丽影》电影中的Angelina Jolie等人之后,卡里玛也踏上了她的古墓之旅。



Eidos Interactive has appointed Dutch model Jill De Jong as the new face of computer game heroine Lara Croft, replacing Lucy Clarkson following her two year tenure. At 6ft tall and measuring 34-26-38, Jill is a perfect incarnation of the worlds number one cyber-babe.
Eidos Interactive选择了荷兰模特De Jong接替任期两年的Lucy Clarkson,成为电脑游戏的巾帼英雄Lara Croft的新面孔。拥有6英尺高、34-26-38三围,Jill是一位完美的全球一线网络宠儿。

Jill was chosen from hundreds of models who auditioned for the much converted position. Eidos Interactive, the publishers of Tomb Raider and Core Design, the developers of the games had to ensure the model would have what it takes to bring Lara Croft to life.
Jill是从成百上千名参与试演这个相当与众不同的人物的模特中脱颖而出的。《古墓丽影》的出版商Eidos Interactive和游戏的发展商Core Design必须确保模特具备能将Lara Croft演绎的栩栩如生的特质。

Jeremy Heath-Smith, managing director of Core Design, says "When Jill first entered the room we were all enamored with her personality and her looks. This year is a very special year for Lara Croft. We have a brand new Tomb Raider game that looks and plays like nothing you've seen before. We believe Jill has what it takes to push Lara to a new generation."
Core Design 的总裁Jeremy Heath-Smith说"当Jill第一次走进房间时,我们就都喜欢上了她的人格与外貌。今年对于Lara Croft来说是很特别的一年。我们有一款无论在视觉上,还是在玩法上,你似乎都从未接触过的全新的《古墓丽影》游戏。我们相信Jill有能力将Lara推向一个新世代。"

On her appointment as the face of Lara Croft, Jill de Jong says "I was so happy when Eidos told me I had the position, I couldn't stop smiling for days. Friends say I'm made for the role as I love adventure and traveling. It's a real honour to represent someone who has such great self-confidence and a strong personality. Lara is a fantastic role model for people of all ages."
关于她为Lara Croft形象代言一职,Jill de Jong说道"当Eidos告诉我,我得到这个职务的时候,我真地很高兴,高兴得我笑了好几天都没法停下来。朋友们都说,我就是为这个人物而生的,因为我喜欢冒险和旅游。能代言一个像这样拥有强烈自信心以及坚强人格的人物真地很荣幸。对于任何年龄的人而言,Lara都是一个相当迷人的偶像。"

Jill recently featured in the European L'Oreal hair color advertisement. Her job as a model has taken her to Jamaica, Cuba, The Bahamas and Cape Town. Jill De Jong will travel the world promoting the brand new game, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness, due out end of this year.
最近,Jill参演了欧洲的巴黎欧莱雅(L'Oreal)的染发用品广告。她的模特工作还让她在牙买加、古巴、巴哈马群岛、开普敦等地留下了足迹。Jill De Jong会环游世界各地来促销《劳拉·克劳馥 古墓丽影:黑暗天使》这款将于今年年底发行的全新游戏。



The international face of action hero Lara Croft has today been revealed as an unknown 20 year old model from Bethnal Green, London. Karima Adebibe, is set to be catapulted into the world of superstardom after being cast from thousands of hopefuls in an international search to fill the shoes of one of Hollywoods' biggest stars.
怎么会是接替好莱坞明星的选秀活动? :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch:
我这可是按照原意来翻的呀~~ :dontknow:



It was Lucy Clarkson's father who first sensed the possibilities. "You'd make a great Lara Croft" he said to his daughter as he took in yet another media appearance by the world's number one cyber icon. A year later it was Eidos Interactive's turn to recognise that the model from Rotherham in Yorkshire had the requisite attitude, looks and - let's face it - physical dimensions to fill the star of the Tomb Raider series' famous boots. Lucy, of course, is thrilled.
是Lucy Clarkson的父亲最先感觉到了机遇。"你会成为一个出色的Lara Croft",这是他在出席一次世界一线的网络红人媒体见面会时对他的女儿说的话。(这个网络红人的竞赛,选拔的就是劳拉模特[ilovelctr注])一年之后,轮到了Eidos Interactive意识到了这位来自约克郡,洛达咸地区的模特具备所必须的态度、相貌、还有——我们不得不承认的—— 一付恰好匹配《古墓丽影》系列的好身材。毫无疑问,Lucy感到兴奋无比。

As Lara Croft, she will travel the world and be feted wherever she goes. She'll also become an instant cover girl - something most models never achieve. But, perhaps best of all for Lucy is the fact that, as Lara, she can be as curvy as nature intended. Another rarity in the stick-thin world of modelling. Not that Lucy, a no-nonsense Northern girl, ever had much truck with this kind of body fascism.
就像Lara Croft一样,她将周游世界,而无论她走到哪儿,她都会颇受欢迎。她也会成为本月的封面女郎——这可是不少模特从来都得不到的。不过,可能对Lucy而言,最棒的是,她能像Lara一样拥有一身十分自然的曲线。这在坚持瘦身的模特行里也是罕见的。但这并不代表Lucy,这个头脑清醒的北方女孩,总是和极端瘦身主义打交道。

She says: "I'd been in South Africa on a modelling job and they'd told me to lose weight. I didn't fancy that so I was on my way home. And that was when I got the call telling me I was the new Lara. It was such fantastic news. It's such a high profile job - and one of the few that lets you keep your boobs and bum."

Lucy's modelling career began when her mum entered her in an Elite Model Agency competition hosted by a national newspaper and a toothpaste manufacturer. With no prior experience at all, Lucy was named one of the 12 winners out of 16,000 wannabes.
Lucy的母亲曾让她参加了由一个国际报刊社与一家牙膏制造商共同举办的一次精锐模特经纪公司(Elite Model Agency)的竞赛,Lucy的模特生涯便是于此开始的。根本没有任何早前经验的Lucy从16000名有志之人之中脱颖而出,成为12名赢家中的一员。

It didn't take long for the work to pour in. As a tall, shapely girl Lucy became a favourite of maverick British designer Vivienne Westwood. She was also kept busy with lingerie and swimwear shoots. Lucy finds them preferable to fashion work for one very good reason. "They pay the best money!" she says.
不久,她便开始接手工作。作为一个身材高挑、线条优美的女生,Lucy成为了英国另类设计师Vivienne Westwood的一名当家花旦。她也是女性内衣与泳装摄影方面的大忙人。Lucy觉得对时尚工作而言,这些再好不过了,因为有一个不错的理由。"他们会给你最好的报酬!"她说道。

For Lucy, the cash and the travel are the best facets of a modelling career. And the worst? "Without doubt, other models. They can be unbelievably bitchy. In all the time I've been working I've made friends with two of them. Mostly I prefer the men," she says.

In fact, one lucky male model is now Lucy's boyfriend. And, double bonus for him, he's a huge fan of Tomb Raider. "He's obsessed with games and loves Lara. Well, now he's got a Lara of his own!" she says. Whether Lucy will indulge his fantasies by donning the costume on her days off is another matter!



There's an astonishing selection of crap jobs an actor can end up doing, but the bottom of any barrel, according to FHM magazine, is the computer game character. The down-at-heel luvvy will puff and sweat his way around shopping centres in a preposterous foam suit, and the best coverage the chump can expect is a twee headline in the local rag.

But playing one pixelated character has been a handy springboard for the careers of a plethora of fine ladies. There's Rhona Mitra, whose break led to fronting Channel 5's Pepsi Chart Show and a starring role in upcoming Hollywood flick Beowulf. Then there's Nell McAndrew, star of the FHM 2000 Calendar, who is making It's A Knockout almost watchable.
可是扮演一个游戏角色,对于许多佳丽们的事业却能起到实在的推进效果。Rhona Mitra就是一个例子,她的转行为她迎来了第5频道的百事风云榜(Pepsi Chart Show)的主持席位,以及主演即将上映的好莱坞电影Beowulf。然后是Nell McAndrew,2000年度《男人装》(FHM)杂志之星,她让It's A Knockout栏目变得越发具有可看性。

Hoping for the same golden touch is 24-year-old Dutch model Lara Weller, who is pulling on the rubber top and leather shorts to promote what promises to be Lara Croft's fourth and final outing, The Last Revelation.
24岁的荷兰模特Lara Weller也看上了这门点金术,她穿上橡胶上衣和皮革短裤为可能成为Lara Croft的第四次也是最后一次冒险之旅的《古墓丽影:最后的启示》进行促销。


传说中的《最后的启示》曾经差点成为了最后一代古墓作品? :icon_scratch:



According to Nell McAndrew, "Dressing up like Lara Croft was my job between 1996 and 1997. Being the real life version of the character took me all over the world to promote Tomb Raider 3. My favourite place was Nashville, Tennessee. It was there I met Elvis himself, or so I thought, until I came across another Elvis at the same place. Sydney was a close second, where we stayed at the Ritz in Double Bay."
根据Nell McAndrew所述,"打扮成Lara Croft的模样是我在1996-1997年间的工作。成为这个角色的真人版,让我有机会前往世界各地为《古墓丽影3》作宣传促销。我最喜欢的地方得属纳什维尔(Nashville)和田纳西州(Tennessee)。我就是在那儿认识了Elvis。要不然的话,我觉得我也迟早会在同样的地方见到另一个名叫Elvis的人。悉尼是一段我们十分亲密的时光,那时我就住在德宝湾(Double Bay)的the Ritz宾馆。"

"I loved visiting our Armed Forces and have been named the 'Forces Sweetheart'. My visits have included the HMS Ark Royal, several bases in Northern Ireland, Germany and all over the UK. I made two visits in May and December 2003 to boost morale for our troops. On both occasions I personally met around 3000 people. It was an emotional experience and I am really glad I did it. I just wish I could bring them all back home with me."
"我很高兴访问我们国家的武装部队,而我也被称作'部队甜心'(Forces Sweetheart)。我们拜访的内容包括大英帝国皇家海军重型航母——皇家方舟号(HMS Ark Royal)、北爱尔兰群岛的几个军事基地、德国还有整个英国。我分别在2003年的5月和12月进行了两次访问,为士兵们鼓舞士气。两次访问中,我都亲自会见了3000名士兵。那真是非常有激情的经历,我也很高兴能有这样的经历。我真希望我能把整个部队全都搬回到家里头。"

The model from Leeds lent her body to Eidos in 1996 and travelled the globe promoting Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft. She is still considered by many as the most successful and popular model to fill the boots of Lara Croft.



Rhona Mitra was the first official real-life Lara Croft. Acting has been part of Rhona's career for several years now. She's played many parts in theater productions, as well as several television appearances, including guest staring roles in The Bill, The Ghostbusters Of East Finchley, and The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous.
Rhona Mitra是第一个官方的Lara Croft的真人版。如今,演戏已成为Rhona职业生涯里,干了有相当的年头的一份活了。她已担任了不少的舞台剧角色、也有一些电视剧集,包括在The Bill、The Ghostbusters Of East Finchley、The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous等剧中的客串角色。

In order to help portray the amply-endowed character of Lara Coft, Rhona had her breasts enlarged from a size 34A to a more Lara-sized 34DD. Her silicon upgrade was performed by none-other than her own father Dr Anthony Mitra. Her vital statistics are 34d-24-35, brown hair, brown eyes, 5'8 in height and born 1976.
为了表现Lara Coft这个体态丰满的角色,Rhona通过隆胸手术将自己的乳房从34A扩大到了更劳拉的34DD。为她做硅胶填充术的不是别人,正是她的亲生父亲Anthony Mitra医生。她的生理数据如下,三围34d-24-35,棕色头发、棕色眼睛、5英尺8英寸的身高、出生于1976年。

She has also taken special media courses in order to emulate Lara's confidence when doing interviews with the press. Her public appearances at E3 and ECTS quickly gained her much popularity with fans of Tomb Raider and Lara Croft.

During her tenure as Lara, Rhona did several photo shoots, public appearances, interviews, and even cut a pop single entitled Getting Naked. She was also widely considered the obvious choice for the role of Lara Croft in the upcoming Tomb Raider movie.
在她的Lara模特任期里,Rhona参与了许多照片拍摄、公众见面会、访谈、甚至还灌制了一首名为Getting Naked的流行单曲。那时侯,许多人都认为她是即将出炉的《古墓丽影》电影的Lara Croft扮演者的不二人选。

Then unfortunately, Rhona was fired by Eidos Interactive, shocking many Tomb Raider fans, and was replaced by the lovely Nell McAndrew. The reason for her termination was left to speculation, as neither Eidos nor Rhona Mitra have given any reasons publicly as far as we know. She has since appeared in Playboy Magazine.
但不幸的是,Eidos Interactive还是炒了Rhona的鱿鱼,这使得许多古墓迷们感到震惊,并由可爱的Nell McAndrew接了她的班。她的下台成为了大家猜测的焦点,因为就我们所知,无论是Eidos还是 Rhona Mitra 都没给出任何理由。此后她便在Playboy杂志上现身。


                                                                                                                            TRC部分的资料已完成 :cat:
                                                                Passages have been checked,with some word mistakes corrected


TRC网站的模特资料我已经搞定了(貌似这部分比较空洞来着 :sleepy5: )。 :wave:
嘿嘿!不好意思,只能先搁着咯! :cat:


辛苦咯 :hello2: :blob8:
我最近没空,估计泡在古墓上的时间不会很多了 :crybaby2:
一路顺风咯 :wave:


嘿嘿!是不是很惊讶! :toothy10:
十·一假期还没到,可是我已经回来咯! :thumbsup:
TC,我现在在翻译中哦。 :thumbsup:
因为26号晚上我生病了, :crybaby2:
那边军训好苦啊! :BangHead: :crybaby2:
明天还得去医院吊针~~(痛死了) :crybaby2:
好了,不多说了。就是回来看看,翻译先~~ :cat:
Ta-ta! :wave:


先好好养病吧 :wave:
那个劳拉配音,我在想好像对4-6代的那位太不公平了,人家都是一段试听,她就一句话,不过我懒得改了,嘿嘿 :dontknow:
反正wiki编纂无止境,没完成也能开放出来 :tongue3:


嘿嘿!反正也不是什么大病,烧已经退了。 :cat:
克劳馥的总编纂我可是很乐意接下的哦! :thumbsup:



Karima Adebibe(2006)

Full Name: Karima Adebibe
全名:Karima Adebibe
Age:[/color] 20
Star Sign: Leo
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue-Green/Grey
Profession: Model

Karima was born in the UK then brought up in Morocco before returning to England when she was seven. She lives with her mum in Bethnal Green in London抯 East End. She has a musician boyfriend Terry, 27.
卡里玛出生于英国,之后,她在摩洛哥长大,直到7岁时,她才回到英格兰。现在,她和母亲一同居住在伦敦最东面的 Bethnal Green。她有一位身为音乐家的男朋友Terry,现年27岁

Karima, who appeared briefly in the movie Alien Vs Predator and had modelled for Coca-Cola, accepts landing the Lara role is a huge break.?It also saved her career.
曾经在电影《异形大战铁血战士》(Alien Vs Predator)出现过一小会并且为可口可乐做过形象代言的卡里玛,认为接任劳拉这个角色是一个巨大的突破。这个角色也保住了她的工作。

She admits: It has taken me a long time to get here. I was about to quit modelling. Going to all the castings was getting a bit tiresome and I wanted to do photography. Then this happened. It must have been a sign to stick with it. When I heard I had been chosen I was gobsmacked. I'm a Tomb Raider fan and played the games as a kid.

Karima will now go on a worldwide tour to promote the new game, starting in America next week followed by visits to Canada and Europe, including the UK. Karima admits winning the part will not sink in until the first time she is mobbed by blokes desperate for her autograph.

She says: Lara Croft is one of the sexiest women on the planet so to be cast as her is such a huge compliment. At the audition I had to get into the costume and the first time was very nerve-racking. But it is so empowering and exciting to realise you are about to become a fantasy figure. I have to act as Lara, so I am having elocution lessons and learning how to be a lady all over again. I抳e also got to go on an SAS training course and learn how to ride a motorcycle. Becoming Lara means being strong, ladylike yet rugged and very sexy. As Lara I can do anything I want and not have to explain it. After all, who is going to mess with me?

But while she is ecstatic, there is another man in her life who has a slight worry. She says: My mum was very happy for me but Dad said, 慜h dear, what are you going to be wearing???

What does Lara Croft mean to you?

Karima: Lara Croft Is the epitome of British class, beauty and strength. She's an independent and ambitious female version of Indiana Jones. Her fearlessness and adventurous nature takes her on all kinds of journeys across the globe. She is proficient in many languages and is highly educated. Lara has been created to fulfill the ultimate fantasy character for both men and women. Lara's got it all.
卡里玛: 劳拉·克劳馥是英国上流社会的典范、是美丽与力量的典范。她是一个独立的、有雄心壮志的印地安纳·琼斯(Indiana Jones)的女性版。她无所畏惧的精神以及热爱冒险的天性引领她环绕全球,踏遍各种各样的旅程。她精通多国语言并接受过高等教育。劳拉被创造出来,同时满足了男性和女性对于幻想角色的要求。劳拉完全做到了。

Is your personality similar to Lara Croft in any way?

Karima: I certainly hope so! As well as indulging my feminine side, I'm also a tomboy at heart who loves to be challenged in sport and adventure. I always welcome the opportunity to travel and discover new cultures. I also liken myself to Lara with my dry sense of humour, I think we like to give our men a hard time!

Do you play computer games?

Karima: One of the first computer games I ever played was Tomb Raider with my sister, and we were to it! Unfortunately I don't get to play as often as I would like these days.

Lara loves to travel, where has your job taken you to in the world?

Karima: I have been lucky enough to travel to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Holland and Czech Republic.
卡里玛: 我相当幸运地去过德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、摩洛哥、荷兰以及捷克共和国。

How did you feel when you found out that you had won the role of being the new face of Lara Croft?

Karima: It's probably been the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me. I pinch myself and I still can't believe it! I remember the last day of auditions and leaving the Eidos offices with feelings of uncertainty. The competition was high and I knew the final decision would be difficult. I was so anxious when I received the call and almost couldn't believe what I was hearing when they told me I was going to be the new face of Lara Croft. I'm so glad I made it, I'm so glad to be here!

What do your friends and family think of you as Lara Croft?

Karima: Well my dad LOVE'S it and my sisters are envious! I've become strangely popular within my family and friends lately, I wonder why?
卡里玛: 嗯,我爸爸喜欢这样,我的姐妹们都很羡慕!最近,我在家人和朋友中变得出奇地受欢迎,我不知道为什么?