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Messages - TRx

高纹理又有更新,现在所有15Level都有高纹理了,感谢John Capon!需要的XD回复后到F16下载 :laughing11:
我只是TOMB Series的一名普通玩家,这些资源其实全部转自TRXtra,我仅能证实所贴资源全部真实有效,至于在站上的发布形式由您全权决定 :icon_smile:
用本站下载的免CD补丁+Glidos1.33,设置如下(附件1):→从Daemon Tools4.06中卸下TR I的光盘镜像→Start game——报错(附件2): :sad7:

Help me! Please
在Glidos1.33下可用的Quest纹理终于重现江湖(见附件) :laughing11: 感觉比JC的还要细腻 更有质感 :thumbsup:

貌似John Capon把全15关的纹理都弄出来了,TRXtra放出了DownLink:
JC levels 1-12JC levels 13-15

John Capon等几位Moder又发布了几款TR Ⅰ的新纹理 庆祝!庆祝!
(最新更新:John Capon把所有15关的纹理都鼓捣出来了) :hello2:

  • Antonijadis_work-in-progress_June_2006
    This pack contains new textures for the following levels: Lara's Home, St. Francis' Folly, Colosseum, Palace Midas, The Cistern, Tomb of Tihocan. This pack is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS and not everything has been retextured.
  • John Capon
    JC1 Peru
    This is my 'base' pack which includes all four Peru levels. Later packs will be 'add-ons' which build on and use some of the textures included.
    JC2 Rome
    The Rome 'add-on' pack includes the five levels from 'St. Francis Folly' to 'Tomb of Tihocan'.
    JC3 Egypt
    This 'add-on' pack includes the three Egypt levels from 'City of Khamoon' to 'Sanctuary of the Scion'.
    JC levels 1-12
    This pack is work in progress as of October 2006. It includes all of the levels from 'Caves' to 'Sanctuary of the Scion'
    JC levels 13-15
    You will need to install 'JC levels 1-12' before installing this 'add-on' pack. This pack adds the textures for the final three Atlantis levels into the folder Glidos\Textures\JC
  • Matthew_Hill_WIP_2006_10_14
    This pack contains new textures for the title screen and the following levels: Caves, City of Vilcabamba. This pack is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS and not everything has been retextured.
  • Quest_Levels_1-5
    This pack contains new textures for the following levels: Caves, City of Vilcabamba, Lost Valley, Tomb of Qualopec, St. Francis' Folly. This pack is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS and not everything has been retextured.

站上的那几个Quest纹理在Glidos1.33下不可用,下JC MOD的纹理吧,置顶贴里LZ & 我的回复里都有地址

古墓丽影1~6代 / Re: TR1情节页面预览
2006 十月 08, 02:08:45
此帖精品! :thumbsup:
将TR I 光盘中的9条Tracks及TR Ⅱ光盘中的60条Tracks拷出,加上游戏的数据文件用Mixmode重新烧制成1张replacement CD,请问用此CD是否仍采用本帖的安装方法?在游戏中是否具备完整的音轨?还需不需要用Glidos来加载?
还有从本站下载的那几个Quest  Textures似乎不适用于Glidos1.33,对比和JC的目录结构不同,Glidos未能识别,这里另外找到几个前几关的β纹理(好像其中两个也是JC的),对付着用用 :tongue3:

我将openglide.ini中的EnableVertexArrayEXT的值从0改为1,一读档就报"Glidos发生错误,需要关闭"  :sad7:改回1又正常了
删掉Glidos.ini中的"VESASupport: Yes"一行后,CG没有颗粒了,但出现了很粗的场频线,就像离得很近看电视屏幕一样,但好过原先的粗颗粒

看来大家的经历都何其相似,我也是90年代中后期开始接触TOMB系列的,最先是玩PS上的2代,紧接着玩SS上的1代,一上手就欲罢不能啊,这种感觉至今仍在回味...接下来就是PS上的2代Gold、3代、3代Gold、4代,PC上的5、6、7代  也许是出于某种情结吧,昨天从网上找来了1代及Gold的PC光盘镜像,按照fiesta DD的帖子http://www.gmly.info/bbs/index.php?topic=28592.0介绍的方法装上了重温,用Glidos来运行,下载了高分辨率纹理、补充的1——6关背景音乐,加载JoyToKey用手柄来进行操作,当年的感觉一下子又回来了!尤其是背景音乐的效果非常完美,玩了前两关,该有的都有,该出来时就出来,毫不含糊,真是值得一赞!推荐各位TOMB同好不妨一试