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Messages - Artifact5静态

Commander:  Woke up in the jungle with one of those little blokes snacking on my leg, didn't I?
Lara:  A tribesman? It isn't usual for them to eat right off the bone like that.
Commander:  Well, it was dark and I never got the bugger, so I can't be sure.

你听他说Woke up in the jungle with one of those little blokes snacking on my leg, didn't I?时的那个语气呀,一下子就把话题拉到了他那血肉模糊短腿上。为什么腿断了?

one of those little blokes snacking on my leg向我们表明了有吃人事件,但是到底是谁吃谁呢?
这里他提到的little blokes值得注意:
1 根据it was dark和一般逻辑,如果这里的土人是食人族的话,他们会不会在晚上就出来吃夜宵呢?;
2 如果是一般猛兽的话,他们捕食则是直扑喉咙,那他就更不可能Woke up了,所以一般猛兽就排除了。(core design的人没那么傻吧?)

而劳拉:A tribesman? It isn't usual for them to eat right off the bone like that.
然后军官:Well, it was dark and I never got the bugger, so I can't be sure.

劳拉很绅士,即使在这种地方也要I'm not interrupting am I?

你看他是怎么说的:Not bleeding are you? Not about to use this place as a dunny?
Lara:  No and  no.
Commander:  Good. Good. Just don't want any fly-carrying visitors in here.

——fly-carrying visitors  对他彻底无语。

我认为这和托尼动画的手法是一样的——以颓废消极制造悬念(和四代完全不一样,比一二代更进一步)。是的,三代中,劳拉每到一地方遇见一人,这个人的话往往会把情节搞得扑朔迷离,耐人寻味,而且话中基本不涉及真正的可怕之处 ,只是字面涉及表面神秘而恐怖的险象,其实质在下一关才会出现。如前面托尼的故事若按照我的第一种思维来理解的话,那他说Well, they're staying put...in that temple. I told them not to. Warned them first. Not doing much now I doubt, under half a ton of mudslide.的意思(浅解)大概就是就应该是:是的,他们死了,死了,将永远停留在那神庙里了,我警告过他们,但他们不听,现在这没什么用了,因为他们已经死了,死了......
??你哭什么? :sad7:


Lara:  I'm not interrupting am I?
Commander:  Not bleeding are you? Not about to use this place as a dunny?
Lara:  No and  no.
Commander:  Good. Good. Just don't want any fly-carrying visitors in here.
Lara:  Right, I understand. What happened?
Commander:  Woke up in the jungle with one of those little blokes snacking on my leg, didn't I?
Lara:  A tribesman? It isn't usual for them to eat right off the bone like that.
Commander:  Well, it was dark and I never got the bugger, so I can't be sure. Somethin'spooky is in that jungle. Our air-carrier crashed up in the mountains. Every night, some of my men would vanish without a trace. Others fled in fear. Then this happened. So, I brought the men down to shore for safety only for us to be captured by this greedy mob. Some sort of sacrifice to their god who lives up in the hills. Though it seems I've not been invited to the barbie.
Lara:  Maybe you're the dessert. Ripe flesh can be a bit of a delicacy around here.
Commander:  For real?
Lara: Listen, we'd better get you out of here. Do you know how the tribes cross the swamp down there? Which stones they tread on?
Commander:  Yeah, but I'm staying put. With this wound, I'd be like a fill-up station for every diseased bug in the bush. I'd rather be the main course at the real feast.  Hey, if you see any of my men alive in there direct them to the north shore, will yer? Away from here.
Lara:  Of course.


像这样打三代黄金版的话就太失败了。 :BangHead:

看完了快点上床! :director:

gone了 :angel5:
看来你也不知道呀。我就觉得那天窗挺有现代风格的。这样留下了俩问题:1.Smuggler's key;   2. 视角自动切换望天窗。
再往前走日光没消失呀。 :dontknow:



过桥进入房间,发生了视角自动切换,并且有音乐响起!劳拉在看什么呢? :dontknow:




一开始就有一个奇怪的东西:Smuggler's key,本来是打开那个地板门的,但请注意一下它的名字,好奇怪。
休闲话题 / 大家觉得这首音乐如何?
2007 四月 21, 13:18:07
Small mystery