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Topics - lanyer


最近我一直在做TR6的动画字幕。快要做好了,才发现你已经搞定了。不过可惜是法语版的。好希望有个6的动画完美字幕哦。 :blob8:

做好了,压成rmvb,我找服务器,分流下载。 :hello2:

ps:现在正在汉化古6,给动画配字幕.有谁能进来襄助一下? :tongue3:


在安装目录的 Data\FMV\下

EN_CHASE.mpg 开场动画.只有几句对白,网站上百科攻略可以找到.就是不知道是不是最佳翻译. :glasses2:
EN_FLASH.mpg  过场动画,也只有几句对白,几乎同上.
EN_REVEL.mpg  过场动画,网站上攻略上找不到.
EN_CRDIT.mpg 最难翻译.有大段的快速对白.而且时间比较紧凑. 百科攻略中无此段翻译!:dontknow:

刚刚将古2黄金版的免CD做好.现在攻关古6中.希望大家不吝赐教 :3some:
Scene recognition and triggering of audio tracks

    When the original Play Station version of Tomb Raider was ported over to the PC platform, it was such a shame that so much of Nathan McCree's haunting music was lost.  Even worse, that a later release by Sold Out Software should have the atmospheric background sounds omitted.  Still, it is the tradition of Glidos to restore Tomb Raider to full glory - originally just the graphics, but now the sound also.

    The technology that allows for the redefinition of textures within the game, has been developed further to provide scene recognition, and scene-based triggering of audio tracks.  Vince Moulton has painstakenly worked through the Play Station version of Tomb Raider, tabulating the positions where special tracks occur.  With this information it is possible to create a folder full of scene and audio-trigger descriptions that cause Glidos to bring back the missing sounds. 

    The writing of these triggers is very time consuming, but some of my friends at Vogons have been working on the task, and now we have the first six and a bit levels complete.  For all levels, the process has gotten as far as restoring the background ambient sounds, thus putting back what was left out from the Sold Out Software release.  In this second release, we even have background sounds for Unfinished Business.  So here is what we have so far, with many thanks due to Antonijadis, Kaminari, JC and Slube:

    You will need v1.33 of Glidos to make this work.  There may be some teething problems with the scene descriptions.  They may get missed in some circumstances, and may get spuriously triggered in others; let us know, giving save positions if possible, and we can enhance them until the work flawlessly.

只大概看懂使用 glidos1.33+audio pack包 就可以在游戏中完美欣赏古墓1的所有音乐.这个 audio pack包就是古墓1的 PS版CD音轨压缩成mp3保存在 glidos目录下.但是不知道这个方案是否完美,还有什么问题. 毕业很久了英语都忘光了.希望大家来翻译一下.这大概是目前能解决 古墓1背景音乐的最好方法了。

glidos 1.33下载地址:

glidos 1.33 破解补丁下载地址:

Tomb Raider audio pack 最新1.2版下载地址: