
自制关卡 => 关卡分站资料 => 主题发帖人为: subaru 于 2004 九月 03, 20:37:42

标题: %a%【关卡介绍】Fragments of the Core
作者: subaru2004 九月 03, 20:37:42

Fragments of the Core(核心碎片)

制作人:Nadine Lannte(TRLE论坛上的Horus)    发布日期:2004-7-12

TRLE (http://www.trle.net)上TOP 50名列第 8 ,得分9.69,详见
http://www.trle.net/reviews/FotC.htm (http://www.trle.net/reviews/FotC.htm)
下载地址: (约41MB)


下载解压后将wads文件夹复制到trle/graphics里(原来wads的删去),把samples文件夹里的东西复制到trle/sound里(原来的留着),转换audio里的声音文件后覆盖/trle/audio里的,两个.dat文件和load图片放到trle/下。最后运行tom2pc.exe 转换wads文件(原来的data文件包不用)。详见下载后的readme

最后复制78.wav,然后重命名成103.wav(I made a little mistake - I didn't correct an audio trigger. Please copy the 78.wav and rename the copy to 103.wav

标题: 剧情
作者: subaru2004 九月 03, 20:43:58

很久以前在现在的安拉斯加发现了一个碎片。norse 种族的巫师 Qanyuntha 利用该神器的能量来增强族人的力量。 但是 Qanyuntha 却跌入黑暗...... 神器现在叫 Qanyuntha ,它取走了巫师的灵魂和思想 ,但巫师的躯体仍不能安静...... 族人希望将巫师锁在希望教堂(Cathedral of Hope)中 ,使 Qanyuntha 的力量不能释放出来。

希腊人发现了另外一块碎片,拥有者并不危险,但是神秘的是被叫作Theon的神器被强大的力量带到一个庙宇中。由于被神护卫,只有 ????(the one who would enter the secret temple complex of Theon and fulfill the quests of the gods)的人才能够到神器的房间。

现在, 大西洋一个地方出现奇怪现象——海啸,腐蚀......这些种种了吸引科学家的注意。 就这样 人们发现了Nenivor (也是一块神器),并将其带到了巴哈马的一个秘密的实验室——NL 技术的总部。那里是是高度安全区,但是人们并不知道这块神器的可怕的力量。

在冰岛的Vatnajokull ,地表下一个深洞中有一神秘的蓝色庙宇群。 冰岛????(Iceland, becoming the outskirts of Hell as the shadow of Marvatuyk raises. )。核心的最后一个碎片在火山的中心,由于有其的保护, 所有人都由于惧怕而远离这个可怕的地方。

原文:The Fragments

Long time ago a fragment was found in what we now call Alaska - collected by a norse tribe the artefact's force was used by the sorcerer Qanyuntha to increase their power. But Qanyuntha fell into darkness... the artefact now called Qanyuntha took away his soul and his mind -  his remaining body still restless... the tribesmen locked him in the Cathedral of Hope - wishing the power of Qanyuntha not to be unleashed.
Another fragment was found by the Greek, less perilous for it's keeper... but nevertheless mysterious - the Theon artefact had been brought into a temple, an offering to the mighty gods. Guarded by the gods, only the one who would enter the secret temple complex of Theon and fulfill the quests of the gods will be able to reach the artefact's chamber.

Present day. Strange signals coming from a spot in the Atlantic - seaquakes, erosions... attracting the attention of scinetists. Thus Nenivor was found... and brought to a secret lab in the Bahamas; NL Technologies' Headquarters, high security area. But they do not know what artefact of dreadful power they found.

Vatnajökull, Iceland. Deep in the caves under the surface lies a mystic blue temple-complex. Iceland, becoming the outskirts of Hell as the shadow of Marvatuyk raises. The last fragment of the core lies in the heart of the volcano with it's terrible guardians. Fear kept every human being away from this hideous place.




劳拉得到朋友吉尔的帮助,说道:"这四块拥有未知能量的神器曾经深埋在地心。但是很久很久以前,它们来到了地表。 在现在的安拉斯加州,一个奇特的塞尔特种族发现了其中之一,并且将带它带到了男巫师 Qanyuntha 的宫殿。 Qanyuntha 被神器的强大力量迷住了,他用神器来召唤恶魔和增加自己的力量。 然而付出的代价是,神器慢慢吞噬了巫师的灵魂,使他变成了个可怕的怪物。于是受惊吓的族人将他囚在他的宫殿中。传说由于神奇的力量,巫师得以一直活到现在。"
" 这只是一个故事,"吉尔注视着劳拉固执的表情说道: "从未有人发现过宫殿,忘了它吧,那都是废话。"
"在育空河河岸上。 科学家和研究员在最近的一次探险中发现了地下的一个通道,它通往一个陌生庙宇。 他们探究了庙宇,但是再也没有回来。 当地谣传他们是被奇怪的物体所杀。"


原文:The Beginning of the Adventure...

1985: England, University of Oxford, late afternoon.

"These four artefacts of unknown power," said Lara, turning to her friend Jill, "were once deep in the earth's core. But aeons ago, they came to the surface. A strange Celtic tribe in what we now call Alaska found one of them, and they brought it to the palace of their sorcerer, Qanyuntha. Qanyuntha became obsessed by the artefact's power and used it to summon evil creatures, and to increase his own power. But there was a price to pay, and gradually the artefact took his soul. He mutated into a hideous monster, and the terrified tribesmen locked him in his palace. It is said that the artefact's power has kept him alive to this very day."
"Just a tale," said Jill, glancing at Lara's stubborn face. "The palace has never been found. Forget about it, it's rubbish."
Though Jill and Lara had been like sisters for seven years, Jill was beginning to believe Lara was going insane.
"You're wrong," replied Lara. "The palace was covered by rock, mud, ice and snow. I know where it has to be."
"On the banks of the Yukon river. A recent expedition of scientists and researchers found an underground passage that led down to a strange temple. They explored it, but they never came back. There were local rumours that they'd been killed by strange creatures."
"Just stories."
"I've already booked the tickets. My flight leaves tomorrow. Will you join me or not?"
"Lara, you are seventeen, and all you ever seem to do is mess around with dusty books in libraries. All you talk about is ancient temples, myths and legends. Get a life, and forget about this Qanyuntha nonsense."
"I see. Well, I will have to go alone then. Fine."
Lara fetched her rucksack, ran out into the rain and hailed a passing taxi.
Jill ran after the taxi, but it vanished round a corner, leaving her alone in the rain.
A few days later, Lara arrived at the hidden passage found by the scientific expedition, and it indeed turned out to be the entrance to the palace of Qanyuntha.

标题: RE:【关卡介绍】Fragments of the Core
作者: TombCrow2004 九月 03, 21:02:07
标题: RE:【关卡介绍】Fragments of the Core
作者: rainbow2004 九月 03, 21:04:16
标题: RE:【关卡介绍】Fragments of the Core
作者: subaru2004 九月 03, 21:23:52
查看英文版攻略 (http://www.tr-resurrection.de/mprager/discussion.cgi?forum=9&discussion=555)
标题: RE:【关卡介绍】Fragments of the Core
作者: 一片云2004 九月 04, 10:04:06
subaru大侠,你有"The last saga"关卡的攻略吗,英文的也行,拜托了。  

标题: RE:【关卡介绍】Fragments of the Core
作者: TombCrow2004 九月 04, 11:13:07
To 一片云:
The last saga英文攻略:
http://www.larashome.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3886 (http://www.larashome.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3886)

To subaru:
the Theon artefact had been brought into a temple, an offering to the mighty gods. Guarded by the gods, only the one who would enter the secret temple complex of Theon and fulfill the quests of the gods will be able to reach the artefact's chamber.
Iceland, becoming the outskirts of Hell as the shadow of Marvatuyk raises. The last fragment of the core lies in the heart of the volcano with it's terrible guardians. Fear kept every human being away from this hideous place.
标题: RE:【关卡介绍】Fragments of the Core
作者: subaru2004 九月 04, 19:26:16
