
自制关卡 => 古墓丽影关卡空间 => 关卡更新 => 主题发帖人为: maxchen 于 2008 十一月 30, 02:39:18

标题: TR4 Gold Fading Light
作者: maxchen2008 十一月 30, 02:39:18

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[img]http://gmly.info/w/images/uploads/resourse/images/news/TR4-20Gold-20Fading-20Light.jpg" />

故事概要:Lara mysteriously finds herself in New Orleans where she soon hears rumour about vast numbers of undead rising. Lara fearing that the legendary heart of Davey Jones’ has been found searches for the local Voodoo queen, Louise-Isabelle Villette whom she fears has the heart that is said to raise undead.