
一般分类 => 站务讨论 => 主题发帖人为: Artifact5静态 于 2007 二月 05, 10:54:41

标题: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 05, 10:54:41


标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 05, 11:09:22
引用自: Artifact5 于 2007 二月 05, 10:54:41
标题: 为什么三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 05, 12:05:22
4.somethin' = something(大概因为个g不发音吧。)




Willard:      I've been yelling myself hoarse on this radio every day. It's just the weather dumps on us frequency here. An' maybe my transmission doesn't get through. I don't know.
Radio:        I can't understand one word of what you say, Willard.
Willard:     It's all going swell, sir.
Billy:          Get the bit up! Get it out!
Willard:     Turn it off! Off!  Hey! Switch it off!
Willard:     Dah!
Snowmobiler: Think you'd better come and check out Site 2.
Billy:          What about this?
Willard:     Blow through it.
Willard:     Find more meteorite?
Snowmobiler: Ha! No, something a little younger than that.
Willard:     Oh, no!  Billy, I don't want ye to set that explosive! Do ye hear me? I do not want ye to set that explosive!
Willard:     Wretched pyros!
Willard:     This place's had a busy history.

Willard:     Tech four to five. Do you read me, Tech five? Tech...  Tony, ye loon, I know you're there...
Tony:        Woo-hoo!
Lara:         Hello?  Hello?
Tony:        What? What do you want from me now?
Lara:         Nothing that taxing. Are you alright?
Tony:         If you'd all stop, I might be just fine. Just one hundred percent...just...
Lara:         If you'd all stop? Who are you talking about?
Tony:         All of you. Hundreds of you...talking and chattering and breaking my brain up.
Lara:         Hmm. Well, I'm not quite sure where you're coming from, but I just want to know about the Infada artifact. In the temple up there.
Tony:         Voodoo magic and all, huh? I don't touch the stuff myself.
Lara:         It's not voodoo. Look, is there anyone else here with you?
Tony:         Yeah. Randy and Rory. Pheesh.
Lara:         Randy and Rory? Where? What are you all doing here?
Tony:         Well, they're staying put...in that temple. I told them not to. Warned them first. Not doing much now I doubt, under half a ton of mudslide. Me? I'm leaving. Next bus out. This jungle has rooted enough rot into me. I'd offer the same advice to you, but you don't seem like the type to take it....to care if I said you're gonna die in there.  Yeah...die.

Willard: Hey!
Willard: I don't want to be misrepresented by that retarded researcher you've just been with, uh...
Lara: Lara.
Willard: I'm Doctor Willard. I'd come to converse with Tony myself, but I saw you were doing a rather more creditable job, I think. Indeed, I'm inspired. I'd like to offer ye other work.
Lara: What? Shoot the breeze with some of your other boys? No thanks.
Willard:  Fortunately, they were the only lab rats we let loose into the field. No, my request is for three other artifacts like this.
Lara: The Infada tribe only had one artifact of this type. It's unique.  Anyway, what would your interest in it be?
Willard: I'll show ye.  It's not from India. Rather, an island near Antarctica. It is, in fact, meteorite rock that has been fashioned and used by Polynesians who were once settled there many, many years ago. See that? That's unique. An unknown material.
Lara:  So, how did it end up here?
Willard:  Formed from the planets. Sculpted by Polynesians. Distributed by goons. Our excavations and investigations have led us to this.  A sailor's diary from his voyage on Charles Darwin's expedition on the HMS Beagle.
Lara: August 14, 1834.

Stephen:  This voyage is getting too boring for me to go on with this journal. Me adventures at sea are an embarrassment. The only tales I'll have to tell are hours of bird watchin', picking and pressing flowers, following them blasphemous ideas of the governor, Darwin. But this don't even concern me now. I just want food. Somethin' more than vegetable broth in me. Today, we five have made a pact. The only sampling we're gonna be doing is for meat...pure, solid, blood-rich meat.
Smythe:  The snow's run out. The tracks have gone.
Henderson:  Just keep going. We're on its trail.  There's something here!
Paul: Look, another one. What do you reckon they're worth then?
Paul: Too late. There's only four. None for you.
Stephen: Paul...(我不知道这里是Paul还是wolf)
Paul:  Wha..?
Smythe: Stephen! Stephen, leg it! Quick! Faster! Come on !
Henderson:  Nobody better say nothing about this to the governor, else we'll be back having to hunt down that creature for his samples. Paul fell down a crevasse, okay?
?:  Okay, Stephen?
Jonson:  Amen.

Willard: Stephen was to be the only survivor of the four. When he arrived back in London, he superstitiously sold off his artifacts, having seen his pals murdered or killed with theirs...one here in India, one in the South Pacific, and one in Nevada. The places where I'd like ye to go.
Lara: Sounds good to me.

Guard 1:  You crazy geek freak. What kind of stunt was that to pull?  Let's take her in.
Guard 2:  She don't look much like one of them. Maybe she's an eco-terrorist or something.
Guard 1:  And they wear hot pants, huh?

Guarda: All righty!
Driver: Okay, see you.

Lara:  I'm not interrupting am I?
Commander:  Not bleeding are you? Not about to use this place as a dunny?
Lara:  No and  no.
Commander:  Good. Good. Just don't want any fly-carrying visitors in here.
Lara:  Right, I understand. What happened?
Commander:  Woke up in the jungle with one of those little blokes snacking on my leg, didn't I?
Lara:  A tribesman? It isn't usual for them to eat right off the bone like that.
Commander:  Well, it was dark and I never got the bugger, so I can't be sure. Somethin'spooky is in that jungle. Our air-carrier crashed up in the mountains. Every night, some of my men would vanish without a trace. Others fled in fear. Then this happened. So, I brought the men down to shore for safety only for us to be captured by this greedy mob. Some sort of sacrifice to their god who lives up in the hills. Though it seems I've not been invited to the barbie.
Lara:  Maybe you're the dessert. Ripe flesh can be a bit of a delicacy around here.
Commander:  For real?
Lara: Listen, we'd better get you out of here. Do you know how the tribes cross the swamp down there? Which stones they tread on?
Commander:  Yeah, but I'm staying put. With this wound, I'd be like a fill-up station for every diseased bug in the bush. I'd rather be the main course at the real feast.  Hey, if you see any of my men alive in there direct them to the north shore, will yer? Away from here.
Lara:  Of course.

Tribesman:  Hoombada. Hoombada. This is well for you. Me fasting dis day. You make plenty good flesh-pot.
Lara:  You forget. I might be quite hungry myself. Famished actually.  Why did your ancestors flee from Antarctica so suddenly?
Tribesman:   Koma Koma, bad place. Plenty flesh, but fa da price of evil. Mutilation! Da sixth leader, Mauki was born without face. Terrible storms. Men afraid. Ran! Set curse of Mauki on da land. No one go der now.
Lara:  But you still worship it?
Tribesman:  White fellar later come here wit magic Koma Koma stone. Inna day we celebrate da death of him. Da feast of Smythe.
Lara:   One of Darwin's sailors. Poor fool.  Where's the stone now?
Tribesman:  He lucky fella dat kill you. A plenty Mary like you.
Lara:  I'll be sure to point that out to him.

Lara:  Who are you working for?
Assassin:   What?
Lara:  You heard me.
Assassin:  I didn't! Honest! What did you say?
Lara:  I said, 'who employs you'?
Assassin:  Miss Sophia Leigh.
Lara:  Who's she? What does she do?
Assassin:  I  know. Really! I don't! I just shoot people for her.
Lara:  A commendable work ethic, I guess.
Assassin:  Yeah, I put me hours into it. As my father did and his father before.
Lara:  Well, how old is this Miss Leigh.
Assassin: I dunno.. Late twenties, early thirties.
Lara:  Right.
Assassin:  Yeah. But for some people, like yourself, we get a special bonus.
Lara:  I am flattered.
Assassin:  I mean, I could even be retired from you.
Lara:  Then you might like to mind...the bell.
Lara: Happy retirement.

Bob:  So, you must be after Miss Leigh, then.
Lara:  Business, not pleasure.
Bob:  Though obviously not for revenge, mon. You've hardly got the face for that.
Lara:  And you have?
Bob:  How moronic a question is that, eh? I don't even have a face, mon! Came down here looking for work, and what do I get, eh? Miss Leigh's cosmetics company and her lab assistant job. No experience unnecessary. Good wage. Accommodation wid it. Aye, locked in a floatation tank for days on end in some fetid syrup. And when we come out, cause lots of it was applied, like – no face, or flesh, mon! And a booting down the waste disposal chute here. Presumed dead!
Lara:  Some kind of failed experiment then?
Bob:  Oy, tah! Very much! But, aye, and for added insult, when I tried to take me own life, I found dat it just didn't work.
Lara:  You mean, Sophia's testing some sort of immortality power? Along with her own brand of face-lift.
Bob:  Oy aye, mon! Everlasting beauty. She's obviously not fully worked it out yet. She takes the best results for herself. See, I don't care what your business is wit her. You can't be any more shiftless than she is. So, I'm going to go out of my way to help you. That is, after you done something for us here like.
Lara:  Very generous of you. What do you want?
Bob:  A bottle of that mummy preservation stuff from the Natural History Museum.
Lara:  Embalming fluid?
Bob:  Aye, for rotting flesh, you canna whack it, mon. The museum's pretty interesting, I'm told. You'll like it.
Lara:  So, why don't you go yourself?
Bob:  One of them Egyptian lassies there is a bit pissed off like that she didn't get immortality da way she wanted it. And seeing as we'd done better than her in that department, I didn't care to imagine what curse we could get given any worse than we got already. You'll be fine though, pet. You die easy.
Lara: Thanks.

Sophia:  Ah, Miss Croft. I take it you're ready to sign up.
Lara:  To what?
Sophia:  Well, my books. You see, with your lifestyle, you'd be the perfect campaign for my products. Just think, you wouldn't be needing those unsightly weapons anymore.
Lara:  No, but I'll probably have an unsightly face, judging by your past experiments.
Sophia:  My what?
Lara:  Oh, yes. They're all still alive. Very much so, in fact. All I want is the artifact.
Sophia:  Right! In your next life!
Lara:   We'll see.

pilot:This is (???)to base. Come in, base2.Come in, base.Dead air, ma'am. Gotta get down. This is too much.Hold on back there!Whoo. Huh. Ha, ha. Ah, that was hairy.Ah..........................................................................................(死得好惨)

Willard:  Hi. Come in. Make yourself at home.
Lara:  At home? I just met a man who may as well be Brundlefly.
Willard:  Fascinating, isn't it?
Lara:  He was your own employee!
Willard:  He was a molecular biologist. He would have been intrigued with himself. Thanks to this material, his hock genes were multiplied. Do that, and the complexities of our bodies increase beyond our comprehension. But this is of the fringe of its possibilities we're seeing here. My partner's exposure came from material impregnated into the meteorite crater. The real capabilities lie in its core. With these artifacts you're so attached to, will let me access.
Lara:  But you've no control over this!
Willard:  This is not just about avidly spawning mutants! It's an entirely natural acceleration of evolution. A real live laboratory of spurred on life.
Lara:  Not everyone here wants to be guinea pigs! Multi-appendaged, or not!
Willard:  Well now, that's unfortunate. It's been hit-and-miss here for too long. Now the timing's spurred on. I can't leave it. The Polynesians fled in their ignorance. Darwin's half-wit sailors, the same. Ironically, making Darwin himself miss this angle in evolution. Hmm. But now I'm here. I have the access, the knowledge, the artifacts.
Lara:  Yes, but you bumped into me in India and sent me to find them for you, bringing me here, listening to this gibberish.  Your perception of good timing is...bad.
Willard:  I don't know about that.
标题: Re: 为什么三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 05, 12:21:44
ye其实是一种源自于中古英语的说法,确实有you的意思 :thumbsup:
somethin' 的缩略符是美国俚语的写法。

很感谢楼主给予我们的帮助。 :hello2:
真地十分感谢。 :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

编辑:晕,我刚才竟然没把引用符号去掉~~ :BangHead:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 05, 14:08:41

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 05, 14:18:04
我做不了主~~ :sad7:
楼主不妨加他的MSN,有什么事都可以和他说。 :cat:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 05, 15:31:31
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 05, 17:43:15
Willard:  Hi. Come in. Make yourself at home.I won't be a minute.

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 05, 18:03:37
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 05, 18:07:42
引用自: TombCrow 于 2007 二月 05, 18:03:37
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 05, 19:09:20
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 05, 19:24:24
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 05, 19:30:54

Lara: 你在这里做什么?
A: 别靠近!你没有受伤或者生病吧?
Lara: 没有。
A: 好极了。我必须小心。我的身体已经不行了。
Lara: 我明白。你怎么了?
A: 我在丛林里醒来的时候,一个家伙正在大嚼特嚼我的腿。
Lara: 一个土著人?我还以为他们不喜欢这样吃东西的。
A: 那是在晚上,我(听不清),因此我什么都不敢肯定。丛林里有些可怕的东西。我们的飞机在山区坠毁了,我手下的人每个晚上都会消失掉几个,其他的则因为恐惧而逃走了。接着这就发生了。(后面不敢肯定)
Lara: 也许是餐后甜点。

A: 你这么想?

A: 是的,我知道路。但我受了伤,只能留在这里。
(第一句听不清)我情愿做那些野蛮人的(plat resistant?)。如果你看到我有同事还或者,就指引他去北岸,那是唯一离开的方法了。

Lara: 相信我吧。

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 05, 19:39:29
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 05, 19:46:28
引用自: TombCrow 于 2007 二月 05, 19:30:54

Lara: 你在这里做什么?
A: 别靠近!你没有受伤或者生病吧?
Lara: 没有。
A: 好极了。我必须小心。我的身体已经不行了。
Lara: 我明白。你怎么了?
A: 我在丛林里醒来的时候,一个家伙正在大嚼特嚼我的腿。
Lara: 一个土著人?我还以为他们不喜欢这样吃东西的。
A: 那是在晚上,我(听不清),因此我什么都不敢肯定。丛林里有些可怕的东西。我们的飞机在山区坠毁了,我手下的人每个晚上都会消失掉几个,其他的则因为恐惧而逃走了。接着这就发生了。(后面不敢肯定)
Lara: 也许是餐后甜点。

A: 你这么想?

A: 是的,我知道路。但我受了伤,只能留在这里。
(第一句听不清)我情愿做那些野蛮人的(plat resistant?)。如果你看到我有同事还或者,就指引他去北岸,那是唯一离开的方法了。

Lara: 相信我吧。


引用自: Yew 于 2007 一月 16, 14:47:21
军士: Not bleeding are you? Not about to use this place as a dunny?

Lara笑着说: No and no.

军士指着他的断腿说: Good. Good. Just don't want any fly-carrying visitors in here.

尤其是那个fly-carrying,我乍一看都没看明白意思,Yew译得太棒了。 :hello2:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 05, 19:52:51
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 05, 20:01:06
it was dark and I never got the bugger
我觉得got the bugger的意思是:抓到那家伙。

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 05, 20:23:28
引用自: TombCrow 于 2007 二月 05, 19:52:51

Commander:  Good. Good. Just don't want any fly-carrying visitors in here.

Lara:  Right, I understand. What happened?

Commander:  Woke up in the jungle with one of those little blokes snacking on my leg, didn't I?

Lara:  A tribesman? It isn't usual for them to eat right off the bone like that.

but I'm staying put. With this wound, I'd be like a fill-up station for every diseased bug in the bush. I'd rather be the main course at the real feast.

编辑:我睡觉了,我这两天太累了。某人可别催我干活啊~~ :bs: 我累死了,可帮不了你。 :sleepy5: :tongue3:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 09:34:05
fly-carrying visitors 翻译成"苍蝇的携带者"确实符合英语的表达习惯,但是军官说的"want"的主语指的谁?

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 09:55:36
引用自: Artifact5 于 2007 二月 06, 09:34:05
fly-carrying visitors 翻译成"苍蝇的携带者"确实符合英语的表达习惯,但是军官说的"want"的主语指的谁?
军士问劳拉她要撒尿不(或者大便 :laughing11: )?

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 12:57:16
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 13:18:54
引用自: Artifact5 于 2007 二月 06, 12:57:16
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 13:48:40

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 13:59:12
有道理啊! :thumbsup: :hello2:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 14:19:22
it was dark and I never got the bugger.


我觉得got the bugger的意思是:抓到那家伙。

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 14:28:16
引用自: ilovelctr 于 2007 二月 05, 18:52:20
Lara: Business, not pleasure.

Bob: Though obviously not for revenge, mon. You've hardly got the face for that.

Lara: And you have?

如果mon在这不是法语的话,那就相当于man——家伙(North England的俚语),这里我给引申为"该死的"。

贴吧里有个人也在译,不过我觉得他翻译得有问题。 :dontknow:
引用Lara: Business, not pleasure.

Bob: Though obviously not for revenge, mon. You've hardly got the face for that.

Lara: And you have?

Bob 冒火了: How moronic a question is that, eh? I don't even have a face, mon! Came down here looking for work, and what do I get, eh? Miss Leigh's cosmetics company and her lab assistant job. No experience necessary. Good wage. Accommodation wid it. Aye, locked in a floatation tank for days on end in some fetid syrup. And when we come out, cause lots of it was applied, like – no face, or flesh, mon! And a booting down the waste disposal chute here. Presumed dead!

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 15:19:01
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 15:32:37
引用自: Artifact5 于 2007 二月 06, 15:19:01
贴吧的人就是你同学?(汗~~~~~) :icon_silent:

引用but I'm staying put. With this wound, I'd be like a fill-up station for every diseased bug in the bush. I'd rather be the main course at the real feast.
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 15:38:26

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 15:44:17
引用自: Artifact5 于 2007 二月 06, 15:38:26
哦,原来如此。 :hello2:
我那样翻译的话,也能和他的那句接上嘛。 :thumbsup:
顺利地衔接上。 :cat:

P.S.我先睡会午觉(我学校刚放假,这两天蛮累的),如果有什么问题尽管先贴出来好了。能和楼主交流,我也感到很荣幸。 :angel5:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 15:57:55
Lara: Business, not pleasure.
Bob: Though obviously not for revenge, mon. You've hardly got the face for that.



标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 16:11:15

我是班级里的英语课代表,专攻英语的那种,第一名基本上逃不出我的手掌。 :laughing11: 所以我对自己的译法还算比较有信心,当然不敢说100%确信。
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 16:31:01



标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 17:15:16
引用自: Artifact5 于 2007 二月 06, 16:31:01


哈,没睡着,回来了。 :angel5:
自己熟悉的词汇自然无须翻字典,不过他英语不好为何做古3翻译? :icon_scratch:
古5又恰好是我没玩过的。 :sad7:

引用自: Artifact5 于 2007 二月 06, 16:31:01
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 17:31:33

古墓之神这名字太恐怖了!! :crybaby2:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 06, 17:53:38
引用自: Artifact5 于 2007 二月 06, 17:31:33
古墓之神这名字太恐怖了!! :crybaby2:
http://www.gmly.info/bbs/index.php?topic=28865.0 (http://www.gmly.info/bbs/index.php?topic=28865.0)
这才体现出了她真正的恐怖啊! :crybaby2:
很不错的哟! :thumbsup:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 18:40:54
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 19:51:42
Bob: Though obviously not for revenge, mon. You've hardly got the face for that.
我那位同学对这个句子作出了一种新的解释,不过显然你不是来复仇的,哼,你也没那胆儿。他把 You've hardly got the face for that译成了"你也没那胆子"。可下面那个face......

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 06, 20:28:35
同意 i 的翻译
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 06, 20:32:55

另外,下文有个canna 。
参看 http://www.lookandread.myby.co.uk/stories/racer/dictionary.shtml

这是个Geordie English
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 07, 09:24:24
for that的意思是一定要翻译出来的。

Though obviously not for revenge与劳拉的话转折。
意思就是说:You're here for business.That's right,though obviously not for revenge.

Because I don't have that patience to go on dieting, so I am still getting fatter.
这个例句就是病句,因为so是并列连词,so的后面是I am still getting fatter——一句句子(sentense);
你看这里Though obviously not for revenge, mon.是用个句号点断了。

还是尽管讨论,只要不是争论总是很有趣的。 :cat:

P.S.昨晚我没睡好,发高热了。这两天上海天气也很怪,都快成夏天了。今天不能陪你聊翻译了, T-T 你等TC晚上来吧~~
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 07, 10:03:55
我昨天给你们发了封邮件的,发到ilovelctr 去了。
表情没用的,三代过场动画的人说话连嘴都不张,只顾摇头,哪里有什么表情呀。 :laughing11:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 07, 20:31:40
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 07, 20:33:55
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 07, 20:36:24
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 11:11:29
你发给我邮件了? :icon_scratch: 我没收到啊~ :dontknow: :icon_scratch:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 09, 11:57:02

那我再发一次...... :crybaby2:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 11:57:52
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 11:59:14
难道我邮箱出问题了? :dontknow: 要么发给乌鸦~
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 12:04:57
诶!我收到了! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
谢谢你哈! :hello2: 我先听听看~~ :cat:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 12:12:54
好有特色的口音啊~~ :tongue3:
我觉得他说话像法国人~~ :BangHead:

P.S.说实话,劳拉的话我基本都能听懂,他的话,我一句也听不懂。 :sad7:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 09, 12:24:52
我前面告诉过你的,他说的是Geordie English,是一种英国北方方言。在英国北方方言中,mon=man,进一步在Geordie English中,man,即mon经常通指man 或 woman,没怎没分过。

Bob从北方来打工,当了李的实验品,他本以为会得到李所说的Good wage. Accommodation wid it,但实验失败,他被毁容了。

下文有个canna ......
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 09, 12:27:45
我还有音轨,你要不要。虽说光盘早已没了,但幸亏我当初保留了audio文件。 :sign13:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 12:30:37

下文有个canna ......
恩,好的,慢慢来。 :hello2:
我已经把声音传到中文站空间里了。 :hello2:
http://www.gmly.info/7800gt/TR3-Bob.mp3 (http://www.gmly.info/7800gt/TR3-Bob.mp3) :cat:
多谢楼主提供。 :hello2:

好的,好的。 :hello2:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 09, 13:53:08
以前玩三代光盘版的时候,我发现文件中的FMV文件个数比我看到的FMV个数多,因此我认为是游戏中没有播放出来,再加上那张盘不是正宗的光盘版,上面只有Tomb Raider3几个字,我就更确信了是因为它不正宗导致了FMV没有播放出来,而正版的肯定会播放出来。而我就到网站上面去找着那几段FMV的情节,结果我以为我找到了,因为那些我不知道的情节的个数更好等于多出的FMV个数,而且根据它的内容,这些FMV将非常冗长 。         

可是后来我发现有正版的人都说没看到过那些动画,这让我很奇怪。后来当TombCrow 说他\她也没见过时,我终于觉得不对头了。于是我问我的同学,他大概这样说的:光盘版的都有几种,据说是当时玩家对游戏中地点的很快转移感到困惑,这样做游戏后来让一些人自制了额外动画再发行,但原创者并不认可这些动画就代表了他们对游戏情节的理解,因此这个版本也一点不官方,发到大陆来的也寥寥无几。我也是这样答复你们的。但他突然又电话里告诉我:那些情节是老外自己编的,根本没那些动画,因为那个网站在最下面有注释!

所以Dr. Christopher Brown   Sajit Vohra   Lenny   Desert Rat 是不存在的


晕,因为这样,我才在这里说过"百科的人物栏中,三代的人物怎么这么少呀?",并说了些根本没有的人物。而我的同学 ,则在百度发了一大串根本就不存在的对话 :laughing11:当他发现不对后,赶紧停发了。 :laughing11:

但这些人是有的:Willard  、 Billy、  Winston 、 Tony 、 Randy  、Rory  、 Charles Robert Darwin   、Stephen Barr、Paul Caulfield、Jonson、Smythe、Henderson 、  断腿的Commander  :crybaby2:、   Bishop  、 Tuckerman   、tribesman 、   Puna  、  assassin   Bob   、 Sophia Leigh。

标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 14:54:35
哈哈 :laughing11: ~~看来3代还真地不简单。 :thumbsup:
引用后来当TombCrow 说他\她也没见过时,我终于觉得不对头了。
你叫乌鸦"它"就行了。 :laughing11:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 09, 17:12:27
刚刚攻克了几道数学题...... :sunny:


要知道三代只有4个fmv,只有4个,数数其它几代吧。这使得三代的情节显得"突如其来",没有动画解释劳拉为什么去印度,通过什么去了和离开内华达、南太平洋、伦敦。但这恰恰为人们提供了广阔的想象空间。不过仍有一些费解的事,即劳拉在击败每一大关的boss后是怎么从印度和南太平洋的神庙里出来的,因为你玩了之后就会发现这两处地方只有来路没有去路。(五碳化合物的堆积 :laughing11:)


另外,第一关的动画里有句话:next bus out 。这句话真令人费解呀!!!!!! :dontknow:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 17:23:04
next bus out? :dontknow:
这得要看了动画才知道了,毕竟我对经典古墓实在了解得很有限。 :crybaby2:

FMV过少的话,那其他玩家补上的那些是不是很破啊? :tongue3:
看来我得找动画看了~ :icon_scratch:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 09, 17:57:15
next bus out这句话是劳拉在丛林里遇见的托尼所说的话,这可是从林,怎么会有bus??? :dontknow:


Lara Croft finally arrives at the airport in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea . It's been a long flight, and she is feeling edgy from the sense of lost time. She quickly exits the airport and hails a cab. The taxi driver offers to help with her bags, but she insists on carrying them herself. She tells him to take her to the Ela Beach Hotel. The tickets and hotel reservations were already arranged by Willard. All she knows is that he would contact her with further instructions once she has arrived and checked in.

Lara checks into a garden view room in the Ela Beach Hotel that has been reserved in her name. She pulls open the curtain and looks over the beautiful hotel grounds. She's still on edge, so she makes a call to room service to have a light meal brought up. Within twenty minutes, someone arrives with her tray of food. He sets the tray on a table, and Lara drops a few kinas into the boy's open palm. The boy smiles and leaves. Lara lifts the cover off of the plate and looks over the meal. The dinner consists of goat meat with a side of potatoes and bananas and various local vegetables wrapped in banana leaves and boiled in coconut milk. Lara regrets for a moment, that she didn't simply order the pork, but she is relieved, after taking the first bite of the goat, to find that it's all quite palatable. After enjoying her meal, she lies back on the huge bed and waits...

Time passes. Perhaps minutes. Perhaps hours. Lara just lies there staring at the ceiling... waiting... Finally the phone rings. Lara snaps up and grabs the receiver, "Yes?"

"I trust the accommodations suit you?" Willard asks.

"They're just fine," Lara replies. Getting down to business, she asks Willard, "So where is this island specifically?"

"It's about a hundred miles north west of New Guinea," Willard tells her, "It's a small island. Some locals who know it call it Kuru, but it's unincorporated so you won't find any island by that name on any tourist map. The island is located at one hundred fifty-one degrees zero minutes ten seconds west longitude and eight degrees thirty minutes five seconds west latitude. I believe you'll have to get there by boat. Can you arrange some sort of transportation and get a hold of a navigational chart?"

"I'll make do," Lara answers. "Is there anything else I need to know about Kuru? I don't like surprises."

Willard replies, "Barr's journal only states that Smythe was lost there. Aside from the fact that I hear that there are still practicing cannibals on the island, I don't know much more."

"Lovely," Lara mutters. "Thanks, I'll contact you when I return." She sets the receiver into the cradle. She pauses and then dials for the hotel operator. "Hello?" Lara asks, "Could you recommend an airline that charters small planes?" Lara pauses, "Yes, any reputable one will do. Thank you."

Lara waits for an answer on the line. After a moment a young woman's voice comes onto the line, "Hello, Air Niugini."

Lara answers, "Hello, do you have any charter planes?"

"Yes, but only a few," the woman replies, "Where do you need to go?"

"One of the islands north west of here," Lara answers. "I need to hire a small plane for just one passenger."

"Of course," the woman answers. "When do you need to fly?"

"Could I get someone to fly me out tomorrow morning?" Lara asks.

"Yes, Lenny is available tomorrow morning to fly you," The woman answers. "Your name?"

"Croft. Lara Croft," Lara replies.

"How will you be paying for this?" The woman asks.

"Cash," Lara answers.

The woman answers, "That will be just fine. Lenny will meet you at the airfield tomorrow morning at six."

"Thank you," Lara answers.

Lara gets a troubled night's sleep. It's always hard for her to sleep soundly the night before she travels. In the morning, she dresses appropriately for the warm and humid conditions and carries her gear down the elevators and steps into the lobby of the hotel. A doorman opens the hotel's front doors for her, and she steps outside. She hails a taxi to take her back to the airport.

Lara arrives at the airfield, and a dark-skinned man is walking around a Cessna 150 with a clipboard in his hands. The man smiles and introduces himself, "Hi, I'm Lenny. Ms. Croft, I presume?" Lara smiles back, and gives him a nod. Pleasantly, he announces, "Step aboard."

They load Lara's gear into the Cessna. It's an old plane from the 1960's, and it's showing its age. The little two seater is particularly cramped, because it looks like Lenny has made some slight modifications the plane to allow for additional fuel. Lenny looks over and asks, "Okay, where to?"

Lara smiles and asks, "They don't bother with flight plans here do they?"

Lenny answers, "C'mon, this is a small island, and this is a small plane. I told them we're going north west about a hundred miles. You tell me where."

Lara pulls out a navigation map, and points to a tiny nameless dot on the map and says, "Here."

Lenny begins to protest, "Lady, are you nuts? What are you looking to see there? Don't you know the people down there are going to eat you for dinner?"

"Look Lenny, I thought your job was just to fly me there, and that's what I'm paying you for, not to ask questions." Lara gently says and smiles.

Lenny takes the navigational chart, looks it over and mumbles to himself, "she thinks she's a National Geographic photographer or something...." The old plane taxis out to the runway and Lenny applies the throttle and the little plane's engine sputters and pops as it accelerates down the runway. It's not the most graceful take off, but it lifts off the runway and he turns the plane northward.

When the plane reaches the island of Kuru, Lenny flies the plane over the southern shore of the island once to look for somewhere to land. However, the island is covered with dense vegetation. He informs Lara of the situation, "Sorry, there's nowhere for me to land. We've already made two passes over the island. If we keep this up, we won't have enough fuel to get back."

Lara looks over the island and points to a lagoon on the southern end of the island, "Can you slow down and fly the plane in low down there?"

"Sure," Lenny tells her, and begins to dip the plane low toward the lagoon. Suddenly, he ponders the purpose of this little maneuver and asks, "What are you thinking?"

"Get in low, and I'll hop out," Lara tells him while stowing away her gear and strapping on her backpack.

"Wha?" Before Lenny has enough time to argue with Lara, she's already got the passenger door open. Stuff is blowing all about in the cockpit. Lenny starts to scream, "Are ya out of your mind?"

Lenny wants to pull up, but Lara is already mostly outside. The plane is in low and just passing the edge of the lagoon. Lenny is about to pull up when Lara pushes off, clear of the plane, and manages to twist her body to dive safely into the waters of the lagoon. Lenny circles the plane back around once more to see if Lara's all right. Lara surfaces in the waters below and raises her arm to give him a thumbs up. He waves back, but without any means to land and his fuel running low, he turns the plane back to Port Moresby
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 09, 21:25:37
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: ilovelctr2007 二月 09, 21:41:35
现在三个都放在名为"TR3音轨"的文件夹里了。 :cat:
http://www.gmly.info/7800gt/TR3音轨/lud.mp3 (http://www.gmly.info/7800gt/TR3%E9%9F%B3%E8%BD%A8/lud.mp3)
http://www.gmly.info/7800gt/TR3音轨/MP.mp3 (http://www.gmly.info/7800gt/TR3%E9%9F%B3%E8%BD%A8/MP.mp3)
那段lud很好,每段话 、每个单词全都听得清清楚楚; :thumbsup:
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: TombCrow2007 二月 09, 22:51:48
标题: Re: 为什么贵站中三代的音乐这么少呢?
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 09, 23:10:21

标题: 打错了,改正……
作者: Artifact5静态2007 二月 19, 10:54:36
No experience unnecessary