
一般分类 => 站务讨论 => 主题发帖人为: TombCrow 于 2005 十一月 19, 18:57:16

标题: Tomb Raider Legend \"Don\'t Call it a Comeback\"
作者: TombCrow2005 十一月 19, 18:57:16
Tomb Raider Legend \"Don\'t Call it a Comeback\"
Official XBox Magazine : Hoilday 2005 Issue #52

Back in the day it was gamers common knowledge that where there was a Tomb there was Lara Croft
ready ready to plumb it\'s depths,fight off the T-Rexs, and returnwith treasure in hand. But somewhere
along the way Eidos and developer Core lost the plot and turned Lara into a annual non event with
creaky graphics and a control scheme that showed it\'s age, even if Miss Croft didn\'t. Now with
Crystal Dynamics responsible for most of the Soul Reaver series at the helm, Tomb Raider Legend
is on it\'s way to whip Lara back in shape. First on the makeover is Lara\'s controls. The development  
team is quick to point out that they want to take Lara off the rails she use to handle like a semi-truck
in the past Tomb Raider games, Senior producer Morgan Gray told us and make her more responsive.
With our hands on the controller we were able to check out her moves first hand-jumpind and rolling
in all directions is a fluid treat, while utilizing Lara\'s new grapple hook to swing from certain surfaces,
stun enemies or grab and pull certain objects adds a gameplay dynamic that highlights her new
gymnastic talents, and exploration taking a front seat to the gunplay-oriented action though they\'ll be
plenty of combat interspersed throughout, Lara is also able to speed up for brief periods of time to
punctuate all her moves. For instance, she can quicken her pace when swimming or climbing by
pressing and holding a button on the controller. This way, if you\'re underwater, you can spur Lara on
to grab that air pocket. And in other areas, you\'ll be promted to enter certain button presses that pop
up on screen like in Shenmue or God of War in order to survive certain scripted situations. To
scramble out of the way of a crumbling floor in one area we played, we had to press a timed sequence
of buttons. All of this points to Legend offering up a new level of variety and a deeper experience for  
Lara fans, old and new. We\'ve got our grapple hook ready.

Our Lips Are Sealed

With all the new fangled moves and a new re-tooled look, The one thing you can\'t count on for Tomb
Raider Legend\'s Lara is a storyline at least not before it\'s time. Senior Morgan Gray specifically calls
out, \"You won\'t hear us talk about storyline now,not ever. Probably not even until the game ships.  
It\'s too important, and we don\'t want to spoil it.\" It\'ll be new to you....and to us.    

- Francesca Reyes
标题: RE:Tomb Raider Legend \"Don\'t Call it a Comeback\"
作者: yew2005 十一月 20, 18:55:22
标题: RE:Tomb Raider Legend \"Don\'t Call it a Comeback\"
作者: TombCrow2005 十一月 20, 21:14:28
标题: RE:Tomb Raider Legend \"Don\'t Call it a Comeback\"
作者: yew2005 十一月 28, 17:11:29


曾几何时玩家都晓得在有古墓的地方就有一个劳拉·克劳馥特准备磨刀霍霍,打败了T-Rex(霸王龙?),然后满载宝藏而归。 但是时过境迁,Eidos还有开发者Core迷失了方向使得劳拉变成了一个一年一度的,画面差强人意和充满迷题陷井的平庸之作,显示出精力上的疲态,即使克劳馥特小姐并没有沦落此此。 现在晶体动力临危受命, 古墓丽影《传奇》步履在回归的路途中。


开发组被雷厉风行地受意尽全力将劳拉从过去的古墓丽影系列常扮演的拖车角色(指推箱子)中拯救出来,并使她更加地敏捷,高级制片人摩根·格雷如是说。 通过操控手柄,我们首次一窥她的身手,跳跃、向任何方向翻滚都流畅无比, 而使用磁性抓钩荡来荡去, 打昏坏蛋或是钩住并拉动机关即增加了游戏的趣味性又突显了她的新体操天赋, 探险取代原定的枪战动作游戏风格,尽管游戏从头到尾会有大量的战斗。劳拉依然能够短时间的加速,譬如,按住手柄按钮不放她可以加快她游泳或者攀爬的节奏。如此,当你在水下, 你就不会让劳拉害怕空气槽变空。在其它情况下, 你会被提示按出现在屏幕上的某个按钮,像《莎木》或是《战神》中那样以触发某个预定的情节。 为了通过像一踩就碎的地板这样的地段, 我们还不得不使用连续技。 这些特性使得《传奇》为新老劳拉粉丝们提供了一个多样化的新体验。相信许多人已经跃跃欲试了。


又新又炫的动作加上焕然一新的俏丽形象, 唯一你还无法知晓的就是古墓丽影《传奇》的剧情。 摩根·格雷特别声明,"你不会听到我们谈论剧情方面的情况的,现在还不是时候。 也许到游戏上市也不会透露。 这点很重要, 我们不想破坏神秘感。"总之这一次是全新的。    

- 弗朗西斯卡·莱伊斯

标题: RE:Tomb Raider Legend \"Don\'t Call it a Comeback\"
作者: TombCrow2005 十一月 29, 05:57:48