
作者 Linvel, 2012 五月 23, 17:37:22

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《神秘女王》——副标题:一段冒险史——是 H. Rider Haggard(1856-1925)的一部小说,最初连载于《图片》杂志,从1886年10月至1887年1月。《神秘女王》是一部想象文学的经典。到1965年,已被译成44种语言,卖出8300万本,是史上最畅销的书之一。《神秘女王》自发行以来,因为极其流行,所以从未绝版。文学史家 Andrew M. Stauffer 说:"《神秘女王》一直是 Rider Haggard 最流行和最有影响力的书,在他的作品中,唯一与之可比的是《所罗门王的宝藏》"。

故事以第一人称叙述了:Horance Holly 和他的随从 Leo Vincey,在非洲内陆的一个失落的王国的历程。在那里,他们遇到了一个原始的当地部落,和统治的神秘白人女王:Ayesha,被尊称为"全能的她",或者"必须服从的她"。在这部小说里,Rider Haggard 发展了"失落世界"的小说风格,并被后来的许多人模仿。

《神秘女王》深深的根植于19世纪英格兰的帝国主义文学,并与 Rider Haggard 本人在南非的英国殖民地的经历中得到启发。故事体现了许多"后维多利亚"时代的种族和进化理论,尤其是世纪之交的人种退化论。小说塑造的女王人物,探索了由女性主导的社会,以及这样的社会的行为。该作品也因其女性内容,得到的既有表扬,也有批评。



A young Cambridge University professor, Horace Holly, is visited by a colleague, Vincey, who reveals that he will soon die. Vincey proceeds to tell Holly a fantastical tale of his family heritage. He charges Holly with the task of raising his young son, Leo (whom he has never seen) and gives Holly a locked iron box, with instructions that it is not to be opened until Leo turns 25. Holly agrees, and indeed Vincey is found dead the next day. Holly raises the boy as his own; when the box is opened on Leo's 25th birthday they discover the ancient and mysterious "Sherd of Amenartas", which seems to corroborate Leo's father's story. Holly, Leo and their servant, Job, follow instructions on the Sherd and travel to eastern Africa but are shipwrecked. They alone survive, together with their Arab captain, Mahomed; after a perilous journey into an uncharted region of the African interior, they are captured by the savage Amahagger people. The adventurers learn that the natives are ruled by a fearsome white queen, who is worshiped as Hiya or "She-who-must-be-obeyed". The Amahagger are curious about the white-skinned interlopers, having been warned of their coming by the mysterious queen.

一个年轻的剑桥大学教授,Horace Holly(霍利)。一天,他的一个同事,Vincey(文希)来找他,说自己马上要死了。Vincey 告诉了 Holly 一个他们家世代相传的离奇故事。他要求 Holly 把他年幼的儿子,Leo(莱奥)养大,作为交换,他给 Holly 一个上锁的铁盒,并叮嘱在 Leo 25岁时才能打开。Holly 同意了,第2天 Vincey 就死了。Holly 将孩子视若己出,并在他25岁生日时打开了铁盒:他们发现了古老而神秘的"Sherd of Amenartas"(阿曼那塔斯的碎片),似乎印证了 Leo 父亲所讲的故事。Holly、Leo 和他们的仆人 Job(乔布)按照碎片上的指示,来到了东非,但遭遇了沉船事故。只有他们活了下来,还有阿拉伯船长:Mahomed(穆罕默德)。在一段危险的旅程后,他们到达了一个地图上未标明的区域,并被野蛮的 Amahagger(阿玛哈格)人活捉了。他们得知这些当地人被一个可怕的白人女王统治着,被尊称为:Hiya,相当于英语的 She-who-must-be-obeyed(必须服从的她)。Amahagger 人对这些白人闯入者感到好奇,因为女王已经提前预知了他们的到来。

Billali, the chief elder of one of the Amahagger tribes, takes charge of the three men, introducing them to the ways of his people. One of the Amahagger maidens, Ustane, takes a liking to Leo and by kissing him and embracing him publicly, weds him according to Amahagger customs. Leo, likewise, grows very fond of her.

Billali(比拉里),某个 Amahagger 部落的长老,负责照料这3个人,并将他们介绍给了当地人。一个 Amahagger 的少女,Ustane(乌斯坦),喜欢上了 Leo,并当众亲吻拥抱了他,并按当地风俗,嫁给了他。Leo 也非常喜欢 Ustane。

Billali tells Holly that he needs to go and report the white men's arrival to She. In his absence, some of the Amahagger become restless and seize Mahomed, intending to eat him as part of a ritual "hotpot". Realising what is about to happen, Holly shoots several of the Amahagger, killing Mahomed in the process; in the ensuing struggle Leo is gravely wounded, but Ustane saves his life by throwing herself onto his prostrate body to shield him from spears. All seems lost as the Amahagger resolve to kill Ustane along with the white men but Billali returns in the nick of time and declares that the three men are under the protection of She. Leo's condition, however, worsens and he nears death as Ustane faithfully tends to him.

Billali 告诉 Holly,他必须向女王禀告他们已到的消息。Billali 不在的时间里,一些 Amahagger 人抓了 Mahomed,并要将他作为宗教仪式上的"烧烤"吃掉。想到即将发生的事,Holly 射杀了几个 Amahagger 人。在战斗中,Mahomed 也被杀死了,并且 Leo 受了重伤:幸亏 Ustane 趴在他倒下的身体上,才避免了长矛,救了他一命。但一切都很绝望:Amahagger 人决定处死 Ustane 和这帮白人。正在这时,Billali 回来了并宣布:这3人已在女王的保护下。Leo 的伤情更重了,他快死了,尽管有 Ustane 的精心照顾。

They are taken to the home of the queen, which lies near the ruins of the lost city of Kor, a once mighty civilisation that predated the Egyptians. The queen and her retinue live under a dormant volcano in a series of catacombs built as tombs for the people of Kor. There, Holly is presented to the queen, a white sorceress named Ayesha. Her beauty is so great that it enchants any man who beholds it. She, who is veiled and lies behind a partition, warns Holly that the power of her splendour arouses both desire and fear, but he is dubious. When she shows herself, however, Holly is enraptured and prostrates himself before her. Ayesha reveals that she has learned the secret of immortality and that she possesses other supernatural powers including the ability to read the minds of others, a form of telegnosis and the ability to heal wounds and cure illness; she is also revealed to have a tremendous knowledge of chemistry, but is notably unable to see into the future. She tells Holly that she has lived in the realm of Kor for more than two millennia, awaiting the reincarnated return of her lover, Kallikrates (whom she had slain in a fit of jealous rage). Later, when Holly inadvertently and secretly discovers Ayesha in her hidden chamber, he learns that she may have some degree of power to reanimate the dead.

他们被带到了女王的家:位于一座失落的城市,Kor(科尔)的废墟旁。它曾经是一个强大的文明,在古埃及文明之前。女王和她的随从住在一个休眠火山下的地下墓穴中。Holly 见到了女王,一个白人女巫,名叫 Ayesha(阿叶莎)。她是如此美丽,任何见到她的男人都会着迷。女王戴着面纱,躺在纱帐后,警告 Holly 她的美貌既能产生欲望,也能产生恐惧,但 Holly 不相信。但当 Ayesha 出现时,Holly 马上狂喜的臣服于她。Ayesha 说:她知道永生的秘密,还拥有许多超自然的能力,包括知道人的想法、治疗伤病,她拥有丰富的化学知识,但是不能预知未来。她告诉 Holly,她已经在 Kor 生活了一千多年,等待她的爱人,Kallikrates(卡利克拉特斯)转世。曾因嫉妒,她一怒之下杀死了他。Holly 还在不经意间发现了 Ayesha 和她的密室,得知她可能有复活死人的能力。

The next evening She visits Leo to heal him. But upon seeing his face, she is stunned and declares him to be the reincarnation of Kallikrates. She saves him and becomes jealous of Ustane. The latter is ordered to leave Leo and never to set her eyes on him again. Ustane refuses, however, and Ayesha eventually strikes her dead with magic. Despite the murder of their friend, Holly and Leo cannot free themselves from the power of Ayesha's beauty and Leo becomes bewitched. In explaining her history, Ayesha shows Leo the perfectly preserved body of Kallikrates, which she has kept with her, but she then dissolves the remains with a powerful acid, confident that Leo is indeed the reincarnation of her former lover.

第2天晚上,女王来给 Leo 治病。但当她看到 Leo 的脸时,顿时惊呆了,并宣布 Leo 就是 Kallikrates 的转世。她救了 Leo 并嫉妒起 Ustane。她命令 Ustane 离开,并且不许他们再见面。但 Ustane 拒绝了,最终 Ayesha 用魔法杀死了她。尽管 Ayesha 杀死了他们的朋友,但 Holly 和 Leo 并不能从 Ayesha 美丽外表产生的魔法中逃脱,并且 Leo 被彻底迷住了。在讲述她的历史时,Ayesha 给 Leo 看了保存完好的 Kallikrates 的尸体,她一直保留着,但马上她就用强酸溶化了尸体,因为她坚信 Leo 就是她以前爱人的转世。

In the climax of the novel, Ayesha takes the two men to see the pillar of fire, passing through the ruined city of Kor into the heart of the ancient volcano. She is determined that Leo should bathe in the fire to become immortal and remain with her forever, and that together they can become the immortal and all-powerful rulers of the world. After a perilous journey, they come to a great cavern, but at the last Leo doubts the safety of entering the flame. To allay his fears, Ayesha steps into the Spirit of Life, but with this second immersion, the life-preserving power is lost and Ayesha begins to revert to her true age. Holly speculates that it may be that a second exposure undoes the effects of the previous or the Spirit of Life spews death on occasion. Before their eyes, Ayesha withers away in the fire, and her body shrinks. The sight is so shocking that Job dies in fright. Before dying, She tells Leo, "Forget me not. I shall come again!"

在小说的高潮部分,Ayesha 带着这两个人,穿过 Kor 城市的废墟,来到了古火山的心脏地带,来看火焰柱。她决定让 Leo 在火焰中沐浴,从而得到永生,与她永远在一起:他们将一起成为永生并且全能的全世界的统治者。在一段危险的旅程后,他们来到了一个巨洞,但最终 Leo 害怕了,怀疑进入火焰是否安全。为了减少他的恐惧,Ayesha 亲自走进被称为"生命之灵"的火焰里。但她第2次踏入火焰的刹那,永生的能力消失了,Ayesha 的真实年龄开始显现了。Holly 推测:第2次与火焰的接触,可能会取消之前"生命之灵"带来的永生能力。在他们眼前,Ayesha 消失在了火焰里。这一幕太震撼了,以致 Job 被吓死了。Ayesha 在死之前,对 Leo 说:"不要忘记我,我会回来的。"