
作者 TombCrow, 2005 十月 26, 22:45:22

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Late last week, someone took some screenshots off of one of our FTP servers without permission, and decided to leak the screens to various fan sites. These screenshots were set aside as exclusive content for one of our partners, and now part of our media coverage has been compromised.

We at Eidos are very thankful for our fans, and appreciate the help they give us by maintaining their sites. We communicate as much information as we can to you, as soon as we can to you, and provide you with exclusive content that only will appear on your fan sites. It saddens us that a member of this community would go above the system that we have in place, and take things that are not theirs. This compromises our plans, which waste the company's time and money. We do not wish to work with people who do not coordinate with us.

However, despite this person's actions, we do not hold all fan sites accountable. We know many were not aware of what happened. We do ask that if anyone has any official screens that were said to have been released from us last week on their sites, forums included, please take them down. We have not released screenshots to the community since around the time of the XBOX360 announcement. I will be checking websites and giving personal requests if I continue to find the screenshots online. Your help on this matter is greatly appreciated.

And again, we still plan on maintaining the same relationship that we have with your sites, and will still provide you with the content moving forward.

If anyone has information about the person who decided to take the screenshots, I would suggest emphasizing the importance to them that this is not done in the future. Don't let one person ruin something that affects you all.

Thank you to all for your understanding and support,



