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Messages - TombCrow

制作对白、攻略时,得到了jeff reid的存档,询问jeff reid是否可以转载,很快得到答复
引用From: "Jeff Reid" <jeffareid@hotmail.com>  Add to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert 
To: "" < @yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: May I use your savegames,please?
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 02:26:52 -0700
> Your savegames are so GREAT! May I upload them to my
> homesite please?

Yes, it's OK for you to go ahead and copy them to your
web page.


引用From :  Hans Poorvin < >
Sent :  Thursday, August 21, 2003 3:32 PM
To :  "TombCrow@hotmail.com" <TombCrow@hotmail.com>
Subject :  Re: About Screenshots
引用Hi, your screenshots in http://poorvin.com/aod/ are so GREAT! May I copy some of them to my web page(http://tombcrow.cn.st , a Chinese TR site) please?

Sure!?Use any and all pictures you want.?Thanks for asking!

引用From :  ANoDE < >
Sent :  Saturday, August 23, 2003 1:14 PM
To :  <TombCrow@hotmail.com>
Subject :  My Picture on forums.eidosgames.com

Hi there!


Surely you may use the picture! Im finding it cool, that someone else is as excited?by it as I am!

Feel free to use it!




引用>From: <abuse@mysitespace.com>
>To: <tombcrow@hotmail.com>
>Subject: Your MySiteSpace Free Account Will Be Deleted
>Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 00:45:30 -0500 >
>Dear Shen: >
>It has recently come to our attention that you are violating the
>MySiteSpace free TOS and as a result we have scheduled your site to be
>deleted in 24 hours. You are in violation of one or more of the following
> >1. You are not displaying the required MySiteSpace links. Details of these >linking codes may be found at www.mysitespace.com/support/.
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>incomplete. We respect your privacy, but cannot process your account
>without accurate contact information.
> >3. You are using your site for uses not permitted in our TOS.
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> >5. The domain name you have chosen poses certain copyright violations.
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>are met. This is the only warning or notice you will receive from us.
>Future violations will result in account termination and being
> >We thank you for your attention to this matter.
> >MySiteSpace Abuse >


引用Dear Sir,
I'm terribly sorry for not having read your terms of service carefully and did not display the required MySiteSpace links on my site. Now I have added it. Could you please accept my appologize and keep my account? My Account name is traod.

休闲话题 / [zt]生动的一课
2006 三月 22, 00:46:36
>"你算啊,我每天要交3 80元,油费大概2 10元左右。一天17小时,平均每小时固定成本
>22元,交给公司,平均每小时12.5元油费。这是不是就是34.5 元?",我有些惊讶。
>去很专业,有点象很多商业管理培训老师说的"put yourself into others' shoes."
>起来好熟,好像是"如果你不能改变世界,就改变你自己",或者Steven Corvey的"影
>"我常常说我是一个快乐的车夫。有人说,你是因为赚的钱多,所以当然快乐。我对他& lt; BR>>们说,你们正好错了。是因为我有快乐、积极的心态,所以赚的钱多。"





I've just revised my walkthrough and checked it with yours carefully. I missed many things in my first draft, thanks for your walk! And I find you missed some pick-ups,too :_) Maybe you've already found them now.


There are 5 ammo items,you found 4( not 3) and missed one in ALLEYWAYS:after picking up the large health pack, do not go back to the ladder and flaming barrel. Instead, turn left when reach the corner. There is a chain link fence in front of Lara. Although there is a door, Lara can't open it. But she can climb.You can see my screenshot here: http://www.jzds.net/handong/TombCrow/FAQ/03_3.jpg

Lara can pick up K2 Impactor batteries on the other side of the fence.


In METRO TUNNELS, you missed a ring. When reach the gap there, grab the crumbling wall on the right.(screenshot:http://www.jzds.net/handong/TombCrow/FAQ/5_2.jpg) Climb down and reach a small niche. Then pick up the ring.


You didn't check all the cabinets in the garage, so you missed two pick-ups there.


There are 3 ammo items in this section. After getting the upper-body strength upgrade, climb  onto the roof near Francine's house.(screenshoot:http://www.jzds.net/handong/TombCrow/FAQ/6_1.jpg) Have a sideflip and land in the courtyard.(screenshot:http://www.jzds.net/handong/TombCrow/FAQ/6_2.jpg) Lara can break down the door and pick up a box of V-Packer shells there. I found this secret in Jeff Reid's savegames (http://members.cox.net/jeffareid1/traod.htm)

Level 9: Louvre Storm Drains

I think Jeff Reid had found the best route before I did. See his(or her) savegames.


I could find only 5 helth items and couldn't find out which one I missed! Maybe you made a mistake in your statistics.


Items: Air Crystal

You forgot the large health pack...


Items: 2 health items, Water Crystal

But you found 3 health items there! I noticed that, in the sixth paragraph, you didn't mark the "another large medipak". Maybe you also forgot to count this one in.


Items: Fire Crystal

Weapons & Ammo: none

You picked up some bandages and a box of V-Packer shells there.


After(or before) getting the respirator, Lara can pick up some health pills in the cabinets in the lab, but outside the glassed-in room.


"In the bedroom, search the writing desk for intel on the mysterious Cabal. Find 2 Rigg clips on the floor "In fact, there are 3 ammo items. One is next to the desk , and one is near the bed, the last is beside the stairs.(Sorry, I couldn't describe the exact position clearly.My English is not good enough.)

And you said:"One of the times I played this level, the clip near the square column bugged out and allowed me to pick it up about 15 times." Well, as far as I know, if Lara picks up the clip first instead of the rigg, the clip will bug out again and again until the gun is picked up. So you can get as many clips as you wish here. A lovely bug.

And in BOOBY TRAPPED HALLWAY, after the bombs destroy part of the staircase, don't jump down immediately. Look around and you will find a small medipak at the end of the hallway. (screenshot:http://www.jzds.net/handong/tombcrow/FAQ/15_2.jpg)

I used your walkthrough as a reference in Prague Levels, and I've told you the pick-ups you missed in the former mails. But I missed to tell you that in LEVEL 23: THE SANITARIUM, you forgot to count one ammo item in. It's in the laboratory.

That's all I can find.







一位署名Chaser的玩家,被卡在了Boaz Returns这一关。他发贴求助,希望得到打败Boaz以后的存档。

引用Hey, guys and gals!! Try as I may, and I think I've read all the threads about how to defeat Boaz, I just cannot seem to get it all together. This is the first level that has defeated me, durn it all !!

Would someone be so kind as to send me a Savegame for the level just after Boaz Returns, please? Seriously, I've tried for two days now to get past that level, and it is just ruining my game fun......  If there is a kind soul out there who has the Savegame I'm looking for, would you please send it to

Many thanks !!!


引用Hello all !! I'd be happy to send you the savegame that was sent to me this morning. To make life easier for me, please just send me an Email requesting it, and I'll send it to you right away. It's a GREAT savegame, because it was saved right after killing Boaz, and so you still get to see the next cutscene and all.

Anyway, just fire me off an Email, and it will be yours. Happy AODing, all...


I'm sorry to trouble you, but I really need your help.
Well,English is not my native language,so when I play AOD,there are some sentences I can't understand.

First,at the beginning of the game,Werner asked Lara to help him,he said he is looking for five Obscura paintings for Eckhardt,but Eckhardt is what? I can't quite catch the word!help!
Then Lara asked,"Why should I can?"What did Werner say then? And what did Lara say before Werner gave her the address of Carvier?
After getting the address of Carvier,Lara pushed Werner and said:"Egypt!Werner!..."what did she say next?

Then,in Margot Carvier's Apartment,Carvier said Werner must be terrified,and he felt he was being stalked.
Here "be stalked"means what? Does it mean that Werner felt he was in danger?
Then Lara said,"He could well have been.The Monstrum is running around Paris according to the press." I can't understand these sentences!!
"If he left his notebook,he was spooked." What did Lara mean? Werner was terrified or he had a presentiment of being killed?

And in the Bio Research Facility,a man told Lara Eckhardt could breed the next generation of pure Nephilim.No more abomination to run amok like Boaz's proto-Nephilim.Then Lara said,"Yes, highly inconvenient having abominations running aroud loose isn't it." Here "loose" means what?

I'm sorry to disturb you ,but I really need the answers because I want to translate the lines in AOD into my native language,for many people found it difficult to understand the story because of their poor English.I began my work 15 hours ago,and unfortunately I found I myself was not equal to that job:(


引用Hello.  I'll do my best to help you translate.   I'll answer each question below...

-------Original Message-------

Date: Saturday, July 19, 2003 10:06:45 PM
To: Chaser
Subject: Help

I'm sorry to trouble you, but I really need your help.
Well,English is not my native language,so when I play AOD,there are some sentences I can't understand.

First,at the beginning of the game,Werner asked Lara to help him,he said he is looking for five Obscura paintings for Eckhardt,but Eckhardt is what? I can't quite catch the word!help!

>>  Eckhardt is the Bad Man in this game.   He is the " Bad Guy "

Then Lara asked,"Why should I can?"What did Werner say then? And what did Lara say before Werner gave her the address of Carvier?
After getting the address of Carvier,Lara pushed Werner and said:"Egypt!Werner!..."what did she say next?

>>  I'm sorry, but I do not remember this part.   I cannot help you on this one.

Then,in Margot Carvier's Apartment,Carvier said Werner must be terrified,and he felt he was being stalked.
Here "be stalked"means what? Does it mean that Werner felt he was in danger?

>>  Being stalked means that someone is hunting you, following you around, it means someone is looking for you.  And yes, Werner felt he was in danger.

Then Lara said,"He could well have been.The Monstrum is running around Paris according to the press." I can't understand these sentences!!

>>  " He could well have been" is like saying " Maybe"  or " Perhaps"  or " You might be correct"

>>  "The Monstrum is running around Paris according to the press."  means that the Monstrum, who is a man who is a killer,  and the killer is in Paris moving around, traveling within the city.  This is what the press, or newspaper, is reporting in their daily newspapers.   

"If he left his notebook,he was spooked." What did Lara mean? Werner was terrified or he had a presentiment of being killed?

>>  Yes, you are right !!  He was afraid for his life, thinking that the killer ( the Mostrum)  was going to kill him.   So, he left his notebook with the lady to keep it safe.

And in the Bio Research Facility,a man told Lara Eckhardt could breed the next generation of pure Nephilim.No more abomination to run amok like Boaz's proto-Nephilim.Then Lara said,"Yes, highly inconvenient having abominations running aroud loose isn't it." Here "loose" means what?

>>  Loose means free.  It can go about in the city where it wants to.   But really, Lara was making a joke here.   

I'm sorry to disturb you ,but I really need the answers because I want to translate the lines in AOD into my native language,for many people found it difficult to understand the story because of their poor English.I began my work 15 hours ago,and unfortunately I found I myself was not equal to that job:(

You have not disturbed me at all !!    I am very glad and happy to help you.   If you have any more questions, please ask me, I will answer them the best I can.   Good luck !!



引用Wow,it's so kind of you! Thank you VERY,VERY much!!!:)


引用You are VERY, VERY welcome !!       :-)


引用Hello, Shen!!   Glad to help again, never a problem!!  :-)   Answers are below, as we go, just like before.

-------Original Message-------

From: shen
Date: Monday, July 21, 2003 10:35:54 AM
To: Chaser
Subject: I have some more questions

Sorry to trouble you again,but I have some more questions.

Frist, In Parisian Ghetto,Lara talked with a city guide.Lara asked him sth about Monstrum,and he said he didn't know what "it" was.Then he said,"I'd watch my rear on the streets if I didn't know my way around".What dose "watch my rear on the streets" mean?I'm not sure.

>>   That would mean to be careful.  It's just like saying " watch your backside, or watch your back"
>>    But basically, it just means to be careful and alert.

And then,Lara talked to a woman called Janice.She told Lara sth about Pierre,the owner of Cafe Metro.She used the sentences "Makes bad deals that backfire on him....(He runs cafe Metro)...Might be worth a shot",which I can't understand.

>>   "Makes bad deals that backfire on him." means that he is not good at what he does.  Things
>>    go bad for him most of the time.

>>     "Might be worth a shot" means that " it may be worth a try to talk to him.  It might be good to
>>       talk to him, or go to see him." 

Janice also told Lara if a man wanted to lie low he wouldn't be easy to contact,then Lara said,"I'd have guessed as much.Everyone's in hiding".What is the meaning of the sentence "I'd have guessed as much"?

>>  "I'd have guessed as much" means that she agrees.   She thinks the same thing.  She figured
>>    that thought for herself.

When the woman said the Monstrum had got everyone too scared to talk, Lara said,"I'd have thought Bouchard would be geared up for trouble." Here,"gear up" means what?

>>  "geared up"  means  ready for trouble,  prepared for trouble, expecting trouble.

At last,the woman said "Some of us like it that way."
And I don't know the meaning of this sentence.

>>  Well, this might be hard for me to explain and translate for you.    The woman on the street that
>>   Lara was talking to, is a  street walker....  a hooker....  a prostitute.   So, the woman was
>>   making a joke of sorts.   Lara said to the woman that " things were strange, wierd around
>>   there."  Then the woman said to Lara "Some of us  ( meaning prostitutes) like that"... meaning
>>   that some prostitutes like strange, wierd sex.   

>>      Like I said, a strange joke.  It doesn't really mean anything to the game, it's just bad humor.

Thanks a lot!

You are welcome, once again !!   :-)      If you need more help, or I was not clear, just let me know.
Good luck, Shen.

引用Hello, Shen.   I hope all is going well for you!   As usual, I'll answer below....

-------Original Message-------

From: shen
Date: Saturday, July 26, 2003 11:14:37 AM
To: Chaser
Subject: last questions


Thanks to you, now I am going to finish the translation.Here are the last questions.

First,at the begining of the game,in Von Croy's appartment,there is a conversation without caption.Last time I asked you some quesions about this part,and you said you didn't remember it. Well, just choose "NEW GAME" and then you can watch the movie.
Werner:Help me,Lara. I need you get something for me.
Lara:Go on.
Werner:I'm tracking five Obscura paintings for a
client called Eckardt, but he is a ...(1).
Lara:Why should I can?
Werner:Because ...(2)
Werner:Wait,look,go and see this woman,Carvier,she can help.
Lara:I won't go.(Or I'm going?Which one?)(4)
Could you fill the blanks for me?

>>  I'm sorry, Shen.  The game is not on my computer any more.  I uninstalled it, after I finished the game.   I can not watch it now.   Sorry !!

Second,in The Monstrum Crimescene,Lara got the Strahov code from Luddick,the reporter.And I'm not sure the exact meanings of these sentences.

Lara:I can get it from there.

>>  This means that she knows what to do now.  She can take care of things by herself now.

(Luddick:I also got this.It could come in handy.The Strahov is one weird place.)
Lara:A handy machine pistol!Gas punch reloader.
Luddick:No invasion force should be without one.

>>  Luddick is making a joke.  He is calling Lara an invasion force, an army.

(Luddick ask for 800E,but Lara said she didn't take so much money)
Lara:I ought to just take it you runt.Choke on it!

>>  Lara is calling Luddick a runt, a small man.   Choke on it means " Keep it, I hope it does you no good."      ***  THIS HAPPENED BECAUSE LARA DID NOT GO TO THE PAWNSHOP AND GET MONEY BEFORE SHE WENT TO SEE LUDDICK.  GO TO THE PAWNSHOP FIRST!!"

Then,in Sanatorium, Kurtis talked with a truck driver.The driver said, "The Proto!It got free.We got fed to it but it ate the guards when the power shut down." "got fed to it" means what?They are to be eaten by

>>  Yes.  There were more than 1 truck driver, but the rest of them were eaten by Proto.  They were food for the beast, Proto.

At last,in Eckhardt's lab,Lara said to Karel, "Too many people have died for me to trust you."
Means what?

>>  Many people have died in the game.  She thinks that Karel is responsible.  She will not trust him because he has proved to be a bad man.

And I can't understand Karel's last words,"So be it!"
>>  This means     As you wish...  or    OK,  that is the way things will be.   

Thank you for the third time!

You are welcome, Shen.   I'm sorry I do not have the game on my computer now, to see the first movie.   Good luck !!    :-)


引用You've done me a favor! I really appreciate your help!


引用You are welcome, Shen !!  I hope your translation does good for people.  :-)



引用The first movie,in Von Croy's appartment,there is a conversation without caption.
Werner:Help me,Lara. I need you get something for me.
Lara:Go on.
Werner:I'm tracking five Obscura paintings for a client called Eckardt, but he is a ...(1).
Lara:Why should I can?
Werner:Because ...(2)
Werner:Lara,please...look,go and see this woman,Carvier,she can help.
Lara:I'm going.
Egypt,Werner,you walked away left me...
Werner:Get out!!

I'm not from English-speaking country,and I can't catch the words!Is there anyone kind enough to help me fill the blanks?pleeeeeease!!!!!!!


引用1/ Werner- "I'm tracking five Obscura paintings for a client called Eckardt, but he is a psychopath"
Lara- "why should i care"
2/ werner - "because I'm being stalked, people are dying out there"
3/ Lara - "handle it werner"

我就是这样完成对白的翻译的,在这个过程中经Chaser推荐,还得知了Jeff Raid这位超级高手。他的存档让我万分欣喜,这显然也是国内玩家需要的东西。我询问Jeff Raid,能否为他的存档制作中文说明并放到我的站点,他很爽快的答应了。后来写攻略的过程中,他的存档帮了我不少的忙,调出游戏场景还是其次,我还在他的存档中得到了不少攻关启示。


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