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Topics - TombCrow

站务讨论 / 水印
2007 二月 27, 18:47:25
文章来源: 环球时报

到了 庙比屋多,神比人多 的尼泊尔,你会发现乌鸦 鸽子 猴子和蛇等动物都被当成神来崇拜 这些动物生活得自由自在,有的动物还有属于自己的节日

在中国被视为不祥的乌鸦,在尼泊尔被奉为 神的使者 尼泊尔人认为乌鸦是吉祥的鸟儿,乌鸦冲自己叫是带来远方亲人的消息,对着乌鸦说话也可以让它带去自己对远方亲人的祝愿 许多人家会在屋顶阳台上放上盘子,盛上粮食,请乌鸦前来

尼泊尔人认为狗是 死神的看门人 ,能保证亡者的灵魂到达天国 在加德满都,几乎每家都养狗 在尼泊尔传统 灯节 中,有一天是专门敬狗的 那天,人们给狗戴上花环,还在狗头上点朱砂 大街上成群结队的流浪狗吃饱了就躺在路边晒太阳,行人遇到它们要绕行 由于生存条件 优越 ,流浪狗在尼泊尔繁殖速度极快,影响到了大中城市的交通 不久前,尼泊尔政府有关部门派出专门的医疗队,给流浪狗检查身体,并给部分公狗做了绝育手术,希望以此控制一下流浪狗的数量

黄牛是尼泊尔最重要的动物神灵,很多印度教寺庙里都供奉着神牛像 在尼泊尔,黄牛不用在田间耕地或拉车,可随心所欲享用人们放在家门前的供品 黄牛还有自己的专属节日 牛节 在每年尼历5月的第一天 大约公历8月中旬 ,全国的尼瓦尔族人都会举行集体游行 当年有人去世的家庭牵出一只黄牛,女孩们戴上牛头帽和红黄色披风扮成牛的样子,男孩们打扮成苦行僧,再请来几个吹鼓手跟黄牛和 金童玉女 组成一支游行队伍 队伍后面跟着死者亲友 游行队伍所到之处会收到路边人家的食物或钱币等供品,人们随着乐声边行走边舞蹈,祈祷去世的家人在神牛的保佑下升入天国

蛇在尼泊尔也是保护神 蛇被尼泊尔人认为是抵御邪恶的神灵 加德满都许多老王宫的建筑中都有蛇的雕像 每年尼历4月的第5天是 蛇节 各家各户清晨将蛇神图贴在房门上方,并摆上一些槟榔 油菜仔等,对蛇神图进行礼拜,祈求保佑

此外,猴子 鸽子等大多数在尼泊尔能看到的动物都是神仙 神仙当然是用来敬,而不是用来吃的,所以尼泊尔人一般只吃鸡肉和蔬菜 相对而言,在中国很受喜爱的猫在尼泊尔却极少见,因为尼泊尔人认为猫是邪恶的化身 记者来尼泊尔一年多,从没见过尼泊尔朋友家里养猫 梁燕




古墓丽影三部曲 / 官方网站全面升级
2007 二月 23, 19:21:27

Keeley Hawes   ...    Lara Croft (voice)
Jennifer Hale   ...    Jacqueline Natla
休闲话题 / 问一下显卡和电源的问题
2007 二月 20, 21:46:38
 eax1300/td/128m 需要多少w的电源能带起来?
古墓丽影三部曲 / Viracocha
2007 二月 20, 19:56:37


In mythology Inca, Viracocha (quechua: Apu Kun Tiqsi Wiraqutra)? it was the invisible creative divinity of the Andean cosmovisión. He was considered like the original splendor or the Gentleman, Teacher of the World. In fact it was the first divinity of the old tiahuanacos, that came from Lago Titicaca. It arose from waters, it created the sky and the Earth. The cult to the creative God supposed a concept of the abstract thing and the intellectual, and was destined only to the nobility. This God or huaca apparently also is in the iconography of the inhabitants of Caral and Chavín.

[to publish]

In quechua, tiqsi means foundation, bases, beginning; whereas wiraqutra comes from the fusion of two words: wira (greasy) and qutra (water container - lake, lagoon). In the simbología of old the Andeans, the greasy one was a figure of the energy and the water, the capital element of the vital cycle of the universe.

When the first cronistas arrived at America, the Spanish was in the heat of evolution and its alphabet still lacked norm. In such cases, the use as much of the "V" like of the "U" representing the vowel indifferently was common Doulos SIL, Code2000, Chrysanthi Unicode, Gentium, GentiumAlt, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Bitstream Cyberbit, Bitstream Vera, Lucida Sans Unicode,[either] and to the semiconsonant Doulos SIL, Code2000, Chrysanthi Unicode, Gentium, GentiumAlt, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Bitstream Cyberbit, Bitstream Vera, Lucida Sans Unicode,[w], today representdas like Or or HU-. By such reason mainly it was transliterated as Viracocha, although also some wrote Huiracocha and Huiraccocha. Other versions were Ticci, Tiki or Teisi.

[to publish]

Viracocha like other deities, was nomadic and had a winged companion, the bird Inti, a species of magical, expert bird of the present time and the future, represented in oral myths like a picaflor of gold wings (Quri qinqi).

The faculty occurs to the all-powerful God to direct the visible construction of all and the invisible one.

Its work in the world of the old ones both begins (ñawpa pacha) carving in the stone the figures of first human beings, of the first men and women who are going to be the foundations of their work. These statues them is locating Viracocha in sites corresponding and, as it gives name them, they animate and take life in the dark from world primigenio (ñaupa pacha), because the God has still not taken care to give the light to the Earth, only illuminated by the brilliance of the Titi, puma wild and ardent that lives in the top of the world, surely the jaguar that intermingles with other animals in the totémicas representations of the Empire Inca and the cultures previous preIncas.

This Kay or world here Pacha, still is in darknesses because Viracocha delays all its work of erection of a complete world, to the birth of the human beings who are going to enjoy him.

Satisfied with the humans, the God continued its project, now putting in its place to its children the Sun (Inti), to the Moon (Breast Keel), and to infinite stars, until covering all the celestial vault with its lights.

Later, Viracocha goes to the north for, thence, calling to its side to the creatures who it finishes equipping with own life.

When starting off of Tiahuanaco, Tiqsi Huiracocha had delegated the secondary tasks of the creation in its two assistants, Tocapu Huiracocha and Imaymana Huiracocha, who immediately undertake the routes of the east and the west of the $andes, for - to their passage by so long ways to give to life and name to all the plants and all the animals that are making appear on the Earth face, in a beautiful auxiliary and complementary mission of made before by their God and Mr. Huiracocha, mission that finish next to the border of the sea, later to lose itself regally in their waters, once fulfilled the task ordered by main the creative God of the universe of the Incas and preIncas apparently from the time of Caral.

In oral myths it is revealed to Huiracocha like a governing wise person of the time of Caral which also gave the laws of the economy of the repayment (exchange, system of distribution of the work) like of the Ayllu or Andean familiar formation force. This Viracocha soon ascended to the divine category, like all the great governors preIncas and Incas.

Due to this main icon of mythology Inca, in quechua modern, mainly in central the $andes, it is a respect treatment (like Sir).
古墓丽影三部曲 / 求教;illimani译名
2007 二月 20, 19:11:43

"在近一千年的时间里,蒂瓦纳科(Tiahuanaco,标准译名应该是"蒂亚瓦纳科",但是又写作 Tiwanaku——TRL 里面就是这么写的,感觉法国的材料里面比较喜欢用 Tiahanaco,甚至连"又写作 Tiwanaku"都懒得注明)都是安第斯山区规模最宏大、地位最显赫的土著城市。蒂瓦纳科海拔 3840 米(高于拉萨和加德满都),位于的的喀喀湖和 Illimani 顶峰之间......"

——译自《Fastueuses Cités Antiques(奢华的古代城市)》
古墓丽影三部曲 / 这个姿势……
2007 二月 20, 17:35:03
古墓丽影三部曲 / 蒂瓦纳科
2007 二月 20, 06:58:17
我买这本书的时候并不知道里面有蒂瓦纳科的内容 :dontknow:
古墓丽影三部曲 / PS3 期待古墓丽影
2007 二月 14, 18:31:59

PSM says in the article.. In an adventure game a lot of little neat control touches
could add up to make a big difference. Imagine a Tomb Raider game where many of
Lara's actions normally performed by using the analog stick are replaced by simply
sliding,pulling, or pushing the controller. Since the sixaxis can sense the side to side
movement,actions such as sliding a heavy stoned door to one side could simply feel
a lot better. Also,since the controller can tell if you are pulling it towards you or
pushing it away, the traditional block moving mechanic could become much more
involving and fun. Read the entire article in the March Issue number 121 os PSM. 
古墓丽影1~6代 / 关于埃及(编辑中)
2007 二月 14, 08:02:29
昨天买的书,昨天就想介绍一下的,可是昨天被另一些事情搅了 :BangHead:
而且早就想睡了,临睡前又被搅了一个小时 :BangHead:
先发两张图,真的要睡了 :sleepy5:
只扫描了两页,以后再补 :sleepy5:








准备收盘子去了 :BangHead:
先放一放 :BangHead:
