
自制关卡 => 古墓丽影关卡空间 => 关卡更新 => 主题发帖人为: maxchen 于 2008 十二月 11, 10:30:17

标题: LB Advent - Black Dream part 2
作者: maxchen2008 十二月 11, 10:30:17

下载地址:                 LEVELBASE下载                   关卡空间下载

[img]http://gmly.info/w/images/uploads/resourse/images/news/nerkan_level2_01.jpg" />

故事概要:Lara's dream was

to get into the cave

and look if everything was ok.

Unfortunately she fell off the carriage

and landed in a little village.

To continue she needs a snow mobile

which is owned by a crazy old man - "Lara's biggest fan".

After getting the snow mobile

she can quickly find the cave that she saw in her dreams.

And everything she saw has become true.

Now it is her turn to get the star back

and take it to its real place....