
一般分类 => 站务讨论 => 主题发帖人为: TombCrow 于 2005 七月 01, 14:51:04

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作者: TombCrow2005 七月 01, 14:51:04
标题: RE:网站已备案
作者: astronomer2005 七月 01, 16:50:57
标题: New Lara Croft Biography from Eidos
作者: TombCrow2006 四月 20, 03:38:12
Lady Lara Croft is an 11th generation Countess. The Croft family was granted the title and rights to Abbingdon, Surrey by King Edward VI in 1547. The Croft Estates are comprised of three separate manor houses, two of which are maintained by the National Trust, and the third is home to Lady Croft.

Lady Croft herself has suffered several personal tragedies, including the deaths of both parents on separate occasions before she came of age. Reputably an accredited genius and Olympic-standard gymnast, Lady Croft is the focus of wild speculation and intense debate in both the scientific and political communities in addition to the popular press. Idealized and vilified in equal measure, she is perhaps one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures of our time.

Personal History

Lara Croft was born in Surrey's Parkside hospital to Lady Amelia Croft and the notorious archeologist Lord Richard Croft, the late Earl of Abbingdon. Between the ages of three and six, she attended the Abbingdon Girls School, where it quickly became clear that she was an exceptionally gifted child. At the age of nine she survived a plane crash in the Himalayas that took the life of her mother. In perhaps the first story of her prodigious indomitability, she somehow survived a solo ten-day trek across the Himalayan mountains, one of the most hostile environments on the planet. The story goes that when she arrived in Katmandu she went to the nearest bar and made a polite telephone call to her father asking if it would be convenient for him to come and pick her up.

For six years following the plane crash, Lara rarely left her father's side, traveling around the world from one archeological dig site to another. During this period she was ostensibly given a standard education from private tutors, but it would probably be more accurate to say she was her father's full time apprentice.

When Lara was fifteen, her father went missing in Cambodia. Extensive searches by the authorities and Lara herself turned up human remains that could not definitively be identified. Since Lord Croft's body was not officially recovered, Lara could not directly inherit the Croft title and Lara was thrust into a bitter family feud over control of the Abbingdon estates with her uncle Lord Errol Croft. Lara eventually won the legal battle, and took possession of her inheritance but at the cost of a deep rift in the Croft family that left her estranged from her living relatives.

Professional History

Lady Lara Croft has already eclipsed her father's career; as of this writing she is credited with the discovery of some fifteen archeological sites of international significance. These sites are still yielding new and exciting insights to the past on an ongoing basis. No one can deny Lady Croft's incredible contribution to the field of archeology, however she is not without her detractors.

Lara's methods have been frequently called into question by government officials and other practicing archeologists. She has been described variously as anything from cavalier to downright irresponsible. Some scholars have suggested that her notorious lack of documentation and brute force methodology have contaminated countless sites and done more harm than good. There have even been (unsubstantiated) allegations that Lara actually takes items from these sites before informing the international community of their locations, and that she is nothing more than a glorified treasure hunter.


Despite the tabloid press's infatuation with her, Lara Croft guards her privacy with complete determination. She has never granted an interview nor made any personal comment to any of the rumors associated with her, preferring to express herself through brief formal statements given by the family solicitors, Hardgraves and Moore.

Predictably there have been a number of unofficial biographies printed about the young Countess, that attribute wild and fantastic feats to her exploits, ranging from the discovery of living dinosaurs in the Congo to infiltrating the infamous Area 51 in Nevada. The official line from the Croft Estate to these works is simply that "...these books are utter rot: disgraceful, trashy works of total fiction."

Nevertheless if you even make a cursory search on the Internet for the Unexplained, the Mysterious and the Downright Unbelievable, time and again you will find Lara Croft's name appearing. She appears to be a hero to conspiracy theorists and alternate history aficionados alike.

It seems the further you dig into Lady Croft's life, the more bewildering and mysterious she becomes. Perhaps like the archeological sites she discovers, we have only scratched the surface of this incredible woman and the complex and inscrutable secrets buried deep within her.

Copyright 2006 Eidos plc.
标题: Re: New Lara Croft Biography from Eidos
作者: TombCrow2006 六月 09, 19:20:45

蘿拉卡芙特女士繼承第十一代女伯爵。在西元 1547 年時,由愛德華親王六世 (King Edward VI ) 冊封卡芙特家族在薩里郡阿賓頓 (Abbingdon, Surrey) 的所有權。而卡芙特家族的地產被分為三塊領地,其中兩塊由英國國民託管組織 (National Trust) 負責,第三塊則為蘿拉卡芙特女士的宅邸。


蘿拉卡芙特生於薩里郡園邊醫院 (Parkside hospital),母親是艾蜜莉亞卡芙特 (Amelia Croft) 女士,而父親是阿賓頓新任伯爵卻也是惡名昭彰的考古學家理查卡芙特 (Richard Croft) 閣下。在她三至六歲就讀阿賓頓女子學校期間,很快地就展露出她天賦異稟的資質。



當蘿拉十五歲的時候,父親在柬埔寨失蹤了,除了該國當局廣泛的協助搜查外。蘿拉她自己也發現了骨骸,可惜身分無法被驗證。因此卡芙特先生的屍體一直不能被正式的找到,蘿拉也就不能直接繼承家產,還與它的伯父艾羅爾卡芙特 (Errol Croft) 伯爵陷入阿賓頓的所有權之爭。但蘿拉最後還是贏得了法律之爭而持有了繼承權,但卻也造成與親屬之間的絕裂與疏遠。



Alexandre, San 聯合翻譯
标题: Re: New Lara Croft Biography from Eidos
作者: 羽化蝉2006 六月 09, 19:38:10

标题: Re: New Lara Croft Biography from Eidos
作者: 羽化蝉2006 六月 09, 19:40:56
标题: Re: New Lara Croft Biography from Eidos
作者: TombCrow2006 六月 09, 19:46:38
标题: Re: New Lara Croft Biography from Eidos
作者: TombCrow2006 六月 09, 19:46:58
标题: Re: New Lara Croft Biography from Eidos
作者: 羽化蝉2006 六月 09, 19:48:40
标题: Re: New Lara Croft Biography from Eidos
作者: TombCrow2006 六月 09, 19:51:09