
自制关卡 => 古墓丽影关卡空间 => 关卡更新 => 主题发帖人为: maxchen 于 2009 六月 02, 10:13:14

标题: Pictures in the Dark
作者: maxchen2009 六月 02, 10:13:14

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[img]http://gmly.info/w/images/uploads/resourse/images/news/1993.jpg" />

故事概要:It was always the same, those pictures in the dark...a bright light in the sky,  followed by a falling star; they had murdered sleep.

Seeking comfort,  Lara rang one of her only friends, Larson. "Hello?" he spoke. Yet she could not  find the words to reply.

With feigning voice and waning consciousness,  Lara lay down on the bed.

As the moon maketh

A day of night,

A  world of dreams

Come into sight.