
自制关卡 => 古墓丽影关卡空间 => 关卡更新 => 主题发帖人为: maxchen 于 2008 十二月 12, 11:06:23

标题: Moon Mountain Demo
作者: maxchen2008 十二月 12, 11:06:23

下载地址:              LEVELBASE下载               关卡空间下载

[img]http://gmly.info/w/images/uploads/resourse/images/news/Moon-Mountain-Demo.jpg" />

故事概要:Paris is a guy that believes in magic and wants to find the true form of the so spoken "true love". He doesn't know it for real, he just has an idea about it, but he want's to have a physical prove of it. Besides this, he loves the moon and knows that the moon has mythical powers upon human beings or any other living being and for that reason he'll be looking for 4 moon stones that open the door to the Moon Mountain Palace. THIS IS JUST A DEMO!