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Messages - Linvel

引用自: yingxian 于 2021 九月 28, 15:21:41好久了啊,忙的对啥都没兴趣了,今天心血来潮,就来看看,发现小站还在,居然还有人在坚持,兴趣不减啊,我很高兴,感觉青春还在,泪目

关卡大小:29.80 MB
关卡简介:Lara decided to take a plane on a flight around the world. While flying over a jungle someplace, a fierce storm hit very fast. As a result, the plane crashed in the middle of the jungle Lara and her gear survived, so Lara takes this oppertunity for a raid...
古墓丽影自制关卡 / #3414 Premonition
2021 九月 25, 14:08:50

关卡大小:416.00 MB
关卡简介:Note: Package updated with Easy/Hard option on Sep 30, 2021
As the second World War wages on, the Allies start getting the upper hand that will eventually lead to the end of the Axis Forces. Hitler, seeing his empire in shambles, becomes desperate and creates a special task force focused on uncovering obscure artifacts that could turn the fight around and overturn the Worlds history as we know it.
After perilous and countless hours of research the Nazi investigators are able to locate the resting place of The Spear of Destiny. This ancient weapon gave the wielder the ability to win any battle. With its mysterious powers the artifact acts as a banner, under which his allies become Godly lucky, being hardly hit and hitting unnaturally lucky shots.
Upon hearing this Hitler becomes obsessed with finding this weapon that would bring about the very destruction he yearns for, as well as the victory he believes to deserve. This obsession, however, comes at a cost, as having such resources allocated at a seemlessly inconspicuous place is sure to raise the attention of the ears of the interested, and as such, it does not take long until Stalin's spies find of this artifact and Hitler's interest in it. Stalin, not wanting to be subdued by such a powerful enemy sends a Russian submarine to assault the German vessels and obtain the relic themselves.
It just so happens that Lara Croft has powerful friends in Russia, that, upon some persuasion, tell her of the powerful relic, and the mighty armies set to find it and obtain its holy power. Upon hearing of this Lara decides then and there to stop both armies and prevent the world from the doom that would surely come of it, so, she sneaks her way into the Russian submarine and the salvaging operation begins!
NOTE: This TRLE has 2 different gamemodes. There is an Easy gamemode with normal saving and more pickups. And there is the original version which is Hard, with crystal-like save game method (to save the game, you must find the Blue or Golden Disks) and less pickups.
古墓丽影自制关卡 / Re: CIL视频攻略
2021 九月 23, 13:28:01
引用自: s_tmusic 于 2021 九月 23, 11:22:57Linvel大大这次发的B站的视频可以看了,之前发的youku好像看不了。另外这个关卡我感觉是神作,但是不知道为什么评分不高。要是现在出9.5分以上应该少不了。

关卡大小:213.00 MB
关卡简介:This is supposed to be a direct continuation of the Last Revelation; like in the beginning of Chronicles, before the memories.