
古墓丽影 => 古墓丽影1~6代 => 主题发帖人为: TombCrow 于 2007 七月 23, 02:33:23

标题: 历代记第三部分……
作者: TombCrow2007 七月 23, 02:33:23
标题: Re: 历代记第三部分……
作者: Artifact5静态2007 七月 24, 12:56:18
Father Dunstan :This night reminds me of the time out at Connussie
Charles:Winston's Home?"( :sad7:)
Father Dunstan :Indeed! Yes .The staff had taken leave due to flooding. Lara, back when she was a slip of a girl, was staying with Winston and his wife. It was her that contacted me, as a matter of fact. Some trouble out at one of the islands.  Weird lights. Manifestations. That sort of thing.

According to Richard Morton, a level designer for Tomb Raider: Chronicles at Core Design, "Winston's home town is called Connusie." I'm not sure where all the references to "The Black Isle" on the web originated from. Originally I fell prey to the peer pressure and marked these levels as occuring on the Black Isle, which is in Scotland, but I've repented and we're going to go with what we get directly from the developers. That's our story and we're sticking to it.
标题: Re: 历代记第三部分……
作者: TombCrow2007 七月 24, 17:17:47
标题: Re: 历代记第三部分……
作者: 费茨2007 七月 24, 18:15:00
CoreD摆乌龙不是第一次了 :sad7: 搞不好他们自己也没分清......