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Messages - BlueSky

古墓丽影自制关卡 /
2012 六月 07, 11:25:19
没有木马, tomb-nextgeneration.dll 中有些算法被误认为是病毒, 如解密算法, 有些关卡是加密的, 这个算法是由关卡编辑器作者写的,  例如 Taras-She, Titak-Mists Of Avalon-FirstClues 等。
古墓丽影自制关卡 /
2012 四月 27, 12:30:48
ng_center 是用 vb写的, 好多病毒的代码是用vb script写的, 杀读软件无法区分是病毒还是正常程序。 ng_center 是公开的, 程序本身是没有问题的, 我装的360, 有时也会报病毒, 还会报 tomb4.exe 可疑的问题。
你的第四关有几个lara_start_pos?  如果只有一个, 那么ocb值应该是1. 第二关的finish触发器中的timer应该是1.  每一关的lara_start_pos 的ocb值都是从1开始的.
如果一个关卡只有一个lara_start_pos, ocb值要从1开始。 你截图中设置会跳关, 但不是在设置的位置上, 而且程序会出错。
用pushable_object 试试, 这个是可以爬的 , 用梯子物件替换后, 禁止四个方向的推拉。
利用pole rope, 这个是竖杆, 用梯子物件替换。  


326 – Stand → climb onto vertical pole
327 – Jump off vertical pole
328 – Hang still on vertical pole
329 – Climb vertical pole
330 – Hang still on vertical pole → fall
331 – Jump forwards → grab and climb onto vertical pole
332 – Hang still on vertical pole → turn clockwise on vertical pole
333 – Hang still on vertical pole → turn counter-clockwise on vertical pole
334 – Hang still on vertical pole → slide down vertical pole
335 – Slide down vertical pole
336 – Slide down vertical pole → hang still on vertical pole
337 – Jump upwards → grab and climb onto vertical pole
338 – Climb vertical pole → hang still on vertical pole
342 – Hang still on vertical pole → put feet on floor → stand
343 – Turn clockwise on vertical pole (not used?)
344 – Turn clockwise on vertical pole → hang still on vertical pole
345 – Turn counter-clockwise on vertical pole (not used?)
346 – Turn counter-clockwise on vertical pole → hang still on vertical pole

这个 你自己试一试, 需要花比较多的时间。
古墓丽影自制关卡 /
2011 十二月 29, 09:28:27
如图, 在这里可以找到字体类型和颜色, FT开头的是字体类型, CL开头的是颜色。

古墓丽影自制关卡 /
2011 十二月 27, 09:49:18


Parameters 参数设置

引用Used to store all informations used to print text.

Syntax: Parameters=PARAM_PRINT_TEXT, IdPrintText, Color (CL_...), FontType (FT_...), BlinkTime, DurateTime, X_Position, Y_Position

This parameter list will be required by new flipeffect trigger "Text. Print formatted ... string"

IdPrintText field
This is the number you have to choose in Set Trigger Window with "print formatted text" trigger.

Color (CL_...) field
The color of this text.
See the values CL_... in Reference panel.

FontType (FT_...) field
In this field you can set two or more FT_... constants to describe the size or the preassigned position for text.
Remark: if you wish you can omit the FT_ value to set position and instead you can set the position in pixel coordinates typing two valid values in fields: X_Position and Y_Position. See description of these fields.

BlinkTime field
Numeric value to signal interval for blinking when you set also flag FT_BLINK_CHARS in FontType field
Note: for blink time you can use only power by 2 values, like: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128

DurateTime field
Number of seconds to show the text on screen.
If you want set as time "forever" type -1 or IGNORE in this field.
(1) If you set forever (IGNORE) for durate, then you can remove the string from screen using flipeffect "Text. Print. Remove (&)Extra NG String from screen"
(2) If you use this parameter data for vertical or horizontal scrolling text, the value you type in DurateTime field will be interpreted by trng as the speed value used for scrolling text.
The values for scrolling speed are the following:

0: Abs. Normal Speed  (30 fps)
1: Abs. Slow Speed (15 fps)
2: Abs. Very Slow Speed (10 fps)
3: Abs. Fast Speed (60 fps)
4: Abs. Very Fast Speed (90 fps)
5: Prop. Normal Speed  (30 fps)
6: Prop. Slow Speed (15 fps)
7: Prop. Very Slow Speed (10 fps)
8: Prop. Fast Speed (60 fps)
9: Prop. Very Fast Speed (90 fps)

If you set IGNORE in this field (used by scrolling text) the default value used will be 0 i.e.
"Abs. Normal Speed  (30 fps)"

X_Position and Y_Position fields
If you set two valid values in these two fields the further FT_ value to set the position will be ignored.
Differently, if you want use some FT_ prefixed position you should type in X_Position and Y_Position fields the values IGNORE for both.
The values you type in these fields are in pixels, anyway, since you cann't to known in advance what it will be the resolution in game (each player could set a different resolution) you should set your coordinates like if screen was always in 1024x768 pixels resolution, then, if the game will have a different resolution the TRNG engine will change the position proportionally in according with the real resolution.
For example if you set Y_Position the value 384 (i.e. 768 / 2) the text will be showd in vertical half position of screen in each screen resolution thanks to trng adapting.
Remark: The Y_Position is not the top pixel of character but the baseline character. This means that if for example you use as Y_Position the value 0 the chracter will be not visible except a little bottom side.

[ 本帖最后由 BlueSky 于 2011-12-27 10:02 编辑 ]
古墓丽影自制关卡 /
2011 十二月 23, 08:50:50

选中任一个在游戏中没有使用的, 修改后, 点update.
你是462接463动画, 还是在462动画时, 释放Ctrl键到463动画的?

后面一种可以, 前面一种没有试过。

在 [Options] 下 加入
这个动画的 next animation 你修改过了,默认是463。 直接到77 是不能抓柱子边缘的。
你有没有用其它动作代替作者的463动画, 463的状态是129, 可以抓住柱子边缘。
这个不是这么简单的, 463 动作的 state ID 是 129 , 表示从横杆上掉下了, 如果不是这个状态数值, lara  不会掉下来。 直接连到77上是没有用的。 所以如果要自制动作, 上面3篇文章一定要看。
http://www.skribblerz.com/tuts/tuts2/EssGeeWadmergerSnake.htm  wadmerger 使用方法
http://www.skribblerz.com/tuts/ngle/ngle2/larastateids.htm   lara 动画状态编号说明
http://www.skribblerz.com/tuts/laraanims.htm   lara 动画说明

等你把这个3个看懂了, 你可以自制动画。