
自制关卡 => 古墓丽影自制关卡 => 主题发帖人为: normalleaf 于 2017 十一月 21, 22:24:47

标题: 求助:#1813 KCR Project的第2关中底层房间跳地砖打开铁门的方法
作者: normalleaf2017 十一月 21, 22:24:47
标题: Re: 求助:#1813 KCR Project的第2关中底层房间跳地砖打开铁门的方法
作者: xtimz2017 十一月 21, 23:25:28
看了看 trle 上的攻略,居然是 akci 写的:http://trle.net/walk/1703.htm
标题: Re: 求助:#1813 KCR Project的第2关中底层房间跳地砖打开铁门的方法
作者: normalleaf2017 十一月 21, 23:53:06
标题: Re: 求助:#1813 KCR Project的第2关中底层房间跳地砖打开铁门的方法
作者: normalleaf2017 十一月 21, 23:58:27
Go up in the room, a worker welcomes you, after getting rid of him go in the only open door. Push the button to open the adjacent door, but don't step on the smoking tile because if you do it closes, of course you can always reopen it with the button, nice trick. Push the button there to open the third door, go in there and pull the crate once to be able to look at the picture on the wall, which is the hint for the next puzzle; the different tile before this room represented as the upper right one on the picture. Taking that as the starting point jump through the room clockwise, needles to say with knight jumps, stepping only on the corresponding tiles, the colors help. When you arrive before the last door it opens, get the green Code card, the camera shows where to go with it, you've been there just recently.
标题: Re: 求助:#1813 KCR Project的第2关中底层房间跳地砖打开铁门的方法
作者: xtimz2017 十一月 22, 02:36:18
标题: Re: 求助:#1813 KCR Project的第2关中底层房间跳地砖打开铁门的方法
作者: xtimz2017 十一月 22, 02:49:24
所谓的 knight jump,是指像国际象棋里的马一样跳跃。
标题: Re: 求助:#1813 KCR Project的第2关中底层房间跳地砖打开铁门的方法
作者: xtimz2017 十一月 22, 02:52:37
还 needles to say,这个 akci,就不能好好拼写 needless to say 么?
标题: Re: 求助:#1813 KCR Project的第2关中底层房间跳地砖打开铁门的方法
作者: normalleaf2017 十一月 22, 17:42:15
谢谢:xtimz. :hello2: :icon_salut: