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Messages - ayo

站务讨论 / control
2006 五月 28, 00:15:24
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to continue"
[CHSTR]="按 ??? 键继续"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press forward movement key to accelerate."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to enter or exit Accurate Aim.  Press movement keys to aim."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to Jump.  Hold ??? longer to jump higher and farther."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Reticule color identifies targets: red for guns, blue for grapple, gray for out-of

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="This move triggers Aerial Assault!  In this mode, your awareness increases so you

can inflict more damage."
[CHSTR]="这个动作会触发Aerial Assault!"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to talk to the bartender."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Move and dodge to avoid enemy gunfire."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to use or put away the Binoculars.  In R.A.D. mode, aim directly at

highlighted objects with movement keys for Remote Analysis."

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press back movement key to brake or reverse."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Saving a game will save progress up to the last checkpoint Lara crossed.  If Lara

dies, she will return to her last checkpoint."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to save Lara before she falls.  A short jump will make her connect with

one hand."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? or ??? to raise or lower the forks."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to Change your Outfit."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? while running to Dive Roll.  Press and hold ??? to Crouch.  "
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press left movement key or right movement key and press ??? or ??? to dodge."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to release your grip and drop down."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to interact with the elevator"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press movement key towards where you want to climb out of water."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? repeatedly in time with movements to move faster."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to use."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Above the Waters, Twin Sisters turn their backs one upon the other to leave the

Ambages unguarded."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Within the Hall of Knowledge, Tomes of Cerulean, Topaz, Viridian and Crimson in

turn reveal their Arcanum."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Above the Hearth, revealed visage and countenance touched in haste raise up the

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="The risen Athena turns to face the Sun, whose burden then reveals the Golden

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to grab a moveable object, then press movement keys to move it around. 

Press ??? to release it again."
[CHSTR]="按 ??? 键勾住一个可移动物体,然后按[方向键]移动它。再按 ??? 键放开这个物体。"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? while Locked-On to an enemy to grapple them towards you."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Reactivate Tesla's experiment to reach the hilt while defending against the unknown

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="The ??? shows off screen grapple swing targets. Press ??? to jump then ??? to

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? while close to a locked-on enemy to kick them."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? while in the air near a locked-on enemy to leap off their head."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press movement key in the direction you want to swing around the pole, and press

??? to jump off in that direction."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press movement key to move along the length of a horizontal pole."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to interact with objects."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to Jump.  Press ??? while holding a movement key in a direction to jump

in that direction.  Hold ??? longer to jump higher and farther."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? while in the air near a locked-on enemy to jump-kick them."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? while close to a locked-on enemy to kick back off them."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to kick small objects at your feet."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Release or press down movement key and press ??? to jump back off ladders."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press right or left movement key on a vine, pole, or ladder, and Press ??? to Jump

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press movement key away from the ledge and Press ??? to jump backward off the

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press movement key in the direction of the other ledge, and Press ??? to Jump.

Press while swaying forward for safe jump."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to lock targets. Move mouse or Analog stick to toggle lock between

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Jumping too soon will make Lara grab with only one hand."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to use your PDA."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to Pick Up Rewards."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? Pick Up the Binoculars"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to Pick Up the Grapple"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to Pick Up the Pistols"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to Pick Up the Personal Light Source"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to turn your Personal Light Source on or off."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to pull on the grapple, and then ??? to detach."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to Pull-up from a ledge."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press ??? to engage or disengage RAD mode of the binoculars.  Aim directly at

highlighted objects to generate analysis."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="A gray reticule indicates that the target is out of range.  A red reticule

indicates that Lara can hit the target at this distance."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press and hold ??? and press movement key up or movement key down to climb or

descend.  Press movement key left or movement key right to rotate around."
站务讨论 / Re: 部分菜单2
2006 五月 26, 03:34:25
站务讨论 / 部分菜单2
2006 五月 26, 03:33:02
[ENSTR]="Main Menu"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Croft Manor"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="You have reached the maximum number of save games.  You can only overwrite existing games."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="M Mouse"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Mission Summary"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Model Viewer"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Mouse sensitivity"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Music Off"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Music On"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Music Volume"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Are you sure you want to use the next generation content?"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Next generation content"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Next Page"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save games. You need to free %d more blocks. Press ??? to continue without saving or ??? to free more blocks."
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save new games, but you can overwrite existing games. You need %d free blocks to create a new save game."
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Monitor Frequency PAL-60"
[CHSTR]="显示器刷新率 Pal-60"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Does your TV display PAL-60 mode correctly and do you want to keep these settings?"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="PAL 50/60 Selection"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="About to test PAL-60 mode, if there is a problem with the display, please wait 10 seconds and your TV will revert back to PAL-50 mode."
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Applying display settings..."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Load Previously Saved Game"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Load / Save"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Press a button for the selected action"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Replay Level"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Save Current Game"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Start New Game"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Water Effects"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Please press the button you would like to map to the selection action. Press Escape to cancel."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Select an action you would like to map a button to. Press Backspace to clean the buttons mapped to the selected action."
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
站务讨论 / Re: 部分菜单
2006 五月 25, 02:04:21
站务讨论 / 部分菜单
2006 五月 25, 02:00:43
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Play Trailer"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="press ENTER to begin"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Previous Page"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Progressive Scan Mode"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="The display is now in progressive mode.

Do you want to keep this display mode?

(After 15 seconds, the display will switch back to the original display mode if there is no

// ----------------------------------

Switching to progressive mode may not produce proper display results on your television. In

such an

event, please wait 15 seconds for the automatic switch back to the original display mode.

Do you wish to play in Progressive Scan mode?"

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Overwrite saved game?"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Really quit?"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Any progress since the last saved checkpoint will be lost! Do you wish to

// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Any unsaved progress will be lost! Really leave Croft Manor?"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Your current progress will be lost. Do you wish to continue?"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Your current progress since the last checkpoint

will be lost. Do you wish to continue?"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Quit Game"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Refresh Rate"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Restore Defaults"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Return to Game"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="??Uume Game"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="R Mouse"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="??? Rotate"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Save & Quit"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Unable to save the game. Press ??? to continue."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Save Game"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Save Rewards"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Screen Position L/R"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Screen Position U/D"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Select - Enter"
[CHSTR]="选择 - 回车"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Select and configure your control device"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Skip Cinematic"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Sound Off"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Sound On"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="SFX Volume"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Select this display mode"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Start Game"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Online/Offline Stats"
[CHSTR]="在线/离线 状态"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="UK English"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Swim Controls"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Display mode has been changed.

Do you want to keep these settings?

Reverting in %1.0f seconds."
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="View ???"
[CHSTR]="浏览 ???"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="View Images - Enter"
[CHSTR]="浏览图片 - 回车"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Voice Volume"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Select display mode"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Load Level"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Main Objective"
// ----------------------------------


变化很大,系统模拟的物理效果很不错。跟前几代的古墓比有比较大的变化:动作比较人性化,lara再也不是体力超人了 :dontknow:;方格系统完全消失,推箱子老迷失方向 :BangHead:;背包小了,带的东西有限制了 :director:......

呵呵,很期待正式版。 :hello2: :hello2: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: