
作者 TombCrow, 2006 五月 24, 02:46:36

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[ENSTR]="Making of TR7 Video"
制作 TR7 视频

[ENSTR]="Unfortunate Mishaps Video"


[ENSTR]="Arc of the Covenant (TR1)"

[ENSTR]="Meteorite Idols (TR3)"

[ENSTR]="Excalibur (TR7)"

[ENSTR]="The Scion (TR1)"
为什么这么译呢?这是1代中亚特兰蒂斯三位统治者分别掌管的神器。有个关卡叫作Sanctuary of Scion,『子孙碟圣域』?感觉音译比较好,除非真的可以确定这玩意确实存在,就是指的那个神器~


引用自: 羽化蝉 于 2006 六月 03, 02:53:55
你还真快。 :thumbsup:

秘籍代码 比 作弊码 好听点
[ENSTR]="Appx. 2037 years old"
[CHSTR]="附录 2037岁"



那段无人认领的,有许多句子都好像见过,肯定有人已经翻译了。这一篇我觉得不是难点,只要把口径同其它相同出现的句子保持一致就行了——这最好让记忆力超强的TC来做,换作Yew只会一个一个打开贴子来对相同的句子 :tongue3:





引用自: TombCrow 于 2006 六月 03, 03:01:11
[ENSTR]="Making of TR7 Video"
制作 TR7 视频

[ENSTR]="Unfortunate Mishaps Video"


[ENSTR]="Arc of the Covenant (TR1)"

[ENSTR]="Meteorite Idols (TR3)"

[ENSTR]="Excalibur (TR7)"

[ENSTR]="The Scion (TR1)"
为什么这么译呢?这是1代中亚特兰蒂斯三位统治者分别掌管的神器。有个关卡叫作Sanctuary of Scion,『子孙碟圣域』?感觉音译比较好,除非真的可以确定这玩意确实存在,就是指的那个神器~








Grafting, where the scion is a detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant
Kinship and descent, where the scion is a descendant or heir
Scion (car), a new marque of Toyota Motor Sales, USA
Atlantean Scion, a fictional device of untold power invented for the video game Tomb Raider
Scion (magazine), an early 1900s "Fictitious Science" (Science Fiction) pulp magazine
Short Scion, a light transport flying boat from World War II-era Britain
Scion, a comic book published 2000-2004 by CrossGen Comics


A fictional ancient device created for the video game Tomb Raider, the Atlantean Scion was apparently capable of "powers beyond the creator himself", that was fashioned by the three great rulers of Atlantis: Qualopec, Tihocan, and Natla.

The device was apparently created in parts due to the infinite energy it generated. When the three leaders connected it, it caused havoc, killing thousands, perhaps millions. It was split once again. Each of the leaders wore their piece around their neck to ensure that it remained apart.

One of the leaders, Natla, wished to possess and harness this power. She stole Tihocan's piece right from his neck and combined the device. Before she could cause more damage, Qualopec and Tihocan caught her and cast her piece of the device deep under the City of Khamoon, into the Sanctuary of the Scion.

After a short meeting, Qualopec and Tihocan sentenced Natla to be frozen in a stasis chamber and placed under current-day Los Alamos, New Mexico, for all time. The island of Atlantis began to break up because of the stress generated by the Scion. The leaders placed all of the Atlantians in green bubbles that kept them in stasis until a solution could be found. The two remaining leaders decided to deal with the device the only way they could. Qualopec created a temple high in the Andes, in Peru. This temple was placed under a city created by the Peruvians, Vilcabamba. Beneath this city, a lost valley laid where Qualopec had apparently animated a group of dinosaurs. In order to reach the entrance to Qualopec's temple, an intruder would have to encounter these vicious dinosaurs.

Tihocan traveled to Italy and placed his temple beneath the Earth's surface, but inside a cylinder-like mountain. He hollowed out the mountain and inside, just under the summit he placed a gigantic chamber that contained 4 rooms each containing a key of a god. Each god's mythological power was simulated to stop anyone from reaching the keys. After obtaining the keys of Thor, Atlas, Neptune and Damocles, one could enter a Coliseum within the mountain that was guarded by many wild animals. After the Coliseum, the Palace of Midas was placed, which could only be passed when 3 lead bars were placed on the Midas statue's hand and turned into gold. The statue was intended that one would have to climb on the inside wall of the mountain to reach the open palm of Midas' hand, but because of aging, the statue had since fallen apart, and only its legs remained standing. The hand laid on the floor of the caved-in chamber, ready for easy use. After passing through the palace, a large Cistern lie, where 3 keys had to be found to finally open the secret entrance to the Tomb of Tihocan, underneath the mountain. After many years, a group of monks built St. Francis' Folly on top of this mountain, soon learning what laid beneath, but knowing they could never possess it. However, they one day hoped someone will, therefore, they dug into the large god chamber, so that it was accessible from the Folly.

Inside their temples, Qualopec and Tihocan hid their pieces hoping they would never be found. They both died inside their temples. Qualopec himself never left his chair facing his piece of the Scion when died, and his aids where mummified standing up, still guarding him. Tihocan received a more proper burial, when he was discovered dead deep within the mountain when St. Francis' Folly was placed above. The monks obviously had to have great will-power to stop themselves from taking the piece.

In 1990, a meteorite hit the desert and knocked the seal off Natla's stasis container, freeing her. Using her ancient knowledge and cunning, Natla became a quick billionaire, heading the company Natla Technologies and taking the first name, Jacqueline (to blend in with modern society). She once again searched for the pieces of the Scion, hoping to reassemble it and harness its power to continue her experiments once again.

In 1996, she enlisted the help of the archeologist tomb raider Lara Croft to find the first piece. As she retrieved it from the Tomb of Qualopec, Lara planned to keep it to herself, however, Larson, one of Natla's cronies was sent to kill her and take the Scion. Lara escaped and searched for the other pieces. After she had rummaged through the Tomb of Tihocan (killing Pierre DuPont, another one of Natla's cronies) and the Sanctuary of the Scion, Lara had gained the last two pieces. Her victory was short lived.

Natla had been waiting for Lara at the exit to the Sanctuary. She stole the pieces back, bringing them with her to Atlantis. There, she came very close to her goal of immortality, mutating into the creatures the Atlanteans had become but retaining her sanity, apparently almost perfecting the Scion's effects. But before she could finish, she was stopped and apparently killed by Croft. Croft destroyed the Scion, and the resulting energy spike caused the mountain to begin breaking apart. As she was escaping, Lara once again encountered Natla. She was obviously partially successful in stopping herself from dying, because it took two more times until she was completely dead. Lara then escaped as Atlantis was destroyed behind her.

Retrieved from ""










[ENSTR]="Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend ?? 2006 Core Design Ltd. Developed by Crystal Dynamics. Published in North America by Eidos, Inc. and published in the rest of the world by Eidos Interactive Ltd. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend, Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, the Tomb Raider logo, Eidos and the Eidos logo, Crystal Dynamics and the Crystal Dynamics logo are trademarks of the SCi Entertainment Group. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved."
[CHSTR]="劳拉·克劳馥 - 古墓丽影:传说 ?? 2006 Core Design 有限公司。Crystal Dynamics 开发制作。由 Eidos 股份有限公司在北美发行。由 Eidos Interactive 有限公司在世界其他地区发行。劳拉·克劳馥 - 古墓丽影:Legend、Lara Croft、Tomb Raider 标识图案、EIDOS 和 EIDOS 标识图案、 Crystal Dynamics 和 Crystal Dynamics 标识图案均是属于 SCi 娱乐集团的商标。所有其他商标为其各自所有者所拥有。版权所有。""
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Toggle Option - Enter"
[CHSTR]="切换选项 - Enter"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Adjust Option ???"
[CHSTR]="调整选项 ???"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Aim & Binocs Invert X-Axis"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Aim & Binocs Invert Y-Axis"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Antialias disabled"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Antialias enabled"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Back - ESC"
[CHSTR]="返回 - ESC"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Back ???"
[CHSTR]="返回 - ESC"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Invert X-Axis"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Invert Y-Axis"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Cancel Changes"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="ESC - Back"
[CHSTR]="ESC - 返回"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Autosave is still enabled"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Select a saved game to load"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Select a saved game to overwrite."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Combat Mode Toggle"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Configure button mapping"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Configure gamepad"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Configure keyboard"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Configure mouse"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Alternative 1"
[CHSTR]="选项 1"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Alternative 2"
[CHSTR]="选项 2"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Alternative 3"
[CHSTR]="选项 3"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Control Configuration"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Continue - Enter"
[CHSTR]="继续 - Enter"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Continue Game"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Control options"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Please reconnect the controller and press START to continue."
[CHSTR]="请重新连接控制器并按 START 继续。"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Controller Diagram"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Create a New File"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Create a new save game"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Previous progress may be lost if you continue.  Press ??? to continue, or ??? to go back."
[CHSTR]="如果您继续的话,之前的进度有可能会丢失。按 ??? 继续,或按 ??? 返回。"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Unable to load player data. Press ??? to overwrite or ??? to cancel."
[CHSTR]="无法读取玩家资料。按 ??? 覆盖或按 ??? 取消。"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Unable to load save game."
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Depth of field"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="The image below shows a strip containing ten shades of gray with a black border. Adjust the Brightness control until you are barely able to see the second darkest box."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="If you have increased Brightness and find the display looks washed out, adjust Contrast to compensate. If both settings are at 100 and the second darkest gray box still appears black, please adjust the settings on your monitor for optimal viewing."
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Explorer - Easy"
[CHSTR]="探索者 - 简单"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Tomb Raider - Hard"
[CHSTR]="古墓丽影 - 困难"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Tomb Raider"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Adventurer - Medium"
[CHSTR]="冒险家 - 中等"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Time Trial"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="??? Difficulty Setting"
[CHSTR]="??? 难度设定"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="There's a problem with the disc you're using.  It may be dirty or damaged."
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Display Mode"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Return to Croft Manor"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Exit Game"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Exit Croft Manor"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="You finished the game. Congratulations!"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Fullscreen Anti-Aliasing"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Gamepad Axes"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Invert gamepad X-Axis"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Invert gamepad Y-Axis"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Game Finished"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Game Options"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Your Xbox doesn't have enough free blocks to save the game. You need %d free blocks to create a new save game. Press ??? to continue."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="View Outfit - Space"
[CHSTR]="浏览装束 - Space"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Please insert a Memory Card (for PlayStation??2) with at least %dKB free in MEMORY CARD slot 1."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Invert mouse off"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Invert mouse on"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="L Mouse"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Level Complete"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Load Game"
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Advanced Hold"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Advanced Hold Mode:  Hold the Guns In/Out button to bring Lara's guns out.  Fire at target closest to the center of your view to lock."
[CHSTR]="高级长按模式:按住 收/拔 枪键拔出劳拉的枪。射击距离视区中央最近的目标来锁定。"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Advanced Toggle"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Advanced Toggle Mode:  Don't need to hold Guns In/Out Button -- tap it to toggle guns in and out.  Fire at target closest to the center of your view to lock."
[CHSTR]="高级点按模式:无需按住 收/拔 枪键——只需点按它收/拔枪。射击距离视区中央最近的目标来锁定。""
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Standard - Mouse"
[CHSTR]="标准 - 鼠标"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Standard Mouse Mode:  Hold the Combat Lock Button to use the mouse to lock onto enemies."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Standard - Gamepad"
[CHSTR]="标准 - 游戏手柄"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Standard Gamepad Mode:  Hold the Combat Lock Button to lock onto the target Lara is facing most directly."
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Combat Mode"


[ENSTR]="The Spear of Destiny, sometimes known as the Holy Lance, Spear Luin, Lance of Longinus, or Spear of Longinus, is claimed  to be the spear that pierced the side of Jesus when he was on the cross. It is described in John 19:31-37 as being used by a Roman soldier. Later Christian tradition would give the soldier's name as Gaius Cassius, and he is later called Longinus. It should be noted that there is a historical figure named Gaius Cassius Longinus, one of the conspirators responsible for the death of Gaius Julius Caesar (died March 15, 44 BC). This should not necessarily be viewd as "too coincidental", since Roman names held little variety, especially among members of the same family."
[CHSTR]="命运之矛,有时也称为圣矛、卢恩之矛、隆吉虏斯长矛,或隆吉虏斯矛,传说这就是刺过被钉在十字架上的耶稣的长矛。据《约翰福音第十九章:31-37节》所述此矛为一名罗马士兵所使用。后期的基督教传统给这个士兵起名盖乌斯·卡斯乌斯,后来又被称作隆吉虏斯。应该注意的是,历史上确有一个名字叫作盖乌斯·卡斯乌斯·隆吉虏斯的人,一个应对盖乌斯·朱利乌斯·恺撒(卒于公元前44年3月15日)之死负责的同谋者。这不应该被必然地认为是"太巧合",因为罗马人的名字几乎很少有不同, 尤其是在同一个家庭的成员之中。"



[ENSTR]="Arc of the Covenant (TR1)"

[ENSTR]="The Scion (TR1)"



[CHSTR]="劳拉·克劳馥 - 古墓丽影:传说 ?? 2006 Core Design 有限公司。Crystal Dynamics 开发制作。由 Eidos 股份有限公司在北美发行。由 Eidos Interactive 有限公司在世界其他地区发行。劳拉·克劳馥 - 古墓丽影:LegendLara Croft、Tomb Raider 标识图案、EIDOSEIDOS 标识图案、 Crystal Dynamics 和 Crystal Dynamics 标识图案均是属于 SCi 娱乐集团的商标。所有其他商标为其各自所有者所拥有。版权所有""

那堆英文为什么不翻译呐?特别是 劳拉·克劳馥 - 古墓丽影:Legend......

All Rights Reserved-所有权利保留,不建议翻译成版权所有。

[ENSTR]="Back ???"
[CHSTR]="返回 - ESC"

[ENSTR]="Select a saved game to load"
// ----------------------------------
[ENSTR]="Select a saved game to overwrite."

[ENSTR]="Unable to load player data. Press ??? to overwrite or ??? to cancel."
[CHSTR]="无法读取玩家资料。按 ??? 覆盖或按 ??? 取消。"---》无法读取玩家数据

[CHSTR]="高级点按模式:无需按住 收/拔 枪键——只需点按它收/拔枪。射击距离视区中央最近的目标来锁定。""

[ENSTR]="Standard Gamepad Mode:  Hold the Combat Lock Button to lock onto the target Lara is facing most directly."