
作者 TombCrow, 2006 五月 07, 02:38:35

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关于Grand entrances 那段应该是个双关,英文中的Grand entrances 就是入口大厅的意思,然后劳拉解释为什么里面要叫它"Grand" entrances。impractical作为不切实际的意思,解释成中看不中用似乎不太符合原意。我的感觉是"因为入口大厅只是摆设,所以要造那么大",各位看看怎么润色。

[ENSTR]="LARA: The water's absolutely perfect.  I've missed Ghana."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 这水实在太美了。我一直就想念着加纳。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Alister should really have a look at this."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 阿利斯特真该来看看这些。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: He's still trying to figure out where these sword pieces"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 他还在研究神剑碎片的"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: originally came from.  Just you and me for now."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 来源问题。现在只有我陪着你。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Zip?  Are you there?  Alister?"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 泽普?你在吗?阿利斯特?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: All those satellites and computers just to perfect the science of"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 所有这些卫星和计算机只有和自己通讯时"

[ENSTR]="LARA: talking to oneself."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 才不会出差错。"

//[ENSTR]="LARA: Hello?  Are you chaps getting any of this?"
//[CNSTR]="LARA: 喂?你们听到了吗?"

//[ENSTR]="LARA: What the devil are they doing?"
//[CNSTR]="LARA: 他们到底在搞什么?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Zip?  Alister?  Do you read me?"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 泽普?阿利斯特?听到了吗?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: I don't like this at all."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 我根本不喜欢这样。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: No, but there's something else."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 不,不过有些其他情况。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: When I was going over the map,"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 在我研究地图的时候,"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Winston said your parents have been there -"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 温斯顿说你父母曾经到过那里——"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: your dad worked this site before you were born."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 在你出生之前你老爸就在那考察过。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: That's not so peculiar; it happens occasionally."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 那没什么好奇怪的,巧合罢了。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: No sign of Rutland so far."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 现在还没有拉特兰的信号。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Have we worked out what he's doing here?"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 搞清楚他在这儿做什么了吗?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: If all else fails, I can get into the postcard business."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 要是这次一无所获,至少我还能在这搞明信片生意。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Oh, now look at the little termites mucking it all up."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 啊,瞧这群忙碌的小白蚁。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: That won't do at all."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 最终只是白忙一场。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Looks like they didn't get in from this side.  Any ideas?"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 看起来他们并没有从这边进入。你觉得呢?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: We'll see.  I do my best thinking plunging off cliffs."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 再看吧。跃下悬崖的时候我思维更清晰。"

//[ENSTR]="ZIP: Oh, that's where we put the temple."
//[CNSTR]="ZIP: 噢,这地方居然有座神庙。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Grand entrances are always impractical."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 入口大厅总是被用来当作摆设。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: It's what makes them grand."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 所以才把它们造成『大』厅。"

[ENSTR]="RUTLAND: Lara!  You're a busy beaver, aren't you?"
[CNSTR]="RUTLAND: 劳拉!你就从来不知道放弃吗?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Oh look, it's Rutland."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 瞧啊,原来是拉特兰呀。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Fancy dropping down for a chat, then?"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 有没有雅兴下来聊一聊,嗯?"

[ENSTR]="RUTLAND: Only if you can shoot this far."
[CNSTR]="RUTLAND: 那得看你的射程够不够了。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: You know long-distance relationships inevitably come to an end."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 要知道异地恋总是以悲剧收场的。"

[ENSTR]="RUTLAND: I'd wish you luck with that, but, uh... you know..."
[CNSTR]="RUTLAND: 祝你好运,但是,呃......你知道......"

[ENSTR]="Get her!"

[ENSTR]="Cover me!"

[ENSTR]="I'm going in!"

[ENSTR]="Let's go!"

[ENSTR]="Close in!"

[ENSTR]="She's history!"


[ENSTR]="Go, go, go, go, go!"

[ENSTR]="Move in!"

[ENSTR]="Move, move, move!"

[ENSTR]="Flank her!"

[ENSTR]="Get around her!"

[ENSTR]="Edge in!"

[ENSTR]="Go around!"

[ENSTR]="Come around!"

[ENSTR]="Make her turn!"

[ENSTR]="Keep her spinning!"

[ENSTR]="Angle in!"

[ENSTR]="Draw her fire!"

[ENSTR]="We're taking fire!"

[ENSTR]="Take cover!"

[ENSTR]="I don't see anyone!"

[ENSTR]="What's going on?!"

[ENSTR]="Who the hell's out there?"

[ENSTR]="Who IS that?!"

[ENSTR]="Who's shooting?!"

[ENSTR]="We've got hostile fire!"

[ENSTR]="Find the shooter!"

[ENSTR]="You see that?"

[ENSTR]="You hear that?"

[ENSTR]="What was that?"

[ENSTR]="Thought I saw something"

[ENSTR]="I heard something"

[ENSTR]="Go -- check it out"

[ENSTR]="I hear somebody"

[ENSTR]="Anybody there?"

[ENSTR]="Somebody out there?"

[ENSTR]="Someone's here"

[ENSTR]="Find anything?"

[ENSTR]="See anything?"

[ENSTR]="She still here?"

[ENSTR]="She got away!"

[ENSTR]="Find her!"

[ENSTR]="Track her down!"

[ENSTR]="Look everywhere!"

[ENSTR]="She's here somewhere!"

[ENSTR]="She's still here!"

[ENSTR]="There she is!"

[ENSTR]="I see her!"

[ENSTR]="Found her!"

[ENSTR]="She's over there!"

[ENSTR]="Spotted her!"

[ENSTR]="You're goin' down!"

[ENSTR]="Here it comes!"

[ENSTR]="Say goodbye, darlin'!"

[ENSTR]="Time's up, baby!"

[ENSTR]="Now I'm pissed off!"

[ENSTR]="I am sick of you!"

[ENSTR]="Got something for you, baby!"

[ENSTR]="It's over now!"

[ENSTR]="You're dead meat!"

[ENSTR]="Fire in the hole!"

[ENSTR]="Frag out!"


[ENSTR]="Eat this!"


[ENSTR]="Pineapple coming!"

[ENSTR]="Tossin' a frag!"

[ENSTR]="Baseball coming!"

[ENSTR]="Get down!"

[ENSTR]="Get back!"

[ENSTR]="Watch out!"


[ENSTR]="Target in range!"

[ENSTR]="Close enough -- shoot her!"

[ENSTR]="Cut her down!"

[ENSTR]="Grease her!"

[ENSTR]="Kill her!"


[ENSTR]="Take the shot!"

[ENSTR]="Put her down!"

[ENSTR]="Open fire!"

[ENSTR]="Turn her around!"



[ENSTR]="Get her!"

[ENSTR]="Cover me!"

[ENSTR]="I'm going in!"

[ENSTR]="Let's go!"

[ENSTR]="Close in!"

[ENSTR]="She's history!"


[ENSTR]="Go, go, go, go, go!"

[ENSTR]="Move in!"

[ENSTR]="Move, move, move!"

[ENSTR]="Flank her!"

[ENSTR]="Get around her!"

[ENSTR]="Edge in!"

[ENSTR]="Go around!"

[ENSTR]="Make her turn!"

[ENSTR]="Keep her spinning!"

[ENSTR]="Angle in!"

[ENSTR]="Draw her fire!"

[ENSTR]="We're taking fire!"

[ENSTR]="Take cover!"

[ENSTR]="I don't see anyone!"

[ENSTR]="What's going on?!"

[ENSTR]="Who the hell's out there?"

[ENSTR]="Who IS that?!"

[ENSTR]="Who's shooting?!"

[ENSTR]="We've got hostile fire!"

[ENSTR]="Find the shooter!"

[ENSTR]="You see that?"

[ENSTR]="You hear that?"

[ENSTR]="What was that?"

[ENSTR]="Thought I saw something"

[ENSTR]="I heard something"

[ENSTR]="Go -- check it out"

[ENSTR]="I hear somebody"

[ENSTR]="Anybody there?"

[ENSTR]="Somebody out there?"

[ENSTR]="Someone's here"

[ENSTR]="Find anything?"

[ENSTR]="See anything?"

[ENSTR]="She still here?"

[ENSTR]="She got away!"

[ENSTR]="Find her!"

[ENSTR]="Track her down!"

[ENSTR]="Look everywhere!"

[ENSTR]="She's here somewhere!"

[ENSTR]="She's still here!"

[ENSTR]="There she is!"

[ENSTR]="I see her!"

[ENSTR]="Found her!"

[ENSTR]="She's over there!"

[ENSTR]="Spotted her!"

[ENSTR]="You're goin' down!"

[ENSTR]="Here it comes!"

[ENSTR]="Say goodbye, darlin'!"

[ENSTR]="Time's up, baby!"

[ENSTR]="Now I'm pissed off!"

[ENSTR]="I am sick of you!"

[ENSTR]="It's over now!"

[ENSTR]="You're dead meat!"

[ENSTR]="Fire in the hole!"

[ENSTR]="Frag her!"


[ENSTR]="Eat this!"

[ENSTR]="Live ordinance!"


[ENSTR]="So long!"

[ENSTR]="Tossin' a frag!"

[ENSTR]="Present for you, sweetheart!"

[ENSTR]="Get down!"

[ENSTR]="Get back!"

[ENSTR]="Watch out!"


[ENSTR]="Target in range!"

[ENSTR]="Close enough -- shoot her!"

[ENSTR]="Cut her down!"

[ENSTR]="Grease her!"

[ENSTR]="Kill her!"


[ENSTR]="Take the shot!"

[ENSTR]="Put her down!"

[ENSTR]="Open fire!"

[ENSTR]="Charge her!"

[ENSTR]="Waste her!"

[ENSTR]="Keep her busy!"


[ENSTR]="How many are out there?!"


[ENSTR]="Secure the area"

[ENSTR]="Heard somebody"

[ENSTR]="Who's out there?"

[ENSTR]="Lock and load"

[ENSTR]="Get her in the clear!"

[ENSTR]="Keep your eyes open!"

[ENSTR]="What do we have?"

[ENSTR]="Smoke her out!"

[ENSTR]="Look for a blood trail!"

[ENSTR]="We'll find you!"

[ENSTR]="Hunt her down!"

[ENSTR]="I know she's here!"

[ENSTR]="Flush her out!"

[ENSTR]="Come on out!"


[ENSTR]="Got her!"

[ENSTR]="Enough of this crap!"

[ENSTR]="Time to die!"

[ENSTR]="I'm gonna bury this dame!"

[ENSTR]="Hey toots, wanna party?!"

[ENSTR]="I'm gonna end you!"


[ENSTR]="Hit the deck!"

[ENSTR]="I've got a bead on her!"

[ENSTR]="Close enough!"

[ENSTR]="Shoot her!"

[ENSTR]="Shoot to kill!"

[ENSTR]="Open up!"

[ENSTR]="Lay down some fire!"

[ENSTR]="Don't give her any breathing room!"



[ENSTR]="Neutralize her!"

[ENSTR]="Move up!"

[ENSTR]="Suppressing fire!"

[ENSTR]="Get behind her!"

[ENSTR]="Keep her in the open!"

[ENSTR]="Get her surrounded!"

[ENSTR]="Hold your ground!"

[ENSTR]="Need some support over here!"

[ENSTR]="Shots fired!"

[ENSTR]="It's a woman!"

[ENSTR]="Hear that?"

[ENSTR]="What the hell?"

[ENSTR]="Stay alert"

[ENSTR]="Check it out"

[ENSTR]="Everybody check in"

[ENSTR]="Somethin's out there!"

[ENSTR]="We ain't alone!"


[ENSTR]="It's inevitable baby!"

[ENSTR]="Sniff her out!"

[ENSTR]="Don't make this harder than it's got ta be!"

[ENSTR]="Nowhere to hide!"

[ENSTR]="She's got to be here!"


[ENSTR]="I Found her!"

[ENSTR]="Right there!"

[ENSTR]="Let her have it!"

[ENSTR]="I'm going to bury you!"

[ENSTR]="Suck lead!"

[ENSTR]="Enough screwing around!"

[ENSTR]="I'm gonna chew you up and spit you out!"

[ENSTR]="Play time!"

[ENSTR]="Frag out!"


[ENSTR]="I'll splatter this broad!"


[ENSTR]="End her!"

[ENSTR]="Nail her!"

[ENSTR]="Keep it coming!"

[ENSTR]="Fire! Fire!"

[ENSTR]="Shut her down!"

[ENSTR]="Take her down now!"

[ENSTR]="Drive her back!"

[ENSTR]="Keep the pressure on!"

[ENSTR]="I'm going around!"

[ENSTR]="Hit her from the side!"

[ENSTR]="Tighten the noose!"

[ENSTR]="Keep her pinned!"

[ENSTR]="Go for the kill shot!"

[ENSTR]="Get your head down!"


[ENSTR]="We've got a situation!"

[ENSTR]="Keep your cool!"

[ENSTR]="It's just a girl?!"

[ENSTR]="Anyone see the muzzle flash?!"

[ENSTR]="Return fire!"

[ENSTR]="I've got something"

[ENSTR]="Was that you Karl?"

[ENSTR]="Quit screwing around, man"

[ENSTR]="I thought we secured this area"

[ENSTR]="I'm checking this out"

[ENSTR]="Report people, what's out there?"

[ENSTR]="Sweep and clear!"

[ENSTR]="Fan out!"

[ENSTR]="Lost contact!"

[ENSTR]="Don't lose her!"

[ENSTR]="Search the area!"

[ENSTR]="She's getting away!"

[ENSTR]="Don't let her slip away"



[ENSTR]="Keep her in your crosshairs!"

[ENSTR]="Get some!"

[ENSTR]="It's on!"

[ENSTR]="Game's over!"

[ENSTR]="Have a taste!"

[ENSTR]="I'll ice this check right now!"

[ENSTR]="You want some of this?!"

[ENSTR]="You like this?!"

[ENSTR]="Pop! Pop! Pop!!"

[ENSTR]="Heads up!"

[ENSTR]="Blast her!"

[ENSTR]="Frag on the way!"



[ENSTR]="Hell no!"

[ENSTR]="Awww hell to the naw!"

[ENSTR]="Make her bleed!"

[ENSTR]="Take her!"

[ENSTR]="Bury her!"

[ENSTR]="Pour it on!"

[ENSTR]="We got her!"

[ENSTR]="Come around!"

[ENSTR]="Got something for you, baby!"

[ENSTR]="Pineapple coming!"

[ENSTR]="Baseball coming!"

[ENSTR]="Close the gap!"

[ENSTR]="Earn your pay, people!"

[ENSTR]="Keep a tight pattern!"

[ENSTR]="Turn the screws on her!"

[ENSTR]="Get on her flank!"

[ENSTR]="Box her in!"

[ENSTR]="We need fire support!"

[ENSTR]="Don't give up ground!"

[ENSTR]="Screw this!"

[ENSTR]="Look for tracers!"

[ENSTR]="This area's hot!"

[ENSTR]="Hold your positions!"

[ENSTR]="What have we got?"

[ENSTR]="Work the parimeter"

[ENSTR]="Show yourself!"


[ENSTR]="Double-check your area"

[ENSTR]="Keep your ears open"

[ENSTR]="I've got something over here"

[ENSTR]="Probably nothing"


[ENSTR]="What ya got?"

[ENSTR]="No dice here."

[ENSTR]="She's hiding!"

[ENSTR]="Keep searching? Copy that."

[ENSTR]="I've got a visual on her!"

[ENSTR]="Look alive people!"

[ENSTR]="Let's go darlin!"

[ENSTR]="Let's dance!"

[ENSTR]="Better you than me!"

[ENSTR]="Easy money!"

[ENSTR]="You're in for a world of hurt!"

[ENSTR]="Gonna make you beg!"

[ENSTR]="You're way out of your league!"

[ENSTR]="I'm gonna break you"

[ENSTR]="End of the line!"

[ENSTR]="You got nothing!"



[ENSTR]="Kiss it goodbye darlin!"


[ENSTR]="In the air!"

[ENSTR]="Everybody down!"

[ENSTR]="Grab cover!"

[ENSTR]="Down! Down!"


[ENSTR]="Throw down your weapons!"

[ENSTR]="Take her down!"

[ENSTR]="Give it up!"

[ENSTR]="Fire at will!"

[ENSTR]="Got her in the clear!"


[ENSTR]="Pop her!"

[ENSTR]="Let 'er rip!"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: So what kind of ancient artifact you got there?"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 那你在那里得到了什么样的古玩呢"

[ENSTR]="LARA: The modern kind.  Rutland's men must have been using it to move"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 现代的东西。拉特兰的人一定已经在行动了。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: about."

[ENSTR]="LARA: I've seen this before. In my father's sketchbook..."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 我见过这东西。是父亲的写生簿......"

[ENSTR]="LARA: He has been here."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 他来过这里。"



[ENSTR]="ZIP: Darn, it wasn't Rutland."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 该死,那不是拉特兰。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: He's still about somewhere."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 他肯定还在别的什么地方。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Not very effective for a trap."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 这陷阱可真够烂的。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Not these days.  Something must
be jamming the works."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 不是时候,有东西

[ENSTR]="LARA: This water wheel appears to be jammed."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 看来这个水轮被卡住了。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: We might never know what it
does - that pillar looks too heavy"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 也许我们根本不知道它是用来

[ENSTR]="ZIP: to move."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 搬不动。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: There's more than one way to get a wheel spinning."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 让轮子转起来的方法有很多。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Waterwheel's got things running
again.  Congratulations, you got"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 水轮终于动起来了,恭喜你"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: your wish.  The place is a deathtrap."

[ENSTR]="LARA: It needed a woman's touch."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 它需要女人的抚摸。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: I'll have to get these traps moving to pass through."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 看来要过去的话,得把这些陷阱打开。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Only you would think of it that way.  I don't like it."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 大概只有你会这么想吧,我可不喜欢。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: You're not living if you don't live a little dangerously."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 毫无刺激的生活是多么的无趣啊。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Much better."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 这下好多了。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: You know, you scare me."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 你可是吓到我了。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: You may want to close your eyes, then."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 那就闭上你的眼睛吧。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: There's no avoiding these."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 看来这些是躲不开了。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: This isn't going to fly, Lara.
If one of those things even"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 这个机关看来不会停的,劳拉。
ZIP: 哪怕你只是"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: touches you..."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 碰到了一点......"

[ENSTR]="LARA: I know.  Which means I'll have to stop them somehow."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 我知道,所以我得想个办法让它停止。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: They don't build them like that anymore."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 这些机关再也没法还原了......"

[ENSTR]="LARA: I must install some of these in the gym."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 我也该装些这类玩意到健身房里。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Remind me later to cancel my membership."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 那待会得提醒我取消会员资格"

[ENSTR]="?.|   ?l"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Oh, I've missed Ghana!"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 我一直想念着加纳!"

[ENSTR]="ALISTER: Narrowly escaping death again,
I see."
[CNSTR]="ALISTER: 你又和死神擦肩而过了。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: There you are, Alister  You've found something about the"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 你来啦,阿利斯特,找到有关"

[ENSTR]="LARA: sword fragment, then?"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 神剑碎片的资料了吗?"

[ENSTR]="ALISTER: A few things, actually.
I extrapolated the markings on"
[CNSTR]="ALISTER: 有些眉目了。实际上,"

[ENSTR]="ALISTER: the artifact to get a sense of
what the entire pattern would look"
[CNSTR]="ALISTER: 我根据这个碎片试着推断了

[ENSTR]="ALISTER: like, and then I found what-"
[CNSTR]="ALISTER: 然后,我发现——"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Whoops.  We have a-"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 糟了,我们有——"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Alister?  Zip?"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 阿利斯特?泽普"

[ENSTR]="LARA: That's odd."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 奇怪。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: What is it?  You hear something?"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 那是什么,你听见什么了吗?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: I feel something."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 我感觉到什么了。"

//[ENSTR]="ZIP: Oh, Hell no!"
//[CNSTR]="ZIP: 该死,不!"



[ENSTR]="LARA: This channel runs directly down to the wheel."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 这个水渠直接往下流到水轮那里。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Can't have a wheel without a couple thousand gallons of water."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 没有好几千加仑的水是带不动水轮的。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: No.  It's simply not done."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 嗯,肯定不行的。"

[ENSTR]="ZIP: Looks good.  Think the wheel's turning yet?"
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 看来不坏。水轮应该在转了吧?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Let's have a look."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 我们来看一下。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Where are you?"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 你在哪?"

[ENSTR]="LARA: This shouldn't be here...  Oh..."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 这个不应该出现在这里......哦......"

[ENSTR]="LARA: "Dearest Amelia - Yours always - Richard."  It was Mother's."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 『亲爱的阿米莉亚——你永远的——理查德。』这是母亲的。"

[ENSTR]="LARA: Zip, can you hear me?"
[CNSTR]="LARA: 泽普,能听到我吗?"




[ENSTR]="LARA: He's still about somewhere."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 他肯定还在别的什么地方。"

所有 阿里斯特---------阿利斯特


[ENSTR]="ZIP: your dad worked this site before you were born."
[CNSTR]="ZIP: 在你还没出生时你老爸就在那考察过。"



[ENSTR]="LARA: They don't build them like that anymore."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 这些机关已经过时了......"

[ENSTR]="LARA: I must install some of these in the gym."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 我也该装些这类玩意到健身房里。"
如果是'过时'的,  LARA为什么还要在家里搞一套?  原文有'没有机会再建'的意思. 表达LARA在感慨这里沧海桑田了。


[ENSTR]="LARA: Not these days.  Something must
be jamming the works."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 看来不是时候,有东西堵住

[ENSTR]="LARA: This water wheel appears to be jammed."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 这个水轮看上去堵住了。"



[ENSTR]="LARA: "Dearest Amelia - Yours always - Richard."  It was Mother's."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 『亲爱的阿米莉亚——你永远的——理查德。』这是母亲的。"





[ENSTR]="LARA: "Dearest Amelia - Yours always - Richard."  It was Mother's."
[CNSTR]="LARA: 『最最亲爱的阿米莉亚——你永远的——理查德。』这是母亲的。"



