
作者 cocolara, 2004 十一月 07, 14:44:01

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引用下面引用由风水先生2005-09-02 10:19 发表的内容:别用爆破弩,用普通弩


引用下面引用由lara20062005-12-17 22:28 发表的内容: 这小红点嘛,聪明的劳拉可以不用普通弩,就可以让那扇门自动打开,哪位高手能来解一下这道题呢?



引用下面引用由rainbow2005-12-17 23:11 发表的内容:<P> </P><P>用左轮啊。</P>


引用下面引用由TombCrow2005-12-19 07:51 发表的内容:用头撞!!:D :D







看来要请真正的"福尔摩斯"来解此题了~~  :D :D

还是再提示二点吧;[1]  要解此题非得去实地考察一回,否则单凭想


                                   [2]  可运用"三国演义"中的"妙计",此题不解自破。



Lara Croft's Evolution

From the outset Toby Gard, the creator of Lara Croft, had a very strong concept of who he wanted Lara to be – his goal was to make a very different kind of games character. A very real looking woman who would be in contrast to all other female games characters to date. Women in games had been limited to damsels in distress or dominatrix style vixens whose sole purpose was to be a tease. Lara on the other hand was going to be taken very seriously.

To begin, Toby's goal was to make a psychopath this super amazing dangerous killer that was extremely dangerous and from whom people would want to run away but at the same time she would be awfully polite.

The original in game model was made of 400 polys, and this was defined by the PlayStation's limited ability to draw frames per second, a decent number of frames had to remain for the background and the enemies. With this limited ability to draw and create Lara her physical attributes would have to be really exaggerated in order to make it very clear in game that she was a woman.

There were simply not enough polys to define Lara's joints so the original model had no toes, nor fingers, not even a mouth or jaw.

She was always meant to have long hair as well (she did in cutscenes, the Lara model for these was of a higher resolution of 800 polys), but hair required physics simulation and the team did not have enough time to create a programme to handle this so in game, Lara had a small bun. Lara's long hair did not appear in game until Tomb Raider 2.

Lara also started out as a munitions expert, she was meant to have a rocket launcher on her back and carry grenades. Due to technical difficulties, the grenades never made it into the game but were a welcome addition to Tomb Raider: Legend. Lara's signature weapons were also meant to be dual uzis but as these were not available until the end of the game, the weapon that everyone came to associate Lara with was her dual pistols.

She is built from 7000 polys, the Lara in Tomb Raider: Anniversary, can express mixed emotions, has a realistic and vastly expanded movement set. Her body moves fluidly and naturally and her hair has movement.

She looks real.

She also interacts dynamically with the environment, her clothes show damage and dirt, her hair and outfit become wet when she swims, her breath steams in cold air.

The moves that she can perform are still based around the original set but she can string multiple moves together and her athletic abilities have increased.

She will use backflips and rolls to dodge enemy fire, use handstands to climb ledges, she can also climb vertical poles, swing around horizontal poles and will also jump upon and balance, like a perch, on the smallest isolated platforms. 

Lara also has more kit at her disposal. A gadget that was shown in one of the original Tomb Raider cutscenes, the grapple, has now become a reality in game. Introduced in Tomb Raider: Legend, Lara can use the grapple to swing across chasms and pull objects towards her. For the first time in Anniversary, she can also use the grapple to climb walls.


托比-加德(Toby Gard),劳拉-克劳馥(Lara Croft)的创造者,在最开始的时候,就已经对劳拉这个角色的定位有了清晰的概念——他的目标是创造一个与众不同的人物。一位能够与其他女性游戏角色形成鲜明对比的、拥有强烈真实感的女性。女性在游戏中总是被限制为一些不幸的闺中女儿或居心叵测的蛮横刁妇,她们的存在只是被用于供人取乐和奚落。而劳拉,则将成为一个严肃的人物。



游戏中最初的模型由 400 个多边形构成,这是由于 PlayStation 有限的图帧处理能力决定的。更多的构图需要留给背景和敌人。在这有限的多边形中,要展现劳拉的身体特征,必须使用非常夸张的手法来清楚地展示其女性身份。


她总是拥有一头长发(在过场动画中得到充分体现,并且劳拉的模型也更精细,由 800 个多边形组成)。

但是,but hair required physics simulation and the team did not have enough time to create a programme to handle this so in game, Lara had a small bun. Lara's long hair did not appear in game until Tomb Raider 2.

Lara also started out as a munitions expert, she was meant to have a rocket launcher on her back and carry grenades. Due to technical difficulties, the grenades never made it into the game but were a welcome addition to Tomb Raider: Legend. Lara's signature weapons were also meant to be dual uzis but as these were not available until the end of the game, the weapon that everyone came to associate Lara with was her dual pistols.

She is built from 7000 polys, the Lara in Tomb Raider: Anniversary, can express mixed emotions, has a realistic and vastly expanded movement set. Her body moves fluidly and naturally and her hair has movement.

She looks real.

She also interacts dynamically with the environment, her clothes show damage and dirt, her hair and outfit become wet when she swims, her breath steams in cold air.

The moves that she can perform are still based around the original set but she can string multiple moves together and her athletic abilities have increased.

She will use backflips and rolls to dodge enemy fire, use handstands to climb ledges, she can also climb vertical poles, swing around horizontal poles and will also jump upon and balance, like a perch, on the smallest isolated platforms. 

Lara also has more kit at her disposal. A gadget that was shown in one of the original Tomb Raider cutscenes, the grapple, has now become a reality in game. Introduced in Tomb Raider: Legend, Lara can use the grapple to swing across chasms and pull objects towards her. For the first time in Anniversary, she can also use the grapple to climb walls.


引用自: TombCrow 于 2007 二月 17, 22:31:57
damsels in distress就是"落难女子"(idm)(a woman who needs help)啊~~你是成心这么译的吗?
编辑:另外,tease做名词是嘲弄别人的人,也就是the person who plays trick for fun. :tongue3:

PS:论坛变得好慢~ :icon_scratch:


引用自: ilovelctr 于 2007 二月 17, 22:38:53
damsels in distress就是"落难女子"(idm)(a woman who needs help)啊~~你是成心这么译的吗?
机器翻译+乌鸦润色,效果不错吧 :laughing11: :laughing11: :laughing11: :laughing11: