Tomb Raider: Legend - First Look

作者 TombCrow, 2005 六月 12, 11:26:04

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Tomb Raider: Legend

By: Chris Leyton

Tomb Raider: Legend - First Look

Legendary Lara travels back to the future for the Tomb Raider franchise and Eidos...

The prominent rise and dramatic fall from grace of Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider franchise is one of the most noted in the videogame industry; for years Lara and her obvious charms entranced gamers who sucked up everything they could, and then things began to go a little wrong. The heavily delayed debut of Lara Croft on the then next-generation technology of Playstation2 was hugely hyped and promised much, starring a darker, edgier heroine and the introduction of Stealth/RPG aspects – surely it couldn't go wrong, but how wide of the mark they were.

The result as everybody knows was an absolute disaster, adamantly refusing to evolve important elements such as the fluidity of control and camera-work, Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness subsequently almost killed Lara off and ensured that the franchise' original creators, Core Design, were hastily removed from the franchise they created and assigned the task of creating PSP titles.

We say "almost", as Eidos took the late decision to put the franchise under the capable hands of Core Dynamics; the best news however for Tomb Raider fans is that the series creator and the man responsible for bringing Lara Croft to life, Toby Gard, has been reacquainted with his creation having left Core after Tomb Raider 1 to begin work on the equally notorious Galleon.

E3'05 provided the first chance for us to see what Crystal Dynamics have been up to with the debut of Tomb Raider: Legend, and mercifully a combination of entirely new technology and design looks to put Lara back to where she belongs – or more importantly out of the cities and into the tombs!

One of the most startling changes regards Lara herself, who courtesy of Gard has undergone a significant make-over, resulting in a more natural style that is in no-way less enticing for all the pre-pubescent males out there and those like me who refuse to grow up. There's less doom and gloom surrounding Lara these days it seems, and the changeover certainly seems to have given her a new lease of life.

Thankfully the team at Crystal Dynamics have started from scratch, completely removing the grid-based movement system that signified previous Tomb Raider titles and implementing an advanced camera system that rarely frustrates. The result looks to be a fluid blend between character control and camera movement, something that the franchise has desperately needed for many, many years and more importantly no more "one step forwards and two steps back" before every jump.

Within the game Lara has access to a variety of gadgets and gizmos designed to help her progress, but rather then store these away in a clunky interface system, you can simply see what you've got by looking at Lara's model as everything is visually stored on her. The demonstration introduced a Blue-Tooth headset which allows Lara to keep in touch with a tech-team presumably back in England headed by Lara's trusted Butler. Lara's most useful new toy has to be the Magnetic Grappling Hook however, which allows her to pull items towards her, interact with objects and also to traverse the environment in ways never before possible; examples of the grappling hook in action included pulling a raft towards herself across a ravenous white-water section and swinging across a chasm in traditional Tomb Raider style. Other bits and bobs accessible to Lara include a Personal Light Detector attached to her chest that automatically switches on when natural light is limited, along with binoculars to scout a particular area, a variety of grenades and the return of flares!

The integration of real-time physics appears to be a significant drive behind the title as the game's various environmental puzzles are largely integrated within this, while the technology also allows for destructible environments to some degree. The result appears to emphasise the action and helps to create a more believable game world, which in turn leads to some interesting scenarios within the game.

Although the game breakdown takes an even split between combat/action, exploration/platform and puzzles, each element appears to have been significantly overhauled to the point of becoming something of a rebirth for the franchise. Combat in particularly looks to jump way beyond what was offered in previous titles, placing the emphasis back on Lara's gun-slinging skills. Although she could probably kick your arse with a blindfold on, Crystal Dynamics have created a system whereby you use melee attacks to create a split-second opening in which to pull back the triggers – swing onto a ledge, into a roll to kick-flip an opponent into the air and then let the double uzi's do the talking, or perhaps a slide tackle against an unsuspecting adversary to gain a similar advantage. Combine the stylish moves with a targeting system that actually works and takes in a variety of context-sensitive actions, and you finally have a Tomb Raider game that has evolved to present day expectations and possibly beyond.

Taking note of previous criticisms, Crystal Dynamics have taken the camera system straight back to the drawing board and come up with a method that whilst not revolutionary should certainly ease the frustrations associated with the franchise. The game stays close to the traditional third-person methodology but presents "sensible" cinematic views when needed; during the 30 minute demonstration we witnessed a variety of occasions when this became apparent and was surprised that the camera didn't get lodged at a weird angle or become fixated on Lara on a single occasion. Thankfully you can still take manual control of the camera, however it's looking unlikely that you'll need to resort to this during the game as it makes vast leaps in terms of fluidity and response.

The main target for the team was completely eradicating the "trial-and-error" nature of the series in order to save her from the "stupid-death syndrome"; through the vast improvements made to the camera/control system, most notably in the removal of the grid-based system, Tomb Raider: Legend finally looks likely to be the Tomb Raider game we've wanted.

As stated during the opening paragraphs the game firmly puts Lara back to where she belongs, gamers can expect to explore tombs from all across the globe taking in exotic locations such as West Africa, Himalayas, South America, Russia and Tokyo in an experience that is likely to weigh in between 10-12 hours to complete. The team has worked hard on a save system stemming from previous criticisms, placing regular checkpoints that should hopefully eradicate past frustrations of struggling through a level and having to restart from the beginning all over again simply because you inched too far back and the camera was pointing the wrong way!

Perhaps the only doubt regarding the title came in regards to the crucial voice acting, an element that the team are meticulously scouring the earth for in order to find the "perfect voice" for Lara Croft. Those awaiting confirmation of the rumoured Xbox360 version will also have to wait, as no suggestion was alluded to at E3.

While we had little doubt that Crystal Dynamics would improve upon the atrocity that was Angel of Darkness, we were doubtful that it would be a significant leap and of the opinion that Lara's appeal amongst the masses may have past.

Having finally seen Tomb Raider: Legend in action however we're happy to say that Lara is well and truly back on the map, not only making up for her previous adventure but also making significant evolutions across every fundamental aspect of the game – this is the Tomb Raider that we've been waiting eight long years for...









第一句就没有按照字面意思来。【动作】 yew 两手一摊无奈地耸耸肩。

这个人把"franchise "用得太频繁了,好俗气!
作者: 克利斯·莱顿



劳拉·克劳馥特和古墓丽影系列大起大落的经历是视频游戏工业史上最值得大书特书的一个;数年来劳拉和她显而易见的魅力吸引着那些痴狂的游戏玩家 ,然后情况开始有点不顺。先是劳拉·克劳馥特数次的跳票然后是PS2次世代技术天花乱坠的宣传以及信誓旦旦的保证,加上一个更深肤色的,更急躁的女英雄还有"秘密行动/角色扮演"模式的引入——制作方认为稳操胜券不可能有什么闪失,但是这次他们错的离谱。

其结果为众人公认是十足的灾难,顽固地拒绝改进那些很重要的元素诸如流畅的控制以及镜头的动作,《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》几乎葬送了劳拉,正统的设计团队Core Design,也被仓促地剥夺了开发权并授命开发PSP平台游戏。



最让人大吃一惊的莫过于来自劳拉自身,感谢伽德出色的人设,造就了一种更加自然的风格诱惑着在座的所有未成年男生和那些像我一样拒绝长大的人。 劳拉身上少了一些晦气和阴暗,这些变化确实给予她一个焕然一新的生命。

感谢晶体动力的开发组的另起炉灶,彻底抛弃了古墓丽影旧作中颇为重要的"格子"系统并辅以一个先进的极少出错的镜头系统。其结果看起来做到了角色控制和镜头动作流畅的融和,这些特性已经强烈期盼了很多很多年而且更重要的是做大跳跃之前不再"向前一步然后后退两步"了 。

在游戏中劳拉可以使用各种新鲜玩艺来助她一臂之力,设计者宁可将这些装备存放在别的地方也不愿存放在笨拙的界面栏里,你能够轻易地了解你取得的装备,只需看看劳拉身上有什么就够了。 演示动画介绍了蓝牙耳机使得劳拉能够保持与大概位于英格兰,由劳拉的亲信巴特勒所主持的智囊团的联系。 劳拉最有用的新玩具算是磁性抓钩了,藉此她可以到达以前无法到达的地方; 例如用抓钩拖来一艘橡皮筏来渡过一个诡异的白色水区,还可以用来以传统的古墓丽影风格荡过一个深坑。其它密秘武器还包括劳拉胸前挂着的个人测光电筒,会在自然光线不足的时候会自动打开,还有望远镜,各式榴弹以及再次回归的火炬!

实时动画似乎是故事背后的关键要素,因为游戏的各种环境迷题在很大程度上与此惜惜相关,开发人员也一定程度上考虑了可加以破坏的环境元素。 其结果看来似乎是强调交互性以促成一个更加可信的游戏世界,并依次引发游戏中的有趣剧情。

尽管游戏对格斗/互动,探险/剧情和迷题方面作了恰当的分离,出于复兴的目的,每种要素看起来都明显经过彻底的推敲。体术特别是跳跃的方式超越了所有前作,突出了劳拉的枪技。 尽管她戴着眼罩也能踢中你的屁股,晶体动力还是设计了一个当你混战时使用的攻击系统来制造一个瞬间的空当来扣动扳机——荡到岩壁上,就地一滚将敌人踢到空中后再让双乌兹来善后,或者是用闪的方式应付一个未察觉到的敌人以取得相同的优势。 时髦的动作和瞄准系统配合良好加上各式灵敏的承前启后的交互响应,你最终拥有的是一个革新后的超越前作的古墓丽影。

由于注意到以前的恶评,晶体动力重新设计了镜头系统 并提出一个勿需革新的同时确实能减少失误的方案。游戏保持传统的第三人称视角,但是在需要的时候也会呈现"可辨别的"电影视角;在30分钟的演示画面中我们目睹了系统在各种情况下的表现并惊讶于镜头并没有出现奇怪的角度或是在某种情况下出现固定在劳拉身上不动的错误 。幸运的是你还能够手动控制镜头,然而在游戏过程中你似乎并不需要使用此功能,因为这会极大地影响游戏的流畅性和控制响应。

开发组的主要目标是完全地根除"错误"以期避免出现"低级死亡综合症"; 通过对"镜头/控制系统"的大量改进,主要是弃用"格子"系统,《古墓丽影:传说》最终很像是我们所期待的古墓丽影。


也许唯一的疑问就在于那关键的配音,开发组正小心谨慎的寻觅劳拉·克劳馥特的"完美嗓音"。 这些等待证实了传闻的Xbox360平台版也将不得不等待的事实,因为E3展上没有关于此的任何消息发布。












