
作者 Artifact5静态, 2007 二月 24, 19:33:07

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Richard Morton,designer of the South Pacific levels, pointed out that the name "Puna" was taken from the name of a god who commanded an army of lizard men.







据说这是三代的一个original  script  by  Vicky Arnold

Millions of years later. The distinctive mountain chain is the backdrop for a new drama. The island continent is not a lush tropical island, but now covered with snow. There are no indications of the previous climate of this land as snow continues to fall, and the frozen landscape is white; punctuated only by the temporary structures of a research team's campsite.

A worker, dressed for the icy conditions, stabs his shovel into the snow, after finishing clearing it from the treads of a large red bulldozer. Connected by a drive belt to a gasoline engine on the back of the bulldozer is a drilling rig. A second worker is inside the cab of the bulldozer operating the drill, while the first worker comes around from the front to oversee the drilling. The drill is noisily spewing up ice, as a third man, Doctor Willard, is attempting to speak into a radio over the noise of the engine and drill.

Doctor Willard's Scottish accent grows thicker as he shouts into the radio, "I've been yellin' myself hoarse into this radio everyday. It's just the weather dumps on us frequently here." He attempts to block out the noise of the drilling with his free hand and steps into a shelter. "An' maybe my transmission doesn't get through. I don't know," he gripes.

A voice with an American accent harps back through the radio's heavy static, "I can't understand one word of what you say, Willard."

Willard sighs with annoyed resignation. Loudly and snidely, he carefully pronounced, "It's all going swell, sir!" Just then, a loud boom can be heard coming from outside. Willard cuts off his transmission.

Outside the worker is gesticulating wildly to the drill operator and yelling, "Get the bit up! Get it out!" The drill right is producing a screech from the slipping drive belt caused by the drill bit meeting resistance. The once smoothly spinning drive belt is now pulled taut. In the cabin of the bulldozer, the other worker has started to panic and attempts to raise and then lower the bit. Willard exits his shelter crossing and waving his hands in front of himself to signal that the driver should pull the bit up.

Finally, with the drill still engaged, the bit hits rock and a loud thump is heard. The operator is completely flustered and gasps as the drill, which was now throwing up rocks along with the ice, produces a thump with great finality. Willard, stepping out of the shelter, is growing frantic and yells, "Turn it off! Off!" The motor continues to rumble and drive the belt. Finally, at the top of his voice, Willard screams, "Hey! Switch... it... off!" But his screams go unnoticed. The motor is producing black smoke and as the worker outside is watching the gradually slowing drill bit, the drive belt snaps and shoots past. Narrowly missing the worker's head. Willard, exasperated shouts, "Dah!"

The two workers have pulled the mangled drill bit up and one of them drops some sort of sensor device into the hole. The second worker examines the readout of the sensor on a hand held computer. Willard gestures to the worker. The worker looks up and shakes his head.

Just then a snowmobile races up and pulls a sharp one hundred and eighty degree turn in front of the dig site. Willard looks over to the driver, and the driver tells him with a southern drawl, "Think you better come and check out site two."

Willard mounts the snowmobile behind the driver, and the worker looks back at his computer, and a red indicator lights up, indicating solid rock. The worker turns and asks Willard, "What about this?"

Willard turns back and says, "Blow through it!" The snowmobile races off.

Willard asks the driver, "Found more meteorite?"

"Hah! No, somethin' a little more younger than that," the driver replies. The snowmobile pulls up to the second site. Willard turns to look at a bank of snow. Peeking out of the ridge of snow is a statue much like the ones that can be found on Easter Island.

Willard gasps as an awful realization dawns on him, "No!" He quickly lifts his radio to his head and calls into it, "Billy, I don't want you to set that explosive. Do ye hear me?"

Back at the other site, Willard's calls are unheard, as the other radio lies in the snow several meters from the workers. Willard repeats his words, "I do... not.. want ye to set that explosive!" Still, his cries are unheard as Billy hits the detonator and an explosion pops show and rocks into the air. Willard and the driver drop for cover behind the snowmobile as debris is hurtled toward them. They sit back up and shake the snow off of their jackets as Willard curses, "Wretched pyros!"

The explosion shakes the ground and causes snow and ice to settle all around. It reveals several more of those statues, all set in a semi-circle, facing out to sea. Willard and the driver return to the first site and Willard climbs down to examine the crater created by the explosive charge. He finds two pieces of lumber nailed together in the shape of a cross. Willard finds, scrawled into the wooden cross:

Paul Caulfield
1812 - 1834
R. I. P.
HMS Beagle

Willard frowns and scratches his head. He mutters aloud, "This place's had a busy history."











PS 我要先想想怎么把你挖出的那些关于Tony的线索写到百科里。


其实可以到百度贴吧里去打"广告",向所有人征询意见,可是我觉得国外的论坛效果要好点...... :dontknow:




"baidu不行,帖吧里人的水平......" :laughing11:
嘿嘿!懂你意思。我也早有预料的。不过我在百度贴吧里测试了一下,结果...... :laughing11: :laughing11: :laughing11: :laughing11:






他或她的意思好像在说:怎样解释起来简单就怎样解释。 :blob8:

这种关于三代的"简单"思想恐怕很早就有了,但也不能怪玩家,因为做三代的太匆了,喜欢隐藏线索。而三代的硬盘版广为人玩,可它是没声音的。所以中国玩家几乎不知道三代的情节和典故,只顾通关......在加上以前没人把三代的对话贴出来过(事实上我同学贴出来后几乎没人看),而媒体更是把一代的神秘亚特兰蒂斯宣传甚广(我只用别人的电脑玩过最后一关 :dontknow:),就造成了玩家对三代的印象如此"简单"。

其实三代的情节不但神秘好看,而且处处悬疑(个人观点 :sleepy5:),整个一"恐怖片"(开场动画正文开始那个陨石从右到左的音效之吓人)





