Karima Adebibe: the latest Lara Croft

作者 TombCrow, 2006 八月 30, 17:58:56

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Karima Adebibe:the latest Lara Croft

Being an adventuring, all-action, super woman is a full-time job, as Karima Adebibe will testify. Taking on the persona of Lara Croft for the latest computer game in the series, Tomb Raider: Legend, has been almost as challenging as if she were slaying enemies and dodging boulders herself!
正如Karima Adebibe所要证明(给大家看)的,做一名爱好冒险、动作达人的女超人是一份全职工作。作为《古墓丽影》系列最新一代《传说》的劳拉形象代言人,(对于Karima来说)是具有挑战性的,这几乎就好像是她自己上阵杀敌、躲避圆形的大石球一样!

Adebibe's training for the role has involved flying helicopters, world archaeology, elocution lessons and even firing semi-automatic weapons. "It has been an amazing experience. I'd come to the end of a day of doing SAS combat training and be really exhausted - physically and mentally - but then get all excited again when I was told I'd be learning how to fire a gun the next day. I just had to dose myself up on vitamin C to keep going!"

Even getting the job was a bit of a slog. "I'd just got back from holiday in Morocco and it was a bit of a down time for me, as every model has from time to time, with not many jobs coming in. I was seriously considering quitting to be honest. Then I saw the call for the Lara Croft audition and decided to go along. It was a one-and-a-half month process, which is really long for a casting, but then at the end they told me I had got it and I couldn't believe it. I was exhausted after all that but it was worth it!"
即使干这活儿也需要一点吃苦耐劳的精神。"我过完摩洛哥的假期回来,那是我的一段待机时间,手头没有太多工作的时候,每个模特儿都时不时地有一点这样的时间。实话告诉你,当时我认真地考虑过退出这一行。可后来我听说了Lara Croft招募形象代言人的试镜,我便决心前去一试。一个半月的进程,对于选秀活动来说实在够漫长的,但当他们最终告诉我我获胜了时,我简直不敢相信。经历了这一切之后,我真是透支了,不过我觉得这都是值得的!"

Before Adebibe slipped into her new uniform and began her rather unique education, she studied at an international school in London, having come to live in the UK from Morocco (she is half Moroccan, quarter Irish and quarter Greek). Then, at the age of 17, she went to the London School of Printing to do a foundation course in fashion theory. "I was always more creative than I was academic. I've been offered modelling jobs since the age of about 12 but my mum would never let me do them because obviously I was too young. Then while I was doing the foundation I was offered more and ended up doing a big campaign for Coca-Cola. I expected the modelling to just be something to do at the weekend but then I was doing so many jobs, covers for girls' magazines and that sort of thing, that I decided to stop doing the fashion course and concentrate on modelling instead."


先暂时翻到这儿吧~~ :cat:
问个问题:London School of Printing,这个怎么翻?印刷学院? :icon_scratch:
貌似应该和服装有关~~印花? :tongue3:


Obviously being able to earn some extra cash was attractive to Adebibe, but there was more to it than that. "Even after doing just a few shoots I felt like I was learning so much more about the fashion industry than I was when the tutors were trying to explain things to us in college - it was then that I decided I would start doing it full-time."

The modelling fired one of Adebibe's other passions too. One of her favourite models is the Danish superstar Helena Christensen, and like her she would one day like to try and forge a successful career from behind the camera, as opposed to in front of it. "Photography first started to interest me when I was doing fashion theory and again felt like I wanted to do something more than just sitting in a classroom. I was just taking pictures with my little cameras but then I started collecting them too and I'd be developing them and thinking, 'how does this work?'
模特行也燃起了Karima对于另一方面的热衷。丹麦超级巨星Helena Christensen是她最爱的模特之一,与露面于相机之前恰恰相反,她希望终有一天能像Helena一样,尝试并努力干出一番成功的幕后事业。"当我还在从事于时尚学时,摄影便首先勾起了我的兴趣,再一次,我想要做一些除了坐在教室里头之外的事。(一开始,)我只是用我小相机拍下照片,但后来我开始收集它们并将它们给冲印出来,然后思考,'这是怎么做到的?'"

"During shoots I'd also find myself thinking how I would do things differently, and I do like the idea of doing a photography course one day."

However, much like Miss Croft, Miss Adebibe has a lot of strings to her bow. "I definitely like the idea of going to LA and doing an acting course while working as a waitress, doing all that thing. I've also just been asked to take part in a campaign against climate change which I'm really excited about, so I've been reading up on that to learn as much as I can. People ask me what I want to do but there are just so many things!"

In the meantime Adebibe has also been signed up to promote Eidos's special 10th anniversary Tomb Raider game for the Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), so she'll need to concentrate on her shooting skills and rescuing hapless victims for a while yet. Then she can get back to shooting film, or saving the environment, or the fashion industry...
同时,Karima还签下了合约为Eidos的Sony PSP平台上的《古墓丽影十周年特别纪念版》游戏促进销量,所以短时期内她仍旧得把注意力集中在她的射击技巧上、拯救无助的受害者。然后她就可以参演枪战片、保护环境或者从事时尚行业......


好了~~ :cat:
所以.........我又有问题了~~ :tongue3:
'how does this work?'(Line 4, Para 2)
她在说什么啊? :icon_scratch:
貌似不通。 :dontknow:


多谢小 i 咯~ :blob8:

'how does this work?' 它(相机啥的)是怎么工作的? :icon_scratch:
London School of Printing-不知道诶~~ :dontknow:


不用谢~~ :cat:
引用自: TombCrow 于 2006 九月 10, 16:20:01
'how does this work?' 它(相机啥的)是怎么工作的? :icon_scratch:
可是她说了一堆话之后,竟然提了这么个问题?!?! :dontknow:
晕死~~ :sign18:
她不会问造相机的人吗? :icon_scratch:
引用自: TombCrow 于 2006 九月 10, 16:20:01
London School of Printing-不知道诶~~ :dontknow:
那咋办? :dontknow:
这是专有名词,不可乱翻的莱~~~ :sad7:
