[资料帖]如何更改黑暗天使人物 [作者:TombCrow]

作者 波坦, 2006 四月 04, 18:03:02

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如何更改黑暗天使人物? :glasses2:

1. 下载CHR文件:http://geri.cc.fer.hr/~tanarri/files/chr.zip (4.36M的压缩包)

   这个文件是http://www.tombraiderhub.com/ 制作的,包括Boaz, Karel, Nephilim Karel, Eckhardt, Bouchard, Carvier, Gundersen, Muller,不死武士。还有一份使用说明(当然是英语的)

2. 下载后,选定你要用哪个角色(A)去替换哪个角色(B)将B角色的文件解压到AOD的Data\Char目录,把这个文件改名为A,进入游戏后,所有B出现的地方都将由A取代。





如何自己制作角色? (某网友翻译的原制作者的操作方法)
引用Due to a big number of requests for CHR files (my connection's too slow to send them to everyone), I uploaded them to my server.

The zip file currently contains: Boaz, Karel, Nephilim Karel, Eckhardt, Bouchard, Carvier, Gundersen, Muller, undead knight and zombie, as well as instructions on how to use CHR files. If you'd like any more characters added, PM me and I'll add them, then post URLs here.

Also, if you want to know how or your connection is slow, here's how to do this yourself:

Step 1: download this.
The package contains the texture ripping program, as well as the useful UnCLZ converter.

Step 2: move UnCLZ.exe and the two .dll files to your levels folder (usually C:\Program Files\Eidos Interactive\TRAOD\Data\maps). Notice the folder's full of files with names like prague1.gmx.clz. These are archives that need to be unpacked with the UnCLZ tool before they can be opened with the texture editor.

Step 3: run command prompt (Start->Run->cmd), go to the levels folder and type "unclz level_name", for an example "unclz prague1.gmx.clz". This extracts the level files from the .clz file. The new file's called prague1.gmx and can be opened with the texture editor

Step 4: run the texture editor and open the desired level (the .gmx file). Now chose a CHR file, check the textures to see if it's the one you want, and click "Save to CHR". Save the CHR file to the characters folder (Data\char in the TRAOD folder). You must have the patches installed to have this folder.

Step 5: Change the name of the wanted character's CHR file to the name of the character you want to replace it with. For an example, to replace Kurtis with Boaz, rename the file Boaz.chr to KURTIS.CHR. This replaces Kurtis with Boaz in all levels/cutscenes. Acceptable file names are usually the same as characters' names in the game, only in all caps (KURTIS, BOAZ, JANICE etc). Exceptions are Eckhardt (ECK.CHR) and Gunderson (GUNDERSO.CHR).Have fun  Information is also available on tombraiderhub.com

压缩文件包括:Boaz, Karel, Nephilim Karel, Eckhardt, Bouchard, Carvier, Gundersen, Muller, undead knight and zombie,另附使用指南.如果你想要更多,短信通知我,我会将其加入并在此公布URL.

1. 第一步,下载这个程序AOD Texture Editor : http://www.trsearch.org/Tools.php?action=gettool&tool=9

2.第二步:将UnCLZ.exe和两个.dll文件移至你的关卡文件夹(通常是C:\Program Files\Eidos Interactive\TRAOD\Data\maps).这个文件夹里充满了象prague1.gmx.clz这样的文件.它们需要用UnCLZ tool工具解包,否则不能用贴图编辑器打开.

3.第三步:执行CMD命令(Start->Run->cmd),找到关卡文件夹,键入"UNCLZ 关卡名",比如:"unclz prague1.gmx.clz". 将关卡文件提取出来.新文件名为prague1.gmx ,它可以用贴图编辑器打开.

4.第四步:运行贴图编辑器,打开欲编辑的文件(后缀名为.gmx的文件).现在选择一个CHR文件,检查一下是否为你所想要的,然后点击"Save to CHR", 将CHR文件保存到人物文件夹(TRAOD文件夹里的Data\char ).必须装了补丁后才有这个文件夹.

5.第五步:将目标人物的CHR文件更名为你想置换的人物名.比如要将Boaz更名为Kurtis,那么就将Boaz.chr 更名为KURTIS.CHR.这样一来,所有关卡和切换动画中的Boaz都将被Kurtis取代.生效的名字为所有游戏中的人名,而且必须全为大写.Eckhardt (ECK.CHR) 和 Gunderson (GUNDERSO.CHR)例外.

tombraiderhub.com 也可获得信息.




