FAT,yew 来帮个忙啊~

作者 TombCrow, 2006 六月 21, 22:24:53

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这些航空器(粗体)的中文都是什么啊 :crybaby2:

J = Pure Jet
Definition: Aircraft powered by the thrust of a jet engine. The engine takes in air at the front, compresses it and feeds it into the combustion chamber into which fuel is injected. The hot gases are forced out of the back of the engine and provide thrust, which pushes the aircraft through the air.

P = Propeller

Definition: Aircraft powered by piston engines turning propellers, which bite into the air thereby pulling the aircraft forward.

T = Prop Jet

Definition: Aircraft powered by gas turbine engines turning propellers.

A = Amphibian/ Seaplane.

Definition: landing gear is water skis rather than wheels to allow craft to be able to land on water

Fat Albert

J = Pure Jet  喷气式
T = Prop Jet 涡轮螺旋桨 简称涡桨
P = Propeller 螺旋桨 一般使用活塞发动机

J T 可以归为一类都属于燃气涡轮发动机。
T P 外观上都使用螺旋桨,但螺旋桨的动力来源不同

A = Amphibian/ Seaplane 两栖飞机/水上飞机 实际是两种:可以在水上和陆上起飞降落的/只能在水上起降的 
这家伙就是两栖的,仔细看脚后跟上还有船舵涅! :laughing11: :laughing11:

